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URI Management


The URIs tab is only used if you set the Link Source to "URI Management".

In Version 9, the term "URI Management" is a heading in the Menubutton, but it also refers to a new style of URLs. URI Management style URLs are similar to legacy SEO short links, but they are much more configurable:

Generate button

Use the Generate Button when you want to create or update your URI Management style URLs.

Generate URI's

What it Says in the Generate URIs Dialog Box What That Means
Generating URIs will use the current URI templates to create new URIs for each of the items selected. This dialog box uses the template code on the URI Management > Settings Tab to create your URLs.
Existing URIs will be handled according to the current update settings for each item.

The URI Management > Settings tab has policy settings that control what URLs are updated and when. For example:

  • Generate URIs For New Pages
  • Delete URIs For Deleted Pages
  • Update Page URIs

However, the Generate URIs dialog box has its own policy settings under the labels:

URIs to Generate and Behavior.

The Generate URIs dialog box ignores the policy settings in the Settings tab.

Store The store where you are going to create the URls.
URIs to Generate:
  • All Screens: When Miva Merchant refers to a "screen" in this dialog box, it means a "pseudo-page". Pseudo-pages are displayed in your on-line store, but there is no corresponding page for it in the admin interface.
  • An example is the OINF page. It is used to start the checkout process, but it does not have its own page in the admin interface. The OINF page has logic built-in that directs the customer to either the OCST Page (Customer Information Page) if they are logged in or the ORDL Page (Order Login Page) if they are not logged in.

    If you select this option, URLs will be generated for the "pseudopages" in your on-line store.

  • All Pages: Generate URLs for any page in your on-line store that has a corresponding page in the admin interface, except for category and product pages.
  • All Categories: Generate URLs for all category pages in your on-line store.
  • All Products: Generate URLs for all product pages in your online store.
  • Generate URIs Only When None Exist:
  • Add a Non-Canonical URI:
    • Normal: The existing URIs are not changed and are still canonical. A duplicate set of URIs is created and these are marked as non-canonical.
    • 30x Redirect: The existing URIs are not changed and are still canonical. New URIs will be created that re-direct to the canonical URIs.
  • Replace Existing Canonical URI:
    • Leave Old Canonical: Creates a new URI which becomes the new canonical URI. The existing canonical URI is marked as normal (non-canonical).
    • Delete Old Canonical: The existing URI is deleted. New URIs are created and are marked as canonical.
    • 30x Redirect: New URIs are created and marked as canonical. The existing URI is changed to a 30x redirect to the new URI.

Redirect Button

The Redirect button is only visible if you select a URI in the URIs tab. You can use it to manually convert an existing URI into a redirect.

URI Redirect

Redirect To:
  • Screens: See pseudo-page.
  • Page: Generate URLs for any page in your on-line store that has a corresponding page in the admin interface, except for category and product pages.
  • Category: Generate URLs for all category pages in your on-line store.
  • All Products: Generate URLs for all product pages in your online store.
Redirect type:
  • Move URI: This option is like an edit. The htaccess file is not changed and the SEO "weighting" of the URI is not lost. Essentially you are just editing an existing URI.
  • 30x Redirect: The URI that the customer enters remains the same, but you can change the page that loads.
Store: The store where you are going to create the URls.

Add URI Button

In most cases you would use the Generate button to create a group of URIs, but you can use the Add URI button Menuto add them one at a time


URI Enter a string for the URI. There are few restrictions for what this string can look like.
Store: The store where you want to create the URI.
Destination: Select the screen (pseudo-page), page, category, or product that you want to load with your URI.
  • Normal: The URI that you are creating will be marked as noncanonical.
  • Canonical: The URI that you are creating will be marked as canonical.
  • 30x Redirect: The URI that you are creating will be marked as a re-direct.

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