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This function is used to query one or more price groups.

Request Parameters#

Type Description
count Number Maximum lines of data allowed to be returned in the response. This limit is used to prevent excessive amounts of data return
filter String A string for filtering returned data
offset Number Used with the Count parameter for paginating results of large datasets. Default 0 is no offset.
sort String The order for sorting returned data

Supported Search Filter Columns#

Name Description
id Unique identifier for the price group.
name Name of the price group.
module_id Identifier for the module associated with the price group.
custscope Defines the customer scope for the price group: C = Coupon Only, X = Specific Customers, L = All Logged-in Customers, A = All Shoppers.
rate Specifies the pricing rate for legacy price groups: R = Retail, C = Cost, D = Discount from Retail, M = Markup from cost.
discount Discount value associated with the price group.
markup Markup value associated with the price group.
dt_start Start date and time for the validity of the price group.
dt_end End date and time for the validity of the price group.
priority Priority for the order in which price groups are applied.
exclusion Boolean indicating whether the price group is an exclusion.
descrip Custom description for the price group.
display Boolean indicating whether to display the discount description in the basket.
qmn_subtot Minimum subtotal for qualifying products.
qmx_subtot Maximum subtotal for qualifying products.
qmn_quan Minimum quantity for qualifying products.
qmx_quan Maximum quantity for qualifying products.
qmn_weight Minimum weight for qualifying products.
qmx_weight Maximum weight for qualifying products.
bmn_subtot Minimum subtotal for the basket to apply the discount.
bmx_subtot Maximum subtotal for the basket to apply the discount.
bmn_quan Minimum quantity for the basket to apply the discount.
bmx_quan Maximum quantity for the basket to apply the discount.
bmn_weight Minimum weight for the basket to apply the discount.
bmx_weight Maximum weight for the basket to apply the discount.

Supported Sort Columns#

Name Description
id Unique identifier for the price group.
name Name of the price group.
type Type of the price group.
module_id Identifier for the module associated with the price group.
custscope Defines the customer scope for the price group: C = Coupon Only, X = Specific Customers, L = All Logged-in Customers, A = All Shoppers.
rate Specifies the pricing rate for legacy price groups: R = Retail, C = Cost, D = Discount from Retail, M = Markup from cost.
discount Discount value associated with the price group.
markup Markup value associated with the price group.
dt_start Start date and time for the validity of the price group.
dt_end End date and time for the validity of the price group.
priority Priority for the order in which price groups are applied.
exclusion Boolean indicating whether the price group is an exclusion.
descrip Custom description for the price group.
display Boolean indicating whether to display the discount description in the basket.
qualifying_subtotal Minimum subtotal for qualifying products.
qualifying_quantity Minimum quantity for qualifying products.
qualifying_weight Minimum weight for qualifying products.
basket_quantity Quantity threshold for the basket to apply the discount.
basket_subtotal Subtotal threshold for the basket to apply the discount.
basket_weight Weight threshold for the basket to apply the discount.

Response Parameters#

Type Description
total_count Number total_count is the total number of records that match your search criteria. Note: this is not always the total price groups returned. Based on the Count and Offset parameters passed, the number of records returned could be different than the total_count.
start_offset Number Number number of the starting offset number of products to return. Used in conjunction with the Count parameter for paginating results of large datasets.
id Number Price Group Id
name String Price Group Name
custscope String One of the following values: C = Coupon Only, X = Specific Customers, L = All Logged-in Customers, A = All Shoppers
rate String Used in Legacy Price Group to determine discount type: R = Retail, C = Cost, D = Discount from Retail, M = Markup from cost.
discount Number Legacy Price Group Discount
markup Number Legacy Price Group Markup
dt_start Object Prior to 10.05.00 this value was a Unix Timestamp. 10.05.00 and beyond an Object is returned.
dt_end Object End Time. 0 is no end time. Prior to 10.05.00 this value was a Unix Timestamp. 10.05.00 and beyond an Object is returned.
qmn_subtot Number Qualifying Product Minimum Subtotal
qmx_subtot Number Qualifying Product Maximum Subtotal
qmn_quan Number Qualifying Product Minimum Quantity
qmx_quan Number Qualifying Product Maximum Subtotal
qmn_weight Number Qualifying Product Minimum Weight
qmx_weight Number Qualifying Product Maximum Weight
bmn_subtot Number Basket Minimum Subtotal
bmx_subtot Number Basket Maximum Subtotal
bmn_quan Number Basket Minimum Quantity
bmx_quan Number Basket Maximum Subtotal
bmn_weight Number Basket Minimum Weight
bmx_weight Number Basket Maximum Weight
priority Number Used for order in which price groups are applied
module Object Discount Module Use for Price Group
capabilities Object Capabilities Object
exclusion Boolean Exclusion
descrip String Custom Basket Description Override
display Boolean Boolean to display discount description in basket

Example Requests#

    "Store_code": "beta",
    "Function": "PriceGroupList_Load_Query",
    "Count": 1,
    "Offset": 1

Example Response#

    "success": 1,
    "data": {
        "total_count": 1,
        "start_offset": 0,
        "data": [
                "id": 1,
                "name": "20OFF",
                "custscope": "A",
                "rate": "R",
                "discount": 0.0,
                "markup": 0.0,
                "dt_start": {
                    "time_t": 0,
                    "year": 1969,
                    "month": 12,
                    "day": 31,
                    "hour": 16,
                    "minute": 0,
                    "second": 0,
                    "timezone": -8
                "dt_end": {
                    "time_t": 0,
                    "year": 1969,

                    "month": 12,
                    "day": 31,
                    "hour": 16,
                    "minute": 0,
                    "second": 0,
                    "timezone": -8
                "qmn_subtot": 0.0,
                "qmx_subtot": 0.0,
                "qmn_quan": 0,
                "qmx_quan": 0,
                "qmn_weight": 0.0,
                "qmx_weight": 0.0,
                "bmn_subtot": 0.0,
                "bmx_subtot": 0.0,
                "bmn_quan": 0,
                "bmx_quan": 0,
                "bmn_weight": 0.0,
                "bmx_weight": 0.0,
                "priority": 0,
                "module": null,
                "capabilities": null,
                "exclusion": false,
                "descrip": "",
                "display": true