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This function allows you to issue a refund against an existing captured payment record.


Refunds can only apply to payments which have been captured (type 4 or type 5). Use OrderPayment_VOID to void a payment authorization (type 3).

Request Body Parameters#

Type Description
OrderPayment_ID Number Payment record to Refund. This is returned in the OrderList_Load_Query or OrderPaymentList_Load.
Amount Number Amount to refund. Not currency formatted. Note: The refund amount can only be up to the total amount captured.

Response Parameters#

Type Description
total_auth Number Total Amount Authorized
formatted_total_auth String Currency Formatted Total Amount Authorized
total_capt Number Total Amount Captured
formatted_total_capt String Currency Formatted Total Amount Captured
total_rfnd Number Total Amount Refunded
formatted_total_rfnd String Currency Formatted Total Amount Refunded
net_capt Number Total amount captured minus total amount refunded
formatted_net_capt String Formatted total amount captured minus total amount refunded

Example Request#

    "Store_code": "beta",
    "Function": "OrderPayment_Refund",
    "OrderPayment_ID": 5,
    "Amount": 10.0

Example Response#

    "success": 1,
    "data": {
        "total_auth": 18.0,
        "formatted_total_auth": "$18.00",
        "total_capt": 10.0,
        "formatted_total_capt": "$10.00",
        "total_rfnd": 10.0,
        "formatted_total_rfnd": "$10.00",
        "net_capt": 0.0,
        "formatted_net_capt": "$0.00"

Error Responses#

Error Code Error Message Error Description
MER-JSN-PAY-00018 Invalid transaction type A refund can only be applied to a payment type of 4 or 5.