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This function allows you to load a list of available shipping methods for a basket. The shipping address must already be known for this function to return results. This function requires you pass a Session_ID and Checkout_Session_ID if calling from an external system. If calling this function from a Miva page, there is a helper function with the same name that is part of runtime.js and does not require any parameters.

Request Body Parameters#

Type Description
Session_Type String This will always be “runtime”
Session_ID String The Session ID of the basket
Checkout_Session_ID String Checkout Session ID. This is available once OCST (Bill To/Ship To) has been submitted
Customer_Session_ID String Optional - Customer Session ID. This will be available if the customer is currently logged into their customer account during checkout.

Response Parameters#

Type Description
success Boolean Boolean value for if the request was successful
module String Code of the Shipping Module
code String Shipping Method Code
name String Shipping Method Name
price Number Shipping Method Price
formatted_price String Shipping Formatted Price


Content-Type for the request must be ‘application/json’

Example Request#

    "Store_code": "beta",
    "Function": "Runtime_ShippingMethodList_Load",
    "Session_Type": "runtime",
    "Checkout_Session_ID": "6c91bb39caaa7aa4866a7f9ddc2esdasd",
    "Session_ID": "b4ddb93804b45e1e3c9b22165dasdsd"

Example Response#

    "success": 1,
    "data": [
            "module": "flatrate",
            "code": "FREESHIP",
            "name": "Free Ship",
            "price": 0.0,
            "formatted_price": "$0.00"