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This function allows you to look up products assigned to a specific price group.

Request Parameters#

Type Description
count Number Maximum lines of data allowed to be returned in the response. This limit is used to prevent excessive amounts of data return
filter String A string for filtering returned data
offset Number Used with the Count parameter for paginating results of large datasets. Default 0 is no offset.
sort String The order for sorting returned data
Assigned Boolean True/False to return assigned or unassigned products
Unassigned Boolean True/False to return assigned or unassigned products
ID of the Price Group.
Price Group code
Price Group code

On Demand Columns#

The same on-demand columns as ProductList_Load_Query are supported

Name Description
descrip Full HTML product description
catcount Number of categories the product is assigned to
productinventorysettings Product specific inventory settings
attributes Includes attribute object in response
productimagedata Product Image including Image Types and non-image types
categories Product Category Assignments
productshippingrules Includes product dimensions and restricted shipping methods (if any)
relatedproduct Related product assignments
uris Includes URI’s object in response. Canonical URI is the default URL for the product.
"CustomField_Values:*" Includes all custom fields in the output

Supported Search Filter Columns#

Name Description
code Product Code
sku Product SKU
cancat_code Canonical Category Code
page_code Alternate Page Code
name Product Name
thumbnail Relative Path to Thumbnail Image
image Relative Path to Fullsize Image
price Product Price
cost Product Cost
weight Product Weight
taxable True/False flag if the product is taxable
active True/False flag if the product is active
page_title Product Page Title
dt_created Unix timestamp when product was created
dt_Updated Unix timestamp when product was last updated

Supported Sort Columns#

One of these values would be passed in the sort request parameter to have the results sorted by that column. Value may be preceded by “-” for a descending sort.

| Name          | Description                                  |
| ------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
| `code`        | Product Code (unique)                        |
| `sku`         | Product SKU                                  |
| `cancat_code` | Canonical Category Code                      |
| `page_code`   | Alternate Page Code                          |
| `name`        | Product Name                                 |
| `thumbnail`   | Relative Path to Thumbnail Image             |
| `image`       | Relative Path to Fullsize Image              |
| `price`       | Product Price                                |
| `cost`        | Product Cost                                 |
| `descrip`     | Full HTML product description                |
| `weight`      | Product Weight                               |
| `taxable`     | True/False flag if the product is taxable    |
| `active`      | True/False flag if the product is active     |
| `page_title`  | Product Page Title                           |
| `dt_created`  | Unix timestamp when product was created      |
| `dt_Updated`  | Unix timestamp when product was last updated |

## Response Parameters

| <div style="width:200px;">Parameter<div> | Type           | Description                                              |
| ---------------------------------------- | -------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- |
| `total_count`                            | Number         | Total Product Count                                      |
| `start_offset`                           | Number         | Start Offset                                             |
| `id`                                     | Number         | Product Id                                               |
| `code`                                   | String         | Product Code                                             |
| `Sku`                                    | String         | Product SKU                                              |
| `thumbnail`                              | String         | Product Thumbnail                                        |
| `image`                                  | String         | Product Fullsize Image                                   |
| `price`                                  | Number         | Price                                                    |
| `formatted_price`                        | String         | Currency Formatted Product Price                         |
| `cost`                                   | Number         | Cost                                                     |
| `formatted_cost`                         | String         | Currency Formatted Product Cost                          |
| `weight`                                 | Number         | Weight                                                   |
| `taxable`                                | Boolean        | Taxable                                                  |
| `active`                                 | Boolean        | Active                                                   |
| `page_title`                             | String         | Product Page Title - used in HTML title tag within head  |
| `dt_created`                             | Unix Timestamp | Date/Time Product was created                            |
| `dt_Updated`                             | Unix Timestamp | Date/Time Product Updated                                |
| `cancat_code`                            | String         | Canonical Category Code                                  |
| `page_code`                              | String         | Page Code                                                |
| `product_inventory_active`               | Boolean        | Product Inventory Active                                 |
| `product_inventory`                      | Number         | Product Inventory Count                                  |
| `assigned`                               | Boolean        | true/false if the product is assigned to the price group |

## Example Requests

    "Store_code": "beta",
    "Function": "PriceGroupProductList_Load_Query",
    "PriceGroup_Name": "Volume Pricing",
    "Unassigned": true,
    "Offset": 1,
    "Count": 0,
    "Sort": "code"

Example Response#

    "success": 1,
    "data": {
        "total_count": 2,
        "start_offset": 1,
        "data": [
                "id": 1,
                "code": "test",
                "sku": "",
                "name": "Test Product",
                "thumbnail": "",
                "image": "",
                "price": 10.0,
                "formatted_price": "$10.00",
                "cost": 0.0,
                "formatted_cost": "$0.00",
                "weight": 10.0,
                "taxable": true,
                "active": true,
                "page_title": "",
                "dt_created": 1539299307,
                "dt_Updated": 1539635001,
                "cancat_code": "",
                "page_code": "",
                "product_inventory_active": false,
                "product_inventory": 0,
                "assigned": false