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This function loads a list of Customer Subscriptions.

Request Parameters#

Type Description
The customer id
The customer login
The customer login
count Number Maximum lines of data allowed to be returned in the response. This limit is used to prevent excessive amounts of data return
filter String A string for filtering returned data
offset Number Used with the Count parameter for paginating results of large datasets. Default 0 is no offset.
sort String The order for sorting returned data

Response Parameters#

Type Description
success Boolean Boolean value indicating if the api request was successful
total_count Number the number of customer subscriptions returned
start_offset Number the offset starting point for pagination of return data
id Number customer subscription item id
order_id Number order id associated with the customer subscription
line_id Number line id of the subscription
cust_id Number customer id for the subscription
custpc_id Number the id of the saved card linked to the subscription
product_id Number product id for the subscription
subterm_id Number subscription term id for the subscription terms
addr_id Number address id for the subscription
ship_id Number shipping id for the subscription
ship_data String The name of the shipping option for the subscription
quantity Number product quantity for the subscription
termrem Number Number of terms remaining for the subscription
termproc Number Number of terms processed on the subscription
firstdate Object Subscription first fulfillment date
time_t Number Unix timestamp for the first subscription fulfillment date
year Number Year of the fullfillment date
month Number Month of the fullfillment date
day Number Day of the fullfillment date
hour Number Hour of the fullfillment date
minute Number Minute of the fullfillment date
second Number Second of the fullfillment date
timezone Number Time zone of the fullfillment date
status String Subscription status
message String Subscription status message
tax Number Tax for the subscription
formatted_tax String Currency formatted subscription tax
shipping Number Shipping total for the subscription
formatted_shipping String Currency formatted shipping total
subtotal Number Subscription subtotal
formatted_subtotal String Currency formatted subtotal
total Number Subscription total price
formatted_total String Currency formatted subscription total price
authfails Number Number of times payment authorizaton has failed
frequency String The frequency of the subscription fulfillment
term Number Number of subscription terms
descrip String description of the subscription frequency
n Number Number of days or Months between each fulfillment. Only set if using Subscription Terms
fixed_dow Number Number indicating a fixed day of the week for weekly subscription fulfillment
fixed_dom Number Number indicating a fixed day of the month for monthly subscription fulfillment
sub_count Number subscription count
method String Shipping method for the subscription
product_code String Product code of the item
product_name String Product name of the item
product_sku String Product sku of the item
product_price Number Product price of the item
product_formatted_price String Currency formatted product price
product_cost Number Product cost of the item
product_formatted_cost String Currency formatted product cost
product_weight Number Product weight of the item
product_taxable Boolean Boolean value indicating if the item is taxable
product_thumbnail String filepath name of the product thumbnail image
product_image String filepath name of the product image
product_active Boolean Boolean value indicating if the product is active
product_dt_created Number Unix timestamp for the product creation date
product_dt_Updated Number Unix timestamp for the product update date
product_page_title String The title of the product page
product_page_id Number The Id of the product page
product_page_code String The code of the product page
product_cancat_id Number Canonical category id for the product
product_cancat_code String Canonical Category Code for the Product
product_inventory_active Boolean Boolean value indicating if the product inventory is active
product_inventory Number Product inventory count
paymentcard_lastfour String Last four numbers of the payment card
paymentcard_type String The type of payment card being used on the subscription
address_descrip String The address subscription
address_fname String First name for the subscription address
address_lname String Last name for the subscription address
address_email String Email address for the subscription
address_comp String IP address for the computer that made the subscription
address_phone String Phone number for the subscription address field
address_fax String Fax number for the subscription address field
address_addr String Street address for the subscription
address_addr1 String Additional street address field for the subscription
address_addr2 String Additional street address field for the subscription
address_city String City for the subscription street address
address_state String State for the subscription street address
address_zip String Zip code for the subscription street address
address_cntry String Country for the subscription street address
address_resdntl Boolean Boolean value indicating if the subscription address is residential
customer_login String Login name for the customer having the subscription
customer_pw_email String Email address associated with the password for the customer login
customer_business_title String The business title of the customer
options Object Array of objects containing options.

Example Request#

    "Store_code": "beta",
    "Function": "CustomerSubscriptionList_Load_Query",
    "Customer_ID": 2,
    "Sort": "id",
    "Offset": 0,
    "Count": 42

Example Response#

    "success": 1,
    "data": {
        "total_count": 1,
        "start_offset": 0,
        "data": [
                "id": 2,
                "order_id": 0,
                "line_id": 0,
                "cust_id": 2,
                "custpc_id": 0,
                "product_id": 9,
                "subterm_id": 1,
                "addr_id": 2,
                "ship_id": 140,
                "ship_data": "ground",
                "quantity": 1,
                "termrem": 0,
                "termproc": 0,
                "firstdate": {
                    "time_t": 0,
                    "year": 1969,
                    "month": 12,
                    "day": 31,
                    "hour": 19,
                    "minute": 0,
                    "second": 0,
                    "timezone": -5
                "lastdate": {
                    "time_t": 0,
                    "year": 1969,
                    "month": 12,
                    "day": 31,
                    "hour": 19,
                    "minute": 0,
                    "second": 0,
                    "timezone": -5
                "nextdate": {
                    "time_t": 1646974800,
                    "year": 2022,
                    "month": 3,
                    "day": 11,
                    "hour": 0,
                    "minute": 0,
                    "second": 0,
                    "timezone": -5
                "status": "E",
                "message": "Invalid payment method",
                "cncldate": {
                    "time_t": 0,
                    "year": 1969,
                    "month": 12,
                    "day": 31,
                    "hour": 19,
                    "minute": 0,
                    "second": 0,
                    "timezone": -5
                "tax": 1.75,
                "formatted_tax": "$1.75",
                "shipping": 10.0,
                "formatted_shipping": "$10.00",
                "subtotal": 18.0,
                "formatted_subtotal": "$18.00",
                "total": 29.75,
                "formatted_total": "$29.75",
                "authfails": 0,
                "lastafail": {
                    "time_t": 0,
                    "year": 1969,
                    "month": 12,
                    "day": 31,
                    "hour": 19,
                    "minute": 0,
                    "second": 0,
                    "timezone": -5
                "frequency": "biweekly",
                "term": 0,
                "descrip": "Reorder bi-weekly",
                "n": 0,
                "fixed_dow": 0,
                "fixed_dom": 0,
                "sub_count": 2,
                "method": "Ground Shipping",
                "product_code": "coffee",
                "product_name": "Coffee",
                "product_sku": "coffee_100",
                "product_price": 20.0,
                "product_formatted_price": "$20.00",
                "product_cost": 10.0,
                "product_formatted_cost": "$10.00",
                "product_weight": 1.0,
                "product_taxable": true,
                "product_thumbnail": "graphics/00000001/coffee.jpg",
                "product_image": "",
                "product_active": true,
                "product_dt_created": 1647039826,
                "product_dt_Updated": 1647039826,
                "product_page_title": "",
                "product_page_id": 0,
                "product_page_code": "",
                "product_cancat_id": 0,
                "product_cancat_code": "",
                "product_inventory_active": false,
                "product_inventory": 0,
                "paymentcard_lastfour": "",
                "paymentcard_type": "",
                "address_descrip": "16000 RB Road",
                "address_fname": "Test",
                "address_lname": "Jones",
                "address_email": "",
                "address_comp": "",
                "address_phone": "8006488080",
                "address_fax": "",
                "address_addr": "16000 RB Road",
                "address_addr1": "16000 RB Road",

                "address_city": "Hollywood",
                "address_state": "CA",
                "address_zip": "90046",
                "address_cntry": "US",
                "address_dorm": "",
                "address_lastupdate": 1647039826,
                "address_deleted": 0


  • The firstdate, lastdate, nextdate, cncldate, and lastafail parameters contain date objects with timestamp information.
  • The product_active parameter indicates whether the product associated with the subscription is currently active.
  • The product_inventory_active parameter indicates whether the product’s inventory is active.