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jQuery Update for Older ReadyThemes

There are a number of ways jQuery might be called in a ReadyTheme. Here is a list of the ways and how to update them to the latest version to prevent any possible PCI issues. All of these updates take place in the Global Footer.



Note: As per jQuery, "The integrity and crossorigin attributes are used for Subresource Integrity (SRI) checking. This allows browsers to ensure that resources hosted on third-party servers have not been tampered with. Use of SRI is recommended as a best-practice, whenever libraries are loaded from a third-party source. Read more at srihash.org."

Bootstrap, Retro, and Prepworx Current:

Find this:

Replace it with this:

Optics, Coustic, Suivant, Iron & Wool, Levels, and DiVino Current:

Find this:

Replace it with this:

For Only IE9+ Support, Update To:

Booc, Storyteller, and Luxe Current:

Find this:

Replace it with this:

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