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Videos | Scheduled Tasks

In Miva Merchant stores 9.6 or later, You have the ability to automate various tasks in your store using a functionality called Scheduled Tasks. In this video we set up a new scheduled task that runs a feed once a month.
ver.9.6 and later

Video Transcript

In Miva Merchant stores 9.6 or later, you have the ability to automate various tasks in your store using a functionality called Scheduled Tasks. In this video, we take a look at what Scheduled Tasks are all about and walk through the steps of setting up a new Scheduled Task in your store. To get to Scheduled Tasks, log into your Store Admin and under “Menu,” click into “Store Settings” and then click on the “Scheduled Tasks” tab.

Any existing Scheduled Tasks will be listed here. There is a default setting that comes with every 9.6 update and that's “Delete Expired Shopping Baskets.” This Scheduled Task will remove any items left in abandoned shopping carts once a day for you automatically. Here you can see how often each task is scheduled to run. These are all set to once a day. You can also see when they last ran and when they will run again next.

Lastly, you can see what operation will occur when each of the tasks are run. Let's go ahead and click on “Create New Scheduled Task.” If you click on the Operation drop down menu, you'll see a list of all the possible tasks you can work with. You have a few Image Management Tasks, a few Marketplaces related tasks and some standard tasks like Perform Module Clean Up, Delete Expired Shopping Baskets, Pack Data Files, Run a Feed and Process Subscriptions.

As support for Scheduled Tasks mature, the available options in this list will grow. So you may see additional options in your store that don't appear in this list. If we go into Marketing and then go into the Feeds tab, you can see that we have a few feeds set up in this test store. We have a feed called Store Products, which outputs all of the Product Data in the store into a .CSV file. At the moment, we have to manually run this feed from time to time to ensure that it contains all of the most current product data, by selecting it and then clicking on this “Process Now” button, but we can use Scheduled Tasks to automate this behavior.

Let's do that now by going back into Store Settings and into the Scheduled Tasks tab. Here we’ll click on the Create New Scheduled Task button. We’ll call this task, “Run Products Feed” and we’ll select the “Run a Feed” operation. Let's say we want this task to run every month. We’ll say “30 days” and finally, we need to select which feed we want this task to work with. Once we're done, we'll just click on the “Add” button and we've created a new Scheduled Task that will run once a month. That's all for this example video. If you want to read more about Scheduled Tasks, check out our https://docs.miva.com/how-to-guides/scheduled-tasks.

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