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Combination Facet Fitment#

Added in version 10.10.00 the Combination Facet Fit feature provides a mechanism for displaying product fitment based on combination facets.

Combination Facet Fitment Setting#

The Create Fitment Indicator can be found within the Combination Facets section of the Miva admin under Utilities. By default this setting will be inactive for each combination facet record.


  • When activated, a product custom field will be created.
  • The custom field name will be derived from the COMBINATION_FACE_CODE with _fit appended. For example, a combination facet code of ymm will result in a custom field named ymm_fit.
  • The custom field is dynamically populated and uneditable

Custom Field Values#

The custom field is dynamically populated with one of the following values:

  • none: The product does not have combination facets, and the “include other” setting is not set in the combination facet.
  • universal: The “include other products” setting is set in the combination facet, and the product has no facets.
  • unknown: The product has combination facets, but none have been selected in the current session.
  • partial: The combination facet allows partial submission, and the product has values entered in the partial submission.
  • exact: The combination facet selected in the current session matches one listed for the product.

Integration with Shadows Framework#

  1. Update Custom Field Settings:

    • Go to the Product Display Layout section within the PROD page and include the COMBINATION_FACE_NAME Fitment within the custom fields settings.
  2. Add Custom Field Frontend:

    • Insert the following code above the product SKU in the prod-product_display.mvt (Product Display Layout Section) file, here.
    <mvt:if expr="l.settings:product:customfield_values:combofacets:COMBINATION_FACE_CODE_fit">
        <span class="u-color-gray-600 x-product-layout-purchase__sku">&mvt:customfield_names:combofacets:COMBINATION_FACE_CODE_fit;: &mvt:product:customfield_values:combofacets:COMBINATION_FACE_CODE_fit;</span>  
  1. Update Custom Field Settings:

    • Go to the Basket Contents section within the BASK page and include the COMBINATION_FACE_NAME Fitment within the custom fields settings.
  2. Add Custom Field Frontend:

    • Insert the following code after the product name in the bask-basket.mvt (Basket Contents Section) file, here.
    <mvt:if expr="l.settings:group:customfield_values:combofacets:COMBINATION_FACE_CODE_fit">
        <div class="c-heading--subheading">&mvt:group:customfield_names:combofacets:COMBINATION_FACE_CODE_fit;: &mvt:group:customfield_values:combofacets:COMBINATION_FACE_CODE_fit;</div>
  1. Update Custom Field Settings:

    • Go to the Search Results Layout section within the SRCH page and include the COMBINATION_FACE_NAME Fitment within the custom fields settings.
  2. Add Custom Field Frontend:

    • Insert the following code after the product name in the srch-search_results.mvt (Search Results Layout Section) file, here.
    <mvt:if expr="l.settings:group:customfield_values:combofacets:COMBINATION_FACE_CODE_fit">
        <span class="c-heading--subheading">&mvt:group:customfield_names:combofacets:COMBINATION_FACE_CODE_fit;: &mvt:group:customfield_values:combofacets:COMBINATION_FACE_CODE_fit;</span>
  1. Update Custom Field Settings:

    • Go to the Product List Layout section within the PLST page and include the COMBINATION_FACE_NAME Fitment within the custom fields settings.
  2. Add Custom Field Frontend:

    • Insert the following code after the product name in the plst-all_products (Product List Layout Section) file, here.
    <mvt:if expr="l.settings:group:customfield_values:combofacets:COMBINATION_FACE_CODE_fit">
        <span class="c-heading--subheading">&mvt:group:customfield_names:combofacets:COMBINATION_FACE_CODE_fit;: &mvt:group:customfield_values:combofacets:COMBINATION_FACE_CODE_fit;</span>
  1. Update Custom Field Settings:

    • Go to the Category Product List Layout section within the CTGY page and include the COMBINATION_FACE_NAME Fitment within the custom fields settings.
  2. Add Custom Field Frontend:

    • Insert the following code after the product name in the ctgy-category_listing.mvt (Category Product List Layout Section) file, here.
    <mvt:if expr="l.settings:group:customfield_values:combofacets:COMBINATION_FACE_CODE_fit">
        <span class="c-heading--subheading">&mvt:group:customfield_names:combofacets:COMBINATION_FACE_CODE_fit;: &mvt:group:customfield_values:combofacets:COMBINATION_FACE_CODE_fit;</span>


Remember to update COMBINATION_FACE_CODE_fit to use the combination facet code that is set up in the store.

Conditional Example#

Here is an example of how template code on the product display might be used on an aftermarket vehicle parts store, where combination facets are used for Year / Make / Model:

<mvt:if expr="l.settings:product:customfield_values:combofacets:COMBINATION_FACE_CODE_fit">
    <mvt:if expr="l.settings:product:customfield_values:combofacets:ymm_fit EQ 'none'">
        &mvt:group:customfield_names:combofacets:ymm_fit;: Not Applicable
    <mvt:elseif expr="l.settings:product:customfield_values:combofacets:ymm_fit EQ 'universal'">
        &mvt:group:customfield_names:combofacets:ymm_fit;: Universal
    <mvt:elseif expr="l.settings:product:customfield_values:combofacets:ymm_fit EQ 'unknown'">
        &mvt:group:customfield_names:combofacets:ymm_fit;: Please select Year / Make / Model above to verify fitment
    <mvt:elseif expr="l.settings:product:customfield_values:combofacets:ymm_fit EQ 'partial'">
        &mvt:group:customfield_names:combofacets:ymm_fit;: Partial match to your selected Vehicle
    <mvt:elseif expr="l.settings:product:customfield_values:combofacets:ymm_fit EQ 'exact'">
        &mvt:group:customfield_names:combofacets:ymm_fit;: This is an exact match to your Vehicle

Part Level Facets#

When the combination facet is setup to use the Part Products as the Variant Source the fitment value will be available using the Runtime_Fitment_Load_Product_Variant function.

Here is an example done within an AJAX call that can be added below the variant_changed function in the prod-attributemachine.mvt template.

Request Parameters#

Parameter Type Description
CombinationFacet_Code String Combination Facet Code
Product_Code String Product code string
Variant_ID Number ID number of variant

Example Request#

const Load_Fitment = function (fitmentData) {
AJAX_Call_Module(Load_Fitment, 'runtime', 'combofacets', 'Runtime_Fitment_Load_Product_Variant', 'Product_Code=PRODUCT_CODE' + '&' + 'Variant_ID=VARIANT_ID' + '&' + 'CombinationFacet_Code=COMBINATION_FACET_CODE');

Response Parameters#

Parameter Type Description
fit String Will be one of the following values none, unknown, universal, partial, exact

Example Response#

    "success": 1,
    "data": {
        "fit": "exact" // none, unknown, universal, partial, exact