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URI Management

Legacy SEO Settings

SEO-Friendly Store Front Section

Enable SEO-Friendly Store Front:

If you don't check this box, when people browse to your store domain, Miva Merchant will try to load your index.html page. If you don't have an index.htlml page, the customer usually sees a page not found error.

If you enable this checkbox, when customers browse to your store domain, Miva Merchant will ignore your index.html, even if you have one, and will automatically load your page SFNT (store front).

Short Links Section

Enable Short Links:

If enabled, you can create shorter URL paths for your on-line store.

With short links disabled, your store URL looks like this: http://mystore.coolcommerce.net/mm5/merchant.mvc?Store_co de=test_store&Screen=STSL

With short links enabled, your store URL looks like this: http://mystore.coolcommerce.net

Always include store code in URL: If you have multiple stores in your mall and you are using the "Enable short links" feature, you must also enable this option. If this option is turned off, the shorts links will fail because they will not refer to a unique store. You can ignore this setting if you only have one store in your mall or if you are not using short links.
Include Product Page Identifier in Breadcrumb Links:

There are third party modules that allow you to create breadcrumb links for your on-line store. If this option is enabled, product page identifiers will be included when the breadcrumb URLs are generated.

You can ignore this option if you are using the Smart Breadcrumbs that were added in PR8 Update 4.

URL delimiter:

Allows you to change the URL delimiter in your store URLs.

Example: Product page with the URL delimiter set to "/" http://sample_store.coolcommerce.net/test_store/clothing/ shirt01.html

Example: Product page with the URL delimiter set to a hyphen "-" http://sample_store.coolcommerce.net/test_store-clothingshirt01.html


Allows you to add your own keywords as prefixes to almost every page in your store, so that search engines can scan those words. Controlling keywords that appear in your URLs can affect your placement in a search engine result list.

Example: create a custom prefix


and a product page URL will look like this:



The suffix field allows you to change the URL suffix that appears in almost every page in your store.

Example: create a custom suffix:

My Prefix

and a category page URL looks like this:

http://sample_store.coolcommerce.net/test_store/my_category/ clothing.my_suffix

Product page identifier:

Allows you to add your own keywords to product pages in your store URLs, so that search engines can scan those words. Controlling keywords that appear in your URLs can affect your placement in a search engine result list.

Example: create a product page identifier

Page Identifier

and a product page URL will look like this:




Category Page Identifier:

Allows you to add your own keywords to category pages in your store URLs, so that search engines can scan those words. Controlling keywords that appear in your URLs can affect your placement in a search engine result list.

Example: create a category page identifier

Category Page Identifier

and a category page URL will look like this:

http://sample_store.coolcommerce.net/test_store/my_identifier/ shirts.html

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