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Template Branches#

The Template Branches functionality is located within the User Interface Navigation Menu. Selecting the current branch name will display all branches and options to create a branch and the Branch Manager dialog.

Manage Branches#

Selecting the Manage Branches option within the Branches menu will display a batch list of all the current branches within the store.

When a branch is selected the options to Make Working Branch is available along with exporting a CSV, In-Line Edit, Make Primary Branch, Copy Branch Preview URL, and Delete Branch when the action list items are selected.

When the Add Branch button is selected the Create Branch dialog will appear. Here adding the Branch name, choosing the icon color and Copy From template then selecting the create button will create a new template branch.


The working branch is the active branch in the admin under User Interface.
The primary branch is the active branch on the frontend of the store.

Copy Branch#

Copy branch will trigger the Copy Branch dialog which contains a wizard to copy the current branch to any branch in the store. The copy branch feature will copy all of the source branch templates to the destination branch up to the changeset selected.

Merge Changesets#

Merge changesets will trigger the Merge Changesets dialog which contains a wizard to help merge any changesets in the current branch to another branch. The merge changeset feature will only merge the selected changeset from the source to the destination branch

Branch History#

History will trigger the Branch History dialog, where changes can be selected individually and viewed. Changesets can also be undone by selecting the changeset then choosing revert.


A changeset is one single value in the stack of changes that are being made on a branch.


Tags can be used to help organize development work, multiple tags can be added by using a space between words.