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This function allows you to capture funds against an existing authorization.

Request Body Parameters#

Type Description
OrderPayment_ID Number Payment Record to Capture against. It must be an open authorization (type 3). The OrderPayment_ID is returned in the OrderList_Load_Query
Amount Number Amount to capture. This can be any amount up to the total authorized amount.
Passphrase String optional. This is only needed if the client has payment encryption enabled in the store.

Response Parameters#

Type Description
order_id Number Order Number
total_auth Number Total Amount Authorized
formatted_total_auth String Currency Formatted Total Amount Authorized
total_capt Number Total Amount Captured
formatted_total_capt String Currency Formatted Total Amount Captured
total_rfnd Number Total Amount Refunded
formatted_total_rfnd String Currency Formatted Total Amount Refunded
net_capt Number Total amount captured minus total amount refunded
formatted_net_capt String Formatted total amount captured minus total amount refunded

Example Request#

    "Store_code": "beta",
    "Function": "OrderPayment_Capture",
    "OrderPayment_ID": 8,
    "Amount": 8.0

Example Response#

    "success": 1,
    "data": {
        "order_id": 200102,
        "total_auth": 26.0,
        "formatted_total_auth": "$26.00",
        "total_capt": 18.0,
        "formatted_total_capt": "$18.00",
        "total_rfnd": 10.0,
        "formatted_total_rfnd": "$10.00",
        "net_capt": 8.0,
        "formatted_net_capt": "$8.00"