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Update a product in Miva using Miva's Product Code as the unique identifier.

Additional Input Parameters


Other Custom Filters

Supported Search Filter Columns

Supported Sort Columns

Request Body Parameters

Example Request

Success Response

Error Response

Required Fields Validation Error

Error Details

Error Code Error Message Validation Error Error_Field Error_Field_Error
Unable to load Product

MER-JSN-00017 Missing required parameter Store_Code

Invalid value for field 'Product_Weight': Please enter a number
true Product_Weight Please enter a number
Invalid value for field 'Product_Price': Please enter a number
true Product_Price Please enter a number
Invalid value for field 'Product_Name': Please specify a product name
true Product_Name Please specify a product name
Invalid value for field 'Product_Cost': Please enter a number
true Product_Cost Please enter a number
Invalid value for field 'CustomField_Values:customfields:brand': EOF: Record not found: MER-UTL-CST-00085
true CustomField_Values:customfields:brand
EOF: Record not found: MER-UTL-CST-00085

Note: Error Code MER-JSN-0018 is a generic error code for any Validation Field error. If any required fields are incorrect or missing this is the error that will be returned. If multiple validation fields exist, only the first validation will be returned. 

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