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This function allows you to load a list of payment methods available for a given Order. Typically this would be used with an Order_Authorize call to do a new transaction against an order.

Request Body Parameters#

Type Description
Order_ID Number The order you wish to load available payment methods for. This function is equivalent to clicking the “Authorize” button in Miva for an order and having a list of payment methods displayed.

Response Parameters#

Type Description
module_id Number The id of the module linked to the payment method
module_api Number Miva Module API version the module is using
method_code String Payment Method Code
method_name String Name of the Payment Method

Example Request#

    "Store_code": "beta",
    "Function": "PaymentMethodList_Load",
    "Order_ID": 1035

Example Response#

    "success": 1,
    "data": [
            "mivapay": true,
            "paymentcard": {
                "id": 1,
                "cust_id": 1,
                "fname": "John",
                "lname": "Smith",
                "exp_month": 3,
                "exp_year": 2022,
                "lastfour": "1111",
                "addr1": "16745 Bernardo Dr",
                "addr2": "",
                "city": "San Diego",
                "state": "CA",
                "zip": "92127",
                "cntry": "US",
                "lastused": "0",
                "token": "29f327f6e2a4f79a5f032c1553fbd203fe2af883dc50fac995d3e9bdaea3dc5c",
                "type_id": 1,
                "refcount": 0,
                "type": "Visa",
                "mod_code": "authnet",
                "meth_code": "Visa"
            "module_id": 58,
            "module_api": 9.06,
            "method_code": "Visa",
            "method_name": "Visa ending in 1111 - Expires 03/2022"
            "mivapay": true,
            "paymentcardtype": {
                "id": 3,
                "type": "American Express",
                "prefixes": "34, 37",
                "lengths": "15",
                "cvv": true
            "module_id": 58,
            "module_api": 9.06,
            "method_code": "AmerExp",
            "method_name": "American Express"
            "mivapay": true,
            "paymentcardtype": {
                "id": 4,
                "type": "Discover",
                "prefixes": "6011",
                "lengths": "16",
                "cvv": true
            "module_id": 58,
            "module_api": 9.06,
            "method_code": "DC",
            "method_name": "Discover"
            "mivapay": true,
            "paymentcardtype": {
                "id": 2,
                "type": "MasterCard",
                "prefixes": "5, 222100-272099",
                "lengths": "16",
                "cvv": true
            "module_id": 58,
            "module_api": 9.06,
            "method_code": "MasterCard",
            "method_name": "MasterCard"
            "mivapay": true,
            "paymentcardtype": {
                "id": 1,
                "type": "Visa",
                "prefixes": "4",
                "lengths": "13, 16",
                "cvv": true
            "module_id": 58,
            "module_api": 9.06,
            "method_code": "Visa",
            "method_name": "Visa"
            "mivapay": false,
            "module_id": 58,
            "module_api": 9.06,
            "method_code": "AmerExp",
            "method_name": "American Express"
            "mivapay": false,
            "module_id": 58,
            "module_api": 9.06,
            "method_code": "DC",
            "method_name": "Diners Club"
            "mivapay": false,
            "module_id": 58,
            "module_api": 9.06,
            "method_code": "Discover",

            "method_name": "Discover"
            "mivapay": false,
            "module_id": 58,
            "module_api": 9.06,
            "method_code": "JCB",
            "method_name": "JCB"
            "mivapay": false,
            "module_id": 58,
            "module_api": 9.06,
            "method_code": "MasterCard",
            "method_name": "MasterCard"
            "mivapay": false,
            "module_id": 58,
            "module_api": 9.06,
            "method_code": "Visa",
            "method_name": "Visa"