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Developer Videos

Videos | ReadyTheme Product Listing

ver. 9.0 and later

Video Transcript

Let's dive into how the Product Listings feature of ReadyThemes works. So here I am on the Product Listings tab. I have already created a Featured Products Product Listing. I double click on this, it will bring up some settings for it. So the core of this is this Item Tag. This Item Tag is what controls where I want this Product Listing to display. I've already put this on the Storefront page. We'll scroll down to the bottom and you'll see the Featured Products area under the About Us content. 

The next part is the actual template that's used to control the layout. Now I'm in Advanced Mode and you don't see that. Scroll down and click from Advanced to Point and Click. Now click back to Advanced Mode so you can see the template code. This is the same concept that you're familiar with on the Category page, with the Category List Layout, and a product page with a Product List Layout. Instead of this being it's own tab on a page, it's just this section here, but it has all the same features and functionality. It looks like a product listing, because it is a product list. You can assign custom fields if you want to. You can select the image type that is displayed here. You can set the default sort, number of products displayed, etc. Now here's where it differs, this is not part of CTGY or PLST or Search. This is where you determine what populates this array. Right now there's two options. It's going to pull all products from the store, or it's going to pull products from a particular category. Now in the future we have plans to add Best Sellers, Newest Products, and expand this, but right now the driving force is really a category. So if I chose products in a particular category, I can look up a category, let's say I want to pull products from my guitar category, go ahead and hit ok, then I can hit "Save" and it will pull the first eight products from that category and display them. Now, because this is tied to a category, all the management of the products is done at the category level. So I can go into Catalog, go to Categories, and I can edit my Guitar Category, and I can choose what products are assigned here. So if I assign these three products, I can choose the order of the products, so let's say I want to make this number one, I can do that all at the category level and it will directly impact what products are displayed here and the order of the products. 

Let me jump back to the ReadyTheme's Product Listings. Now, one nice thing about this is that you have full control of the layout. You can even use third party modules such as tool kit or tool belt to add additional functionality. The way this works is this section will inherit whatever items you have the item tag on. So for example, in this case, we have this item tag being called in on. So every items that's assigned to Storefront is also available in this template here, which gives me a lot of flexibility over the look and feel of the layout. 

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