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Miva Connect - NetSuite


Miva Connect consists of a group of pre-developed “Standard Flows” that represent the starting point for all integrations.

A flow can be described as a connection on the Miva side, a connection on the NetSuite side, and logic between them, built to satisfy a specific task. For example, “Miva Order to NetSuite Order” is a flow. The connectors themselves are fairly simple. What differentiates one integration from another is the quality and attention to detail of what is passed between them.

Many choose Miva and NetSuite because both offer customization possibilities and, as a result, one-size-fits-all “easy button” integrations don’t exist. It’s anticipated that customization will be necessary, and the standard flows and integration process have been created with that in mind.

Many Miva and NetSuite customizations, like custom fields, are achieved with a simple customization.

Other modifications, or custom specifications may require either complex modifications to a flow, or fully custom flows built from the ground up.

It’s easy to think that just because Miva and NetSuite both have the concept of an order, integration between the two is straight forward. The reality is that there are many nuances to an order, and many data elements hang off it; customers, products, product variations, discounts, sales tax, payments and more. While our standard Miva to NetSuite order flow supports all of these, anticipating all customer variations is impossible.

That’s why the details of this flow is important. This document lays out exactly what the standard flows do and provides insight into where something may “just work” for you, and where it may need customization.

The goal of an integration between Miva and NetSuite is to:

On this Page

Summary of Standard Flows

Product Flows

Order Flows

Standard Flow Details

Product-Related Flows: General Information

It is expected that if the product catalog originates in NetSuite, users will typically manage their product catalog in NetSuite, or have basic information about each product in NetSuite and layer in details using Miva Merchant Admin – such as categorization, adding images etc.

New products can be created active or inactive in a specific category. This makes them easy to find in Miva Merchant admin for processing. Matrix parent and child products can be treated differently in this regard.

Product creation sets the Miva Product SKU to the NetSuite unique product name, whether that be a simple inventory item mapped to a Miva Product SKU, or a matrix product child mapped to a Miva Product Variation.

The Miva Product Taxable Boolean can be automatically set. This requires that Miva Connect maintain a list of NetSuite tax schedules.

Custom NetSuite fields can be mapped directly to Miva Custom Product fields.

Flow 1: Non-Matrix Inventory Items from NetSuite to Miva

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