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This function is used to query one or more orders from Miva.

Request Parameters#

Type Description
count Number Maximum lines of data allowed to be returned in the response. This limit is used to prevent excessive amounts of data return
filter String A string for filtering returned data
offset Number Used with the Count parameter for paginating results of large datasets. Default 0 is no offset.
sort String The order for sorting returned data

Additional Input Parameters#

Type Description
Passphrase String Single decryption passphrase for payment data (if requested in ondemandcolumns)

On Demand Columns#

ship_method Full Name of Shipping Method Used on the order. The shipping method is also returned under the Charges object with type “SHIPPING”. Including this ondemandcolumn adds an explicit “ship_method” value to the JSON response containing the name of the shipping method.
cust_login Customer login attached to the order. This data is also available in the Customer Object
cust_pw_email Customer Password Reset Email Address. This data is also available in the Customer Object
business_title Name of Business Account Associated with Account
payment_module Name of Payment Module Used for Payment. This data is also available in the Payment Object
customer Includes Customer Object in response
items Includes Items object in response
charges Includes charges object in response
coupons Includes coupons object in response
discounts Includes discounts object in response
payments Includes payments object in response
payment_data Requires Passphrase to also be sent. Includes decrypted payment data object in response
notes Includes notes object in response
parts Includes kits parts in the response, if a product is setup as a kit in Miva.

Other custom Filters#

Filter Name Description
Customer_ID Filter by customer identification number.
BusinessAccount_ID Filter by business account identification number.

Supported Search Filter Columns#

Here’s the table with two columns:

id Unique identifier for the item.
batch_id Identifier for the batch the item belongs to.
status Current status of the item.
pay_status Payment status associated with the item.
orderdate Date when the item was ordered.
dt_instock Date when the item was stocked.
ship_res Shipping destination residence.
ship_fname First name of the recipient for shipping.
ship_lname Last name of the recipient for shipping.
ship_email Email address of the recipient for shipping.
ship_comp Company name of the recipient for shipping.
ship_phone Phone number of the recipient for shipping.
ship_fax Fax number of the recipient for shipping.
ship_addr1 Address line 1 of the recipient for shipping.
ship_addr2 Address line 2 of the recipient for shipping.
ship_city City of the recipient for shipping.
product_code Code associated with the product.
ship_zip ZIP code of the shipping address.
ship_city City of the shipping address.
ship_cntry Country of the shipping address.
ship_state State of the shipping address.
ship_data Additional data related to shipping.
bill_fname First name of the billing recipient.
bill_lname Last name of the billing recipient.
bill_email Email address of the billing recipient.
bill_comp Company name of the billing recipient.
bill_phone Phone number of the billing recipient.
bill_fax Fax number of the billing recipient.
bill_addr1 Address line 1 of the billing recipient.
bill_addr2 Address line 2 of the billing recipient.
bill_city City of the billing address.
bill_state State of the billing address.
bill_cntry Country of the billing address.
total Total amount associated with the item.
total_ship Total shipping cost associated with the item.
total_tax Total tax amount associated with the item.
total_auth Total authorized amount for payment.
total_rfnd Total refund amount for the item.
net_capt Net captured amount for payment.
pend_count Pending count associated with the item.
bord_count Backorder count associated with the item.
cust_login Customer login associated with the item.
cust_pw_email Customer password or email associated with the item.
business_title Title associated with the business.
note_count Count of notes associated with the item.
source Source of the item.
source_id Identifier of the source of the item.
pay_id Payment identifier associated with the item.

Supported Sort Columns#

One of these values would be passed in the sort request parameter to have the results sorted by that column. Value may be preceded by “-” for a descending sort.

id Unique identifier for the item.
batch_id Identifier for the batch the item belongs to.
status Current status of the item.
pay_status Payment status associated with the item.
orderdate Date when the item was ordered.
dt_instock Date when the item was stocked.
ship_res Shipping destination residence.
ship_fname First name of the recipient for shipping.
ship_lname Last name of the recipient for shipping.
ship_email Email address of the recipient for shipping.
ship_comp Company name of the recipient for shipping.
ship_phone Phone number of the recipient for shipping.
ship_fax Fax number of the recipient for shipping.
ship_addr1 Address line 1 of the recipient for shipping.
ship_addr2 Address line 2 of the recipient for shipping.
ship_city City of the recipient for shipping.
ship_state State of the recipient for shipping.
ship_zip ZIP code of the recipient for shipping.
ship_cntry Country of the recipient for shipping.
bill_fname First name of the billing recipient.
bill_lname Last name of the billing recipient.
bill_email Email address of the billing recipient.
bill_comp Company name of the billing recipient.
bill_phone Phone number of the billing recipient.
bill_fax Fax number of the billing recipient.
bill_addr1 Address line 1 of the billing recipient.
bill_addr2 Address line 2 of the billing recipient.
bill_city City of the billing recipient.
bill_state State of the billing recipient.
bill_zip ZIP code of the billing recipient.
bill_cntry Country of the billing recipient.
total Total amount associated with the item.
total_ship Total shipping cost associated with the item.
total_tax Total tax amount associated with the item.
total_auth Total authorized amount for payment.
total_rfnd Total refund amount for the item.
net_capt Net captured amount for payment.
pend_count Pending count associated with the item.
bord_count Backorder count associated with the item.
cust_login Customer login associated with the item.
cust_pw_email Customer password or email associated with the item.
business_title Title associated with the business.
note_count Count of notes associated with the item.
source Source of the item.
source_id Identifier of the source of the item.
payment_module Module used for payment.
ship_data Additional data related to shipping.

Response Parameters#

Type Description
total_count Number total_count is the total number of records that match your search criteria. Note: this is not always the total orders returned. Based on the Count and Offset parameters passed, the number of records returned could be different than the total_count.
start_offset Number Number number of the starting offset number of orders to return. Used in conjunction with the Count parameter for paginating results of large datasets.
id Number Order Number for the Order
pay_id Number Id of Payment Module Used in transaction
batch_id Number Batch ID
status Number Order Status. 0 = Pending, 100 = Processing, 200 = Shipped, 201 = Partially Shipped, 300 = Cancelled, 400 = Backordered, 500 = RMA Issued, 600 = Returned
pay_status Number Note: This field is not set currently and should be ignored. Future values will include:Payment Status. 0 = Pending, 100 = Authorized, 200 = Captured, 201 = Partially Captured. If you need to verify an order has been paid compare ‘net_capt’ to the ‘total’ field values.
stk_status Number Stock Status. 0 = Pending, 100 = yes, 200 = no, 201 = partial
dt_instock Unix Timstamp Date/Time Instock (Unix timestamp). 0 if Not set
orderdate Unix Timestamp Order Date
cust_id Number Customer ID
ship_res Boolean Ship Residential Flag
ship_fname String Shipping First Name
ship_lname String Shipping Last Name
ship_email String Shipping Email Address
ship_comp String Shipping Company
ship_phone String Shipping Phone Number
ship_fax String Shipping Fax Number
ship_addr1 String Shipping Address Line 1
ship_addr2 String Shipping Address Line 2
ship_city String Shipping City
ship_state String Shipping State
ship_zip String Shipping Zip
ship_cntry String Shipping Country
bill_fname String Billing First Name
bill_lname String Billing Last Name
bill_email String Billing Email Address
bill_comp String Bill Company
bill_phone String Billing Phone Number
bill_fax String Billing Fax Number
bill_addr1 String Billing Address Line 1
bill_addr2 String Billing Address Line 2
bill_city String Billing City
bill_state String Billing State
bill_zip String Billing Zip
bill_cntry String Billing Country
ship_id Number Shipping Module id
ship_data String Shipping Data - Typically Shipping Method Name
ship_method String Shipping Method Name
cust_login String Customer Login
cust_pw_email String Customer Email Password
business_title String Business Title
payment_module String Payment Module Name
source String Source of how the order was placed. Possible Values include “Shopper” - Order Placed By Customer, “Subscription” - Order Created by the Subscription System, “User” - Order Created in the Admin
source_id Number The id of the customer, id of Admin user or id of subscription based on how order was placed
total Number Total
formatted_total String Formatted Total
total_ship Number Total Shipping
formatted_total_ship String Formatted Total Shipping
total_tax Number Total Tax
formatted_total_tax String Formatted Total Tax
total_auth Number Total Authorized
formatted_total_auth String Formatted Total Authorized
total_capt Number Total Captured
formatted_total_capt String Formatted Total Captured
total_rfnd Number Total Amount Refunded
formatted_total_rfnd String Formatted Total Amount Refunded
net_capt Number Net Amount Captured
formatted_net_capt String Formatted Net Amount Captured
pend_count Number Pending Item Count
bord_count Number Backordered Item Count
note_count Number Note Count
dt_Updated Unix Timestamp Date Time Last Updated
customer Object Customer
items Object Items
charges Object Charges
coupons Object Coupons
payments Object Payments
returns Object Returns
discounts Object Discounts
payments Object Payments Object
notes Object Notes Object
CustomField_Values Object Array of custom field modules. Each module will have its own children of name/value pairs for order custom fields

customer Object#

Type Description
id Number Customer ID
account_id Number Business Account ID
login String Customer Login
pw_email String Customer Email Password
ship_id Number Shipping ID
ship_res Boolean Shipping Residential Flag
ship_fname String Shipping First Name
ship_lname String Shipping Last Name
ship_email String Shipping Email
ship_comp String Shipping Company
ship_phone String Shipping Phone
ship_fax String Shipping Fax
ship_addr1 String Shipping Address Line 1
ship_addr2 String Shipping Address Line 2
ship_city String Shipping City
ship_state String Shipping State
ship_zip String Shipping Zip
ship_cntry String Shipping Country
bill_fname String Billing First Name
bill_lname String Billing Last Name
bill_email String Billing Email Address
bill_comp String Bill Company
bill_phone String Billing Phone Number
bill_fax String Billing Fax Number
bill_addr1 String Billing Address Line 1
bill_addr2 String Billing Address Line 2
bill_city String Billing City
bill_state String Billing State
bill_zip String Billing Zip
bill_cntry String Billing Country
tax_exempt Boolean Tax Exempt
note_count Number Note Count
dt_created Unix Timestamp Date Created
dt_Updated Unix Timestamp Date Order Last Updated
dt_login Unix Timestamp Date Login
credit Number Credit Credit Balance
formatted_credit String Formatted Credit Balance

items Object#

Type Description
order_id Number Order ID
line_id Number Line ID
status Number Item Status. 0 = Pending, 100 = Picking, 200 = Shipped, 210 = Gift Certificate: Not Redeemed, 211 = Gift Certificate: Redeemed, 220 = Digital: Not Downloaded, 221 = Digital: Downloaded , 300 = Cancelled, 400 = Backordered, 500 = RMA Issued, 600 = Returned
subscrp_id Number Subscription ID
subterm_id Number Subscription Term Id
rma_id Number Return Merchandise Authorization Id
dt_instock Number Date/Time Instock (Unix timestamp)
code String Code
name String Name
sku String Sku Number
retail Number Retail Price
base_price Number Base Price
price Number Price
weight Number Weight
taxable Boolean Taxable
tax Number Sales tax for this specific Item
formatted_tax String Currency formatted sales tax for this specific Item
upsold Boolean Upsold
quantity Number Quantity
discounts Object Discounts Object
parts Object parts
options Object options
total Number Order Total
shipment Object Shipment Object
subscription Object Subscription Object

discounts Object#

Type Description
order_id Number Order ID
line_id Number Line ID
pgrp_id Number Price Group Id
display Boolean Display
descrip String Description
discount Number Discount Amount

parts Object#

Type Description
code String Part Product Code
sku String Part Product SKU
name String Part Product Name
quantity Number Quantity of Part
total_quantity Number Part Quantity * Item Quantity
price Number Part Product Price

options Object#

Type Description
attribute String Attribute
value String Value
weight Number Weight
retail Number Retail
base_price Number Base Price
price Number Price - Including any item level discounts
discounts Number Discounts
discounts Object#
Type Description
order_id Number Order ID
line_id Number Line ID
attr_id Number Attribute ID
attmpat_id Number Attribute Template ID
pgrp_id Number Price Group Id
display Boolean Display
descrip String Description
discount Number Discount Amount

shipment Object#

Type Description
id Number ID
code String Code
order_id Number Order ID
status Number Shipment Status. 100 = Picking, 200 = Shipped
labelcount Number Label Count
ship_date String Ship Date
tracknum String Tracking Number
tracktype String Tracking Type. Default Types include “CanadaPost”, “Endicia”, “FedEx”, “UPS”, “USPS”
tracklink String Tracking Link
weight Number Weight
cost Number Cost
formatted_cost String Formatted Cost

subscription Object#

Type Description
id Number ID
order_id Number Order ID
line_id Number Line ID
cust_id Number Customer ID
custpc_id Number Customer Payment Card Id
product_id Number Product ID
subterm_id Number Subscription Term Id
addr_id Number Address ID
ship_id Number Shipping ID
ship_data String Shipping Date
quantity Number Quantity
termrem Number Subscription Term Remaining Orders
termproc Number Number of Subscription Terms Processed
firstdate Unix Timestamp First Date
lastdate Unix Timestamp Last Date
nextdate Unix Timestamp Next Date
status String Status
message String Message
cncldate Unix Timestamp Cancellation Date
tax Number Tax
formatted_tax String Formatted Tax
shipping Number Shipping
formatted_shipping String Formatted Shipping
subtotal Number Subtotal
formatted_subtotal String Formatted Subtotal
total Number Total
formatted_total String Formatted Total
method String Method
productsubscriptionterm Object Product Subscription Term
productsubscriptionterm Object#
Type Description
id Number ID
product_id Number Product ID
frequency Number Frequency
term Number Term
descrip String Description
n Number Term Every n Days
fixed_dow Number Subscription Term – Fixed Day of Week
fixed_dom Number Subscription Term – Fixed Day of Month
sub_count Number Subscription Count
sub_count Number Subscription Count

charges Object#

Type Description
order_id Number Order ID
charge_id Number Charge ID
module_id Number Module ID
type String Charge Type. Charge types include (but not limited to): TAX, SHIPPING , DISCOUNT, HANDLING. Its possible for custom charge types to exist.
descrip String Description
amount Number Amount
disp_amt Number Display Amount
tax_exempt Number Tax Exempt

coupons Object#

Type Description
order_id Number Order ID
coupon_id Number Coupon Id
code String Code
descrip String Description
total Number Total

discounts Object#

Type Description
order_id Number Order ID
pgrp_id Number Price Group Id
name String Name
descrip String Description
total Number Total


Type Description
id Number Payment Id
order_id Number Order Id
type Number Payment Type. 0 = declined, 1 = Legacy Authorization, 2 = Legacy Capture, 3 = Authorization, 4 = Capture, 5 = Authorization + Capture, 6 = Refund, 7 = VOID
refnum String Reference Number. This value is typically the authorization code or unique payment reference number.
amount Number Amount
fornatted_amount String Formatted Amount
available Number Amount Available For Capture
formatted_available String Formatted Amount Available For Capture
dtstamp Unix timestamp The unix time of the payment transaction occurred
expires Number Expires
pay_id Number id of the payment module used to take payment
pay_secid Number id of the payment encryption key used to encrypt payment data
decrypt_status String One of two values: decrypted or not_decrypted
decrypt_error String Only present if decryption error occurred. Contains error message if field to decrypt payment.
description String This typically contains the card type.
module Object Object of Payment module

module Object#

Type Description
id Number Unique identifier
code String Code of the module
name String Name of the module
provider String Provider of the module
api_ver String API version of the module
version String Version of the module
module String Type of module
refcount Number Reference count
active Boolean Indicates if the module is active

notes Object#

Type Description
id Number Note Id
cust_id Number Customer Id
account_id Number Business Account Id
order_id String Order Id
user_id Number The Admin User Id who created the note.
notetext String Note Text
cust_login String Login for the customer attached to the note
business_title String Business Accout Name
admin_user String The admin username who created the note

Example Request#

    "Store_code": "beta",
    "Function": "OrderList_Load_Query",
    "Count": 0,
    "Offset": 0,
    "Filter": [
            "name": "ondemandcolumns",
            "value": ["customer", "items", "charges", "coupons", "discounts", "payments", "payment_data", "notes", "CustomField_Values:customfields:*"]

Containing Search Filter#

    "Store_code": "beta",
    "Function": "OrderList_Load_Query",
    "Count": "0",
    "Offset": "0",
    "Filter": [
            "name": "search",
            "value": [
                    "field": "ship_fname",
                    "operator": "EQ",
                    "value": "Brennan"
            "name": "ondemandcolumns",
            "value": ["payment_module", "cust_pw_email", "cust_login", "ship_method", "customer", "items", "charges", "coupons", "discounts", "payments", "payment_data", "notes", "CustomField_Values:customfields:*"]
    "Passphrase": "helloworldhelloworld@123"

Example Response#

    "success": 1,
    "data": {
        "total_count": 1,
        "start_offset": 0,
        "data": [
                "id": 85554,
                "pay_id": 0,
                "batch_id": 0,
                "status": 201,
                "pay_status": 0,
                "stk_status": 0,
                "dt_instock": 100,
                "orderdate": 1522701831,
                "cust_id": 6,
                "ship_res": true,
                "ship_fname": "ccc",
                "ship_lname": "ddd",
                "ship_email": "",
                "ship_comp": "fff",
                "ship_phone": "111-555-5555",
                "ship_fax": "222-555-1212",
                "ship_addr1": "333 Shoreham Pl",
                "ship_addr2": "Unit 111",
                "ship_city": "aaa",
                "ship_state": "AL",
                "ship_zip": "42127",
                "ship_cntry": "AL",
                "bill_fname": "ccc",
                "bill_lname": "ddd",
                "bill_email": "",
                "bill_comp": "fff",
                "bill_phone": "111-555-5555",
                "bill_fax": "222-555-1212",
                "bill_addr1": "333 Shoreham Pl",
                "bill_addr2": "Unit 111",
                "bill_city": "aaa",
                "bill_state": "AL",
                "bill_zip": "42127",
                "bill_cntry": "AL",
                "ship_id": 0,
                "ship_data": "",
                "ship_method": "None",
                "cust_login": "orderitemlist_load",
                "cust_pw_email": "",
                "business_title": "",
                "payment_module": "None",
                "source": "user",
                "source_id": 1,
                "total": 259,
                "formatted_total": "$259.00",
                "total_ship": 0,
                "formatted_total_ship": "$0.00",
                "total_tax": 0,
                "formatted_total_tax": "$0.00",
                "total_auth": 0,
                "formatted_total_auth": "$0.00",
                "total_capt": 0,
                "formatted_total_capt": "$0.00",
                "total_rfnd": 0,
                "formatted_total_rfnd": "$0.00",
                "net_capt": 0,
                "formatted_net_capt": "$0.00",
                "pend_count": 3,
                "bord_count": 1,
                "note_count": 0,
                "dt_Updated": 1522701831,
                "customer": {
                    "id": 6,
                    "account_id": 0,
                    "login": "orderitemlist_load",
                    "pw_email": "",
                    "ship_id": 1,
                    "ship_res": true,
                    "ship_fname": "ccc",
                    "ship_lname": "ddd",
                    "ship_email": "",
                    "ship_comp": "fff",
                    "ship_phone": "111-555-5555",
                    "ship_fax": "222-555-1212",
                    "ship_addr1": "333 Shoreham Pl",
                    "ship_addr2": "Unit 111",
                    "ship_city": "aaa",
                    "ship_state": "AL",
                    "ship_zip": "42127",
                    "ship_cntry": "AL",
                    "bill_id": 1,
                    "bill_fname": "ccc",
                    "bill_lname": "ddd",
                    "bill_email": "",
                    "bill_comp": "fff",
                    "bill_phone": "111-555-5555",
                    "bill_fax": "222-555-1212",
                    "bill_addr1": "333 Shoreham Pl",
                    "bill_addr2": "Unit 111",
                    "bill_city": "aaa",
                    "bill_state": "AL",
                    "bill_zip": "42127",
                    "bill_cntry": "AL",
                    "note_count": 0,
                    "dt_created": 1522701831,
                    "dt_login": 0,
                    "credit": 0,
                    "formatted_credit": "$0.00"
                "items": [
                        "order_id": 85554,
                        "line_id": 30,
                        "status": 0,
                        "subscrp_id": 0,
                        "subterm_id": 0,
                        "rma_id": 0,
                        "dt_instock": 0,
                        "code": "OrderItemList_Load",
                        "name": "OrderItemList_Load Test Product",
                        "sku": "",
                        "retail": 0,
                        "base_price": 100,
                        "price": 88,
                        "weight": 0,
                        "taxable": true,
                        "tax": 0.78,
                        "formatted_tax": "$0.78",
                        "upsold": false,
                        "quantity": 1,
                        "discounts": [
                                "order_id": 85554,
                                "line_id": 30,
                                "pgrp_id": 2,
                                "display": true,
                                "descrip": "OrderItemList_Load",
                                "discount": 12
                        "options": [
                                "attribute": "include_mono",
                                "value": "yes",
                                "weight": 0,
                                "retail": 25,
                                "base_price": 25,
                                "price": 22,
                                "discounts": [
                                        "order_id": 85554,
                                        "line_id": 30,
                                        "attr_id": 1,
                                        "attmpat_id": 0,
                                        "pgrp_id": 2,
                                        "display": true,
                                        "descrip": "OrderItemList_Load",
                                        "discount": 3
                                "attribute": "monogram",
                                "value": "This is a short monogram",
                                "weight": 0,
                                "retail": 0,
                                "base_price": 0,
                                "price": 0
                        "total": 110
                        "order_id": 85554,
                        "line_id": 31,
                        "status": 0,
                        "subscrp_id": 0,
                        "subterm_id": 0,
                        "rma_id": 0,
                        "dt_instock": 0,
                        "code": "OrderItemList_Load",
                        "name": "OrderItemList_Load Test Product",
                        "sku": "",
                        "retail": 0,
                        "base_price": 100,
                        "price": 88,
                        "weight": 0,
                        "taxable": true,
                        "upsold": false,
                        "quantity": 1,
                        "discounts": [
                                "order_id": 85554,
                                "line_id": 31,
                                "pgrp_id": 2,
                                "display": true,
                                "descrip": "OrderItemList_Load",
                                "discount": 12
                        "options": [
                                "attribute": "include_mono",
                                "value": "yes",
                                "weight": 0,
                                "retail": 25,
                                "base_price": 25,
                                "price": 22,
                                "discounts": [
                                        "order_id": 85554,
                                        "line_id": 31,
                                        "attr_id": 1,
                                        "attmpat_id": 0,
                                        "pgrp_id": 2,
                                        "display": true,
                                        "descrip": "OrderItemList_Load",
                                        "discount": 3
                                "attribute": "monogram",
                                "value": "This is a long monogram this is a long monogram this is a long monogram this is a long monogram this is a long monogram this is a long monogram this is a long monogram this is a long monogram this is a long monogram this is a long monogram this is a long monogram",
                                "weight": 0,
                                "retail": 0,
                                "base_price": 0,
                                "price": 0
                        "total": 110
                        "order_id": 85554,
                        "line_id": 32,
                        "status": 500,
                        "subscrp_id": 0,
                        "subterm_id": 0,
                        "rma_id": 1,
                        "rma_code": "85554-20180402-00001",
                        "rma_dt_issued": "1522701832",
                        "rma_dt_recvd": "",
                        "dt_instock": 0,
                        "code": "OrderItemList_Load_Returned",
                        "name": "OrderItemList_Load Product",
                        "sku": "",
                        "retail": 0,
                        "base_price": 2,
                        "price": 2,
                        "weight": 6,
                        "taxable": true,
                        "upsold": false,
                        "quantity": 1,
                        "total": 2
                        "order_id": 85554,
                        "line_id": 33,
                        "status": 600,
                        "subscrp_id": 0,
                        "subterm_id": 0,
                        "rma_id": 2,
                        "rma_code": "85554-20180402-00002",
                        "rma_dt_issued": "1522701832",
                        "rma_dt_recvd": "1522701832",
                        "dt_instock": 0,
                        "code": "OrderItemList_Load_Received",
                        "name": "OrderItemList_Load Product",
                        "sku": "",
                        "retail": 0,
                        "base_price": 3,
                        "price": 3,
                        "weight": 7,
                        "taxable": true,
                        "upsold": false,
                        "quantity": 1,
                        "total": 3
                        "order_id": 85554,
                        "line_id": 34,
                        "status": 200,
                        "subscrp_id": 0,
                        "subterm_id": 0,
                        "rma_id": 0,
                        "dt_instock": 0,
                        "code": "OrderItemList_Load_Shipped",
                        "name": "OrderItemList_Load Product",
                        "sku": "",
                        "retail": 0,
                        "base_price": 4,
                        "price": 4,
                        "weight": 8,
                        "taxable": true,
                        "upsold": false,
                        "quantity": 1,
                        "shipment": {
                            "id": 3,
                            "code": "85554-20180402-00003",
                            "order_id": 85554,
                            "status": 200,
                            "labelcount": 0,
                            "ship_date": "1518465600",
                            "tracknum": "123123123123",
                            "tracktype": "FedEx",
                            "tracklink": "",
                            "weight": 8,
                            "cost": 5,
                            "formatted_cost": "$5.00"
                        "total": 4
                        "order_id": 85554,
                        "line_id": 35,
                        "status": 400,
                        "subscrp_id": 0,
                        "subterm_id": 0,
                        "rma_id": 0,
                        "dt_instock": 100,
                        "code": "OrderItemList_Load_BackOrdered",
                        "name": "OrderItemList_Load Product",
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