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This function is used pull resource groups and any linked css or JS to each group for a specific Branch.

Type Description
count Number Count is used to tell Miva how many resource groups you want returned. If for example you are querying thousands of resource groups you’ll want to set the count to limit how many you get back in a single request.
offset Offset Used in conjunction with the Count parameter for paginating results of large datasets. Default is 0 whcih is no offset.
sort String Field to sort results by. Available sorting fields listed above. Use - prefix for a decending sort.
Filter Object Array of Object containing search filters. See usage here: List Load Query Overview
Branch_Name String Name of Branch you want to pull resource groups from
Changeset_ID Number Optional Changeset ID. If omitted, the response will include templates from the head of the Branch

On Demand Columns#

linkedcssresources Linked CSS Resources
linkedjavascriptresources Linked JS Resources

Response Parameters#

Type Description
total_count Number total_count is the total number of records that match your search criteria. Note: this is not always the total products returned. Based on the Count and Offset parameters passed, the number of records returned could be different than the total_count.
start_offset Number Number number of the starting offset number of branches to return. Used in conjunction with the Count parameter for paginating results of large datasets.
id Number Resource ID
code String Resource Code
linkedcssresources Object Linked resources object
linkedjavascriptresources Object Linked JavaScript Resources

linkedcssresources Object#

Type Description
id Number ID of CSS Resource
code String CSS Resource Code
type String One of: L = local file, C = Combined Resource, E = External File, I = Inline
is_global Boolean true/false for if the resource is global
Active Boolean true/false whether the resource is Active
file String Optional File Path used when CSS file is a local file. Should be relative path.
templ_id Number Template ID if the resource has a page template (inline). Otherwise this will be 0
Attributes Object Attributes Object

Attributes Object#

Type Description
name String The name of the CSS attribute. Examples: type, media, rel, etc
value String The value of the CSS attribute. Examples: text\/css, all, stylesheet

linkedjavascriptresources Object#

Type Description
id Number ID of JS Resource
code String JS Resource Code
type String One of: L = local file, C = Combined Resource, E = External File, I = Inline
is_global Boolean true/false for if the resource is global
Active Boolean true/false whether the resource is Active
file String Optional File Path used when JS file is a local file. Should be relative path.
templ_id Number Template ID if the resource has a page template (inline). Otherwise this will be 0
Attributes Object Array of any attributes associated with the JS file. These will be listed as name/value pairs

Attributes Object#

Type Description
name String The name of the JS attribute. Example: type
value String The value of the JS attribute. Example: text\/javascript

Example Request#

    "Store_code": "beta",
    "Function": "ResourceGroupList_Load_Query",
    "Branch_Name": "MMT",
    "Count": "0",
    "Offset": "0",
    "Sort": "",
    "Filter": [
            "name": "ondemandcolumns",
            "value": ["linkedcssresources", "linkedjavascriptresources"]

Example Response#

    "success": 1,
    "data": {
        "total_count": 3,
        "start_offset": 0,
        "data": [
                "id": 2,
                "code": "head_tag",
                "linkedcssresources": [
                        "id": 7,
                        "code": "square-payment",
                        "type": "I",
                        "is_global": false,
                        "active": true,
                        "file": "",
                        "templ_id": 437,
                        "attributes": [
                                "name": "type",
                                "value": "text/css"
                                "name": "media",
                                "value": "all"
                "linkedjavascriptresources": [
                        "id": 7,
                        "code": "GTM-dataLayer",
                        "type": "I",
                        "is_global": true,
                        "active": false,
                        "file": "",
                        "templ_id": 439,
                        "attributes": []
                        "id": 10,
                        "code": "legacy-browsers",
                        "type": "I",
                        "is_global": true,
                        "active": true,
                        "file": "",
                        "templ_id": 441,
                        "attributes": []
                "id": 3,
                "code": "footer_js",
                "linkedcssresources": [],
                "linkedjavascriptresources": [
                        "id": 1,
                        "code": "settings",
                        "type": "I",
                        "is_global": true,
                        "active": true,
                        "file": "",
                        "templ_id": 438,
                        "attributes": []
                        "id": 8,
                        "code": "scripts",
                        "type": "C",
                        "is_global": true,
                        "active": true,
                        "file": "",
                        "templ_id": 0,
                        "attributes": []
                        "id": 6,
                        "code": "contact",
                        "type": "L",
                        "is_global": false,
                        "active": true,
                        "file": "themes/00000001/shadows/extensions/contact/contact.js",
                        "templ_id": 0,
                        "attributes": []
                        "id": 9,
                        "code": "product-json-ld",
                        "type": "I",
                        "is_global": false,
                        "active": true,
                        "file": "",
                        "templ_id": 440,
                        "attributes": [
                                "name": "type",
                                "value": "application/ld+json"
                "id": 4,
                "code": "css_list",
                "linkedcssresources": [
                        "id": 5,
                        "code": "preconnect-google-analytics",
                        "type": "E",
                        "is_global": true,
                        "active": true,
                        "file": "//",
                        "templ_id": 0,
                        "attributes": [
                                "name": "rel",
                                "value": "preconnect"
                                "name": "crossorigin",
                                "value": ""
                        "id": 4,
                        "code": "preconnect-google-fonts",
                        "type": "E",
                        "is_global": true,
                        "active": true,
                        "file": "",
                        "templ_id": 0,
                        "attributes": [
                                "name": "rel",
                                "value": "preconnect"
                                "name": "crossorigin",
                                "value": ""
                        "id": 3,
                        "code": "google-fonts",
                        "type": "E",
                        "is_global": true,
                        "active": true,
                        "file": ",500,700",
                        "templ_id": 0,
                        "attributes": [
                                "name": "rel",
                                "value": "stylesheet"
                        "id": 8,
                        "code": "stylesheet",
                        "type": "C",
                        "is_global": true,
                        "active": true,
                        "file": "",
                        "templ_id": 0,
                        "attributes": [
                                "name": "type",
                                "value": "text/css"
                                "name": "media",
                                "value": "all"
                                "name": "rel",
                                "value": "stylesheet"
                        "id": 12,
                        "code": "paypalcp",
                        "type": "I",
                        "is_global": false,
                        "active": true,
                        "file": "",
                        "templ_id": 478,
                        "attributes": [
                                "name": "type",
                                "value": "text/css"
                                "name": "media",
                                "value": "all"
                "linkedjavascriptresources": []