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The remote provisioning module is currently set to support the following tags listed below. The supported tag list may be expanded as needed if access to more resource properties (Ex: categories, products, customers, orders, etc.) are required.

1. XML Provisioning Requests

2. XML Provisioning Tags

3. Update Product Inventory Settings

4. Product Price Group Assignment

5. Product Sale Pricing

6. Product Custom Fields

7. XML Provisioning Responses

XML Provisioning Requests

All provisioning requests must contain two top-level container nodes: <Provision> and <Store code="WUKA">. The XML tag list will fall under the <Store> node. Multiple tags within the tag list are supported.


XML Provisioning Tags

Update Product

Update an existing product. All fields are optional in the product update and only fields passed in will be updated. Other fields not included in the update will remain unchanged.


Element Xpath Required Occurs Type Description
Product_Update Yes 1 Container Node Top-level container.
Product_Update @code Yes 1 Text attribute The target product code.
Product_Update/Price No 1 Decimal Node Product base price.
Product_Update/Cost No 1 Decimal Node Product cost.

Request Example

Update Product Inventory Settings

Updating inventory in Miva is done though the InventoryProductSettings_Update XML tag. It allows you to update inventory counts as well as inventory settings on a per product basis.


Element Xpath Required Occurs Type Description
InventoryProductSettings_Update Yes 1 Container Node Top-level container.
InventoryProductSettings_Update@product_code Yes 1 Text attribute The target product code.
InventoryProductSettings_Update/TrackProduct No 1 Text Node

Enable inventory tracking.

Recommended to always be given if changes to inventory numbers or settings are made. This will ensure that inventory tracking is always enabled before attempting to update inventory settings.

Yes = Enable product inventory tracking

No = Disable product inventory tracking

InventoryProductSettings_Update/CurrentStock No 1 Integer Node Current product stock level.

Request Example

Product Price Group Assignment

Assign products to price groups.

Element Xpath Required Occurs Type Description
PriceGroupProduct_Assign Yes 1 Self-Closing Node Price group assignment tag.
PriceGroupProduct_Assign@group_name Yes 1 Text attribute The target price group name.
PriceGroupProduct_Assign @product_code Yes 1 Text Attribute The target product code.

Request Example

Product Sale Pricing

Set/update specific sale price for product.

Element Xpath Required Occurs Type Description
Module Yes 1 Container Node Top-level container.
Module @code Yes 1 Text Attribute The target module code. This should be set to discount_saleprice.
Module @feature Yes 1 Text Attribute The target module feature. This should be set to fields_prod.
Module/ProductSalePrice Yes 1 Decimal Node The product sale price.
Module/ProductSalePrice@group_name Yes 1 Text Attribute The target price group name.
Module/ProductSalePrice@product_code Yes 1 Text Attribute The target product code.

Request Example

Product Custom Fields

Set/update the custom field value for a specific product.


Element Xpath Required Occurs Type Description
Module Yes 1 Container Node Top-level container.
Module @code Yes 1 Text Attribute The target module code. This should be set to customfields.
Module @feature Yes 1 Text Attribute The target module feature. This should be set to fields_prod.
Module/ProductField_Value Yes 1 Text Node The custom field value.
Module/ProductField_Value @product Yes 1 Text Attribute The target product code.
Module/ProductField_Value @field Yes 1 Text Attribute The target product custom field code.

Request Example

XML Provisioning Responses

All responses will return XML for the body content. Below is an example of a typical response body for a successful provisioning request:

Please see our online documentation for information and handling instructions regarding response errors.

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