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This function allows you to load a list of price groups assigned (or not assigned) to a customer.

Request Body Parameters#

Type Description
The customer id
The customer login
The customer login
count Number Maximum lines of data allowed to be returned in the response. This limit is used to prevent excessive amounts of data return
filter String A string for filtering returned data
offset Number Used with the Count parameter for paginating results of large datasets. Default 0 is no offset.
sort String The order for sorting returned data
Assigned Boolean Assigned
Unassigned Boolean Unassigned

Response Parameters#

Type Description
total_count Number Total Product Count
start_offset Number Start Offset
id Number Price Group Id
name String Price Group Name
custscope String One of the following values: C = Coupon Only, X = Specific Customers, L = All Logged-in Customers, A = All Shoppers
rate String Used in Legacy Price Group to determine discount type: R = Retail, C = Cost, D = Discount from Retail, M = Markup from cost.
discount Number Legacy Price Group Discount
markup Number Legacy Price Group Markup
dt_start Object Start Time
dt_end Object End Time
qmn_subtot Number Qualifying Product Minimum Subtotal
qmx_subtot Number Qualifying Product Maximum Subtotal
qmn_quan Number Qualifying Product Minimum Quantity
qmx_quan Number Qualifying Product Maximum Quantity
qmn_weight Number Qualifying Product Minimum Weight
qmx_weight Number Qualifying Product Maximum Weight
bmn_subtot Number Basket Minimum Subtotal
bmx_subtot Number Basket Maximum Subtotal
bmn_quan Number Basket Minimum Quantity
bmx_quan Number Basket Maximum Quantity
bmn_weight Number Basket Minimum Weight
bmx_weight Number Basket Maximum Weight
priority Number Used for order in which price groups are applied
module Object Discount Module Use for Price Group
capabilities Object Capabilities Object
exclusion Boolean Exclusion
descrip String Description
display Boolean Boolean to display discount description in basket
assigned Boolean true/false if customer is assigned to Price Group


Type Description
time_t Unix Timestamp Start Time as a Unix Timestamp
year Number Year
month Number Month
day Number Day of week represented as a integer
hour Number Hour
minute Number Minute
second Number Second
timezone Number Number of hours before or after GMT


Type Description
time_t Unix Timestamp Start Time as a Unix Timestamp
year Number Year
month Number Month
day Number Day of week represented as a integer
hour Number Hour
minute Number Minute
second Number Second
timezone Number Number of hours before or after GMT


Type Description
id Number Discount Module Id
code String Module Code
name String Module Name
provider String Developer who created the discount module
api_ver Number Miva API Version the Module is using
module String Relative path to the module file on the server
refcount Number Number of Price Groups which are using this discount module
active Boolean Active


Type Description
preitems String If true, the module implements theDiscountModule_Discount_PreItems function
items Boolean If true, the module supports discounts to individual items and must implement the DiscountModule_Discount_Items function
eligibility String Controls Admin UI
basket Boolean If true, the module supports discounts to the overall basket and must implement the DiscountModule_Discount_Basket function
shipping Boolean If true, the module supports discounts to shipping methods and must implement both the DiscountModule_Discount_Shipping and the DiscountModule_Discount_ShippingMethodList functions
qualifying Boolean Qualifying
exclusion Boolean Exclusion
descrip String Description
display Boolean Boolean to display discount description in basket
assigned Boolean true/false if customer is assigned to Price Group


Example Request

    "Store_code": "beta",
    "Function": "CustomerPriceGroupList_Load_Query",
    "Count": 0,
    "Offset": 0,
    "Customer_Login": "bheyde",
    "Assigned": true,
    "Unassigned": false

Example Response#

    "success": 1,
    "data": {
        "total_count": 1,
        "start_offset": 0,
        "data": [
                "id": 2,
                "name": "Wholesale Pricing",
                "custscope": "X",
                "rate": "R",
                "discount": 0.0,
                "markup": 0.0,
                "dt_start": {
                    "time_t": 0,
                    "year": 1969,
                    "month": 12,
                    "day": 31,
                    "hour": 16,
                    "minute": 0,
                    "second": 0,
                    "timezone": -8
                "dt_end": {
                    "time_t": 0,
                    "year": 1969,
                    "month": 12,
                    "day": 31,
                    "hour": 16,
                    "minute": 0,
                    "second": 0,
                    "timezone": -8
                "qmn_subtot": 0.0,
                "qmx_subtot": 0.0,
                "qmn_quan": 0,
                "qmx_quan": 0,
                "qmn_weight": 0.0,
                "qmx_weight": 0.0,
                "bmn_subtot": 0.0,
                "bmx_subtot": 0.0,
                "bmn_quan": 0,
                "bmx_quan": 0,
                "bmn_weight": 0.0,
                "bmx_weight": 0.0,
                "priority": 0,
                "module": {
                    "id": 87,
                    "code": "discount_product",
                    "name": "Product Discount",
                    "provider": "Miva Merchant",
                    "api_ver": "9.01",
                    "version": "10.0000",
                    "module": "modules/discount/product.mvc",
                    "refcount": 1,
                    "active": true
                "capabilities": {
                    "preitems": false,
                    "items": true,
                    "eligibility": "",
                    "basket": false,
                    "shipping": false,
                    "qualifying": false
                "exclusion": false,
                "descrip": "",
                "display": true,
                "assigned": true