Shadows Omega Menu Tutorial#
Follow the steps below to add the Colossus theme Omega Menu to the default Shadows framework version 10.00.00 and up.
- Create a ReadyTheme Navigation Set with the following settings:
- Code: omega-navigation
- Name: Omega Navigation
- Layout: Horizontal Dropdown (can be any value)
- Template: omega-navigation.mvt
- Add Parent Categories along with child categories to the navigation set.
- Navigate to User Interface > CSS/JavaScript Resources > CSS Resources and select the
resources then select Edit Source and add the omega-navigation.css content at the bottom of the file. - Navigate to User Interface > CSS/JavaScript Resources > JS Resources and select the
resources then select Edit Source and add the omega-navigation.js content at the bottom of the file. - Edit the Global Header template to include following updates:
- Include the button to trigger the menu:
<button class="c-button x-omega-navigation__trigger t-primary-link" data-hook="activate-omega" type="button">Shop Categories <span class="u-font-tiny u-icon-chevron-down x-omega-navigation__trigger-icon t-prevent-events"></span></button>
- Include the ReadyTheme Navigation
<mvt:item name="readytheme" param="navigationset( 'omega-navigation' )" />
- Comment out the default navigation
This template, global_header.mvt, includes the entire global header template based off Shadows Version 10.10.00
<div class="o-wrapper o-wrapper--full o-wrapper--flush u-bg-white t-site-navigation &mvte:global:Session:shadows:checkout_hidden;"> <div class="o-layout o-layout--align-center o-layout--flush o-layout--justify-center t-site-navigation__wrap"> <mvt:item name="readytheme" param="navigationset( 'primary_navigation' )" /> </div> </div>
- Include the button to trigger the menu:
- Update the ReadyTheme Fasten Header Content Section
- Add the menu button including the
attribute:<button data-hook="open-omega">Shop Categories</button>
- Comment out the default navigation menu
This template, fasten_header.mvt, includes the entire fasten header template based off Shadows Version 10.10.00
<details class="x-fasten-header__navigation-element" tabindex="-1"> <summary tabindex="-1"><span>Shop Categories</span></summary> <nav> <mvt:do name="l.result" file="g.Module_Library_DB" value="Runtime_CategoryList_Load_Parent( 0, l.settings:parent_categories )" /> <ul class="x-fasten-header__navigation-list"> <mvt:foreach iterator="parent" array="parent_categories"> <mvt:if expr="l.pos1 GT 5"> <mvt:foreachstop /> </mvt:if> <mvt:do file="g.Module_Feature_URI_UT" name="l.settings:parent:link" value="Store_Category_URL(l.settings:parent, l.null)" /> <li class="x-fasten-header__navigation-item"> <a class="x-fasten-header__navigation-link" href="&mvte:parent:link;" tabindex="-1">&mvte:parent:name;</a> </li> </mvt:foreach> <mvt:if expr="miva_array_elements(l.settings:parent_categories) GT 5"> <li class="x-fasten-header__navigation-item"> <a class="x-fasten-header__navigation-link" href="&mvte:urls:CTLG:auto;" tabindex="-1">Shop All</a> </li> </mvt:if> </ul> </nav> </details>
- Add the menu button including the