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Combination Facet Applications#

In Miva Version 10.10.00 Combination Facet Applications were introduced. The feature includes customer level tracking of previously used combination facet selections.

Miva Admin: Applications Tabs#

For each enabled Combination Facet, a tab on the Customer batch edit screen titled “FACET_NAME Applications” is created. This tab will contain a batch list that displays all of the combination facet selection records across all customers.

Another tab on the Edit Customer screen titled “FACET_NAME Applications” is also created. This tab contains a batch list which displays any Combination Facet selected that have been recorded for that customer.

Application Management AJAX Functions#


This function will return an array of applications for the current customer, sorted by descending lastused.


const Application_Load = function (fitmentData) {
AJAX_Call_Module(Application_Load, 'runtime', 'combofacets', 'Runtime_CombinationFacetCustomerApplicationList_Load');

Example Response#

    success: 1,
            "id":     5,
            "name":   "COMBINATION_FACET_NAME",
            "fields": [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ],
            "lastused": 1235232,
            "id":     9,
            "name":   "a c b",
            "fields": [ 'a', 'c', 'b' ]
            "lastused": 1235232,


This function is used to insert a new Combination Facet Customer Application. Requires that the current basket contain a logged-in customer record.

Request Parameters#

Parameter Type Description
Application_Name String Combination Facet Code
Combination Facet ID
Combination Facet Code
CombinationFacetValues String Comma separated list of combination facet values


const Application_Insert = function (fitmentData) {
AJAX_Call_Module(Application_Insert, 'runtime', 'combofacets', 'Runtime_CombinationFacetCustomerApplication_Insert', 'Application_Name=APPLICATION_NAME' + '&' + 'CombinationFacet_Code=COMBINATION_FACET_CODE' + '&' + 'CombinationFacetValues=COMBINATION_FACET_VALUES');


This function will update an existing Combination Facet Customer Application, completely replacing its Combination Facet Customer Application Fields records.

The function will Require that the current basket contain a logged-in customer record, and that the provided Application_ID be owned by the same customer. This function does not allow the associated Combination Facet code to be changed for the application, and should assume that the update applies to the already associated Combination Facet code.

Request Parameters#

Parameter Type Description
Application_ID Number Combination Facet Application ID
Application_Name String Optional Application name value retained if not present
CombinationFacetValues String Comma separated list of combination facet values

Example Request#

const Application_Update = function (fitmentData) {
AJAX_Call_Module(Application_Update, 'runtime', 'combofacets', 'Runtime_CombinationFacetCustomerApplication_Update', 'Application_ID=APPLICATION_ID' + '&' + 'Application_Name=APPLICATION_NAME' + '&' + 'CombinationFacet_Code=COMBINATION_FACET_CODE' + '&' + 'CombinationFacetValues=COMBINATION_FACET_VALUES');

Example Response#

    "success": 1


This function will delete an existing Combination Facet Customer Application. The function requires that the current basket contain a logged-in customer record, and that the provided Application_ID be owned by the same customer.

Request Parameters#

Parameter Type Description
Application_ID Number Combination Facet Application ID

Example Request#

const Application_Delete = function (fitmentData) {
AJAX_Call_Module(Application_Delete, 'runtime', 'combofacets', 'Runtime_CombinationFacetCustomerApplication_Delete', 'Application_ID=APPLICATION_ID');

Example Response#

    "success": 1

Sets the persistent Combination Facet cookie based on a stored application, and updates the lastused timestamp on the stored application.

Requires that the current basket contain a logged-in customer record, and that the provided Application_ID be owned by the same customer.

Request Parameters#

Parameter Type Description
Application_ID Number Combination Facet Application ID

Example Request#

const Application_Set = function (fitmentData) {
AJAX_Call_Module(Application_Set, 'runtime', 'combofacets', 'Runtime_CombinationFacetCustomerApplication_Set_Cookie', 'Application_ID=APPLICATION_ID');

Example Response#

    "success": 1


This function will combine the behavior of the existing CombinationFacetAndFieldList_Load_All and CombinationFacetAppliedValueList_Load_Cookie with a return of customer application data (when the customer is logged in).

Request Parameters#

Parameter Type Description
Combination Facet ID
Combination Facet Code

Example Request#

const Application_DataLoad = function (fitmentData) {
AJAX_Call_Module(Application_DataLoad, 'runtime', 'combofacets', 'Runtime_CombinationFacetData_Load', 'CombinationFacet_Code=COMBINATION_FACET_CODE');

Response Parameters#

Parameter Type Description
facet Object Contains the facet and its fields
applied_values Object Contains any fields present in the persistent cookie for the specified facet
If the cookie is not present, the array will be present but empty.
customer_applications Object Contains all customer applications.
Will be present, even if empty, if basket has a logged-in customer
If the Basket has no logged-in customer it will not output
facet Object#
Parameter Type Description
code String Combination Facet Code
name String Combination Facet Name
fields Object Contains combination facet field data
fields Object#
Parameter Type Description
code String Field Code
name String Field Name
customer_applications Object#
Parameter Type Description
id Number Application ID
name String Application Name
lastused Number UNIX Timestamp of applications last use
fields Object Contains comma separated list of combination facet fields

Example Response#

    "success": 1,
    "data": {
        "facet": {
            "code": "combofacet_01",
            "name": "Combination Facet 01",
            "fields": [
                    "code": "field_01",
                    "name": "Field 01"
                    "code": "field_02",
                    "name": "Field 02"
        "applied_values": [
        "customer_applications": [
                "id": 1,
                "name": "",
                "lastused": 1723578780,
                "fields": [
                "id": 2,
                "name": "Combination Facet Name 03",
                "lastused": 1723496308,
                "fields": [
                "id": 3,
                "name": "Combination Facet Name 03",
                "lastused": 1723576552,
                "fields": [