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Store Settings

Store Details

Identification Section


Miva Merchant has three types of admin users: Administrators, Managers, and ordinary admin users. Please note that these users exist in the admin interface and are not related to customer accounts in your on-line store.

  • Administrators have access to all admin features in all stores.
  • Managers have access to all admin features in the store where they are the manager.
  • "Ordinary" users have privileges that you can limit by creating a Group and then assigning the user to that group.
Store Code The store code uniquely identifies a store in the database. It will also show up in the URL bar as a parameter when customers visit your online store (&Store_Code=).
Store Name The store name appears in the Miva Merchant administration interface to indicate which store you are currently editing. If you have more than one store, your customers can also see the store name in the store selection screen.

To Assign a Manager to the New Store

You can only assign an existing user to be a manager. If you have already created a user that you want to assign as the manager, you can enter the user name in the Manager field, or you can click the Look Up button. Note that if you assign an administrator as the store manager, that person will still have access to all of your stores.


If you haven't already created your manager account, and you only want this person to have admin rights in one store:

  1. Go to Menu> Users > Users tab.
  2. Create a new user. Make sure that you do not check the "Administrator" checkbox in the Add User screen.
  3. Packaging Rules

  4. Go back to Menu> Store Settings > Store Details > Identification section and enter the user name that you just created.


This tab contains contact information that Miva Merchant uses for the store manager, as default shipping information, and as registration information for certain payment options. Some of the fields in this tab are turned into tokens that are used throughout the admin interface. The fields in this tab are prepopulated with whatever was entered when the initial store setup is done.


Weight Unit Display Suffix: Enter the label to use throughout the store where weight is displayed. The default is pounds. This is only a label for the convenience of your customers. You can use any term you like such as ounces, kilos, or tons. You could also describe your products in some non-weight units such as cartons, bags, or pallets.
Weight Units: Enter the type of weight units that you would like to use in your store for calculation and for submission to shipping carriers. You can only use one unit of measurement throughout the store. All your product weights will be measured by the same term.
Dimension Units: Enter the type of dimension units that you would like to use in your store for calculation and for submission to shipping carriers. You can only use one unit of measurement throughout the store. All your product dimensions will be measured by the same term.
Basket Timeout (Minutes):

Defines the time a shopper's basket can be left without any action (store browsing, additions, removals, changes of quantity) before it expires. The default is 60 minutes. In builds before PR8 update 4, the max Basket Timeout was 1440 minutes (24 hours). In builds after PR8 update 4, there is no limit on the length of the timeout.

Just like in a brick–and–mortar store, items that are in shopping baskets are removed from your inventory. Sometimes customers may leave their baskets without checking out. If enough products accumulate in abandoned baskets, it can appear that your store has run out of them. When the basket expires, you can return the items to inventory by deleting the basket (see To Delete Expired Shopping Baskets).

To determine the right time limit for your store, consider the impact on your inventory levels of having items left in abandoned baskets and the potential for your customers to be interrupted (by a phone call, for instance). You want to avoid appearing to be out of items that are simply tied up in forgotten baskets and avoid frustrating shoppers by deleting their baskets while they are still browsing in your store.

Expired baskets should be deleted regularly. Note that order numbers are never reused, even from expired baskets.

Legacy Price Group Overlap Resolution: When you offer special discounts to certain groups of customers using Price Groups, and a customer belongs to more than one Price Group, there can be a conflict between prices. Specify whether you want the customer to be offered the highest of the two prices or the lowest.
Store User Interface: Static field that shows which css user interface you are using. In most cases, this will be CSSUI.
Sales Tax Calculation:

Specify the sales tax method to use in the store

Please use this feature with caution. Typically, you will make a selection when initially setting up your store and then never change it. If you select a different way of calculating sales taxes later, any changes you have made, including customized tax rates, or tax settings that vary by product, will be lost.

The standard options are:

The Canadian Value Added Tax module enables you to configure the Canadian VAT module to calculate Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) on shipments from a Canadian store to a Canadian Customer.

Note: the Canadian VAT module does not calculate Provincial Sales Tax (PST).

Canadian VAT

The Canadian Value Added Tax module enables you to configure the Canadian VAT module to calculate Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) on shipments from a Canadian store to a Canadian Customer.

Note: the Canadian VAT module does not calculate Provincial Sales Tax (PST).

European VAT

The European Value Added Tax module lets you specify the ship-to countries where VAT should be charged, to specify one or more VAT rates, and to assign rates to each product in your store.

Shopper Selected Sales Tax

The Shopper Selected Sales Tax module lets you configure sales tax options that shoppers can select from a drop-down list during the checkout process.

State Based Sales Tax

State Based Sales Tax enables you to assign tax rates for one or more states. If an order is being shipped to one of these states then the assigned rate will be applied to the order, otherwise no tax will be charged.

Generic VAT

The Generic Value Added Tax (VAT) module gives you the ability to configure tax rates on a per-product basis. You can add a tax rate to as many products as you wish. You can also specify tax rates at any time from the product screen.

Third-party modules supporting other tax methods may be available. If one of these is installed in your store, that option will be available along with those above.

After you have selected a tax module, that module name will appear as a link in the top section of the Edit Store screen.

Currency Formatting

Select the appropriate currency formatting option from the drop-down list. The choices are European, generic, and U.S. currency formatting.

European Currency Formatting

Select this option to use one country's currency, and also to display the converted value in Euros.

When you select this option, a new tab, European Currency Formatting, is added at the top section of the Edit Store screen. Click that link, and configure the following settings there:

Currency Symbol

Enter the symbol or abbreviation to use for the country's currency. For instance: DEM, FRF, Before Amount, or After Amount.

Specify where the currency symbol should be located, relative to the value.

Thousands Separator

Enter the symbol that will appear between groups of digits in large numbers. For instance, the digit grouping symbol here is a comma: $2,646,200.00

Decimal Symbol

Enter a symbol to go between the whole and decimal parts of the currency value. For example: 178.00

Conversion Rate to Euros

Enter a multiplier to convert the currency to Euros. Remember to update this conversion rate regularly, so your pricing will remain accurate as currencies fluctuate.

Before Amount, or After Amount

Specify where the currency symbol should be located, relative to the value in Euros.

Primary Currency

Either the country's currency, or Euros, will be displayed in the store as the primary unit of currency, with the other being secondary. Select which to use at the primary currency in your store.

Enclose the Secondary Currency with

Select or specify the symbols to surround the value of the secondary currency.

Generic Currency Formatting

Use this option to customize all aspects of displaying your currency. When you select this option, a new tab, Generic Currency Formatting, is added at the top section of the Edit Store screen. Click that link, and configure the following settings there:

Currency Symbol

Select the list option, and choose one of the symbols from the list, or select Other, and specify any symbol.

Positive Currency Format

Specify where the currency symbol should be located, relative to the value. The position of the currency symbol, indicated in the listed choices by a square placeholder symbol, can go before or after the number, with or without a space between the symbol and the number.

Negative Currency Format

Specify the appearance of negative currency values. The position of the currency symbol is represented by a square placeholder symbol. Formats are similar to those for positive values, but with the addition of parentheses and/or a negative symbol.

Digit Grouping Symbol

Enter the symbol that will appear between groups of digits in large numbers. For instance, the digit grouping symbol here is a comma: $4,356,500.00

Number of Digits in Group

Select the number of digits to go between each grouping symbol. In the example above there are 3 digits between each comma.

Decimal Symbol

Enter a symbol to go between the whole and decimal parts of the currency value. A period is used in this example: $99.95

Number of Digits after Decimal

Select the number of digits to be displayed after the decimal symbol. In both of the above examples, the number of digits after the decimal is 2.

US Currency Formatting

Formats the currency as standard US currency with a dollar sign, commas at thousands, and two decimal places for cents. No currency link is displayed at the top of the form.

Character Set

Set this to match the character set that you want to use in your store.

Require Tax

Select Require Tax to specify that tax must be calculated for all orders placed in the store. The resulting amount can be zero but the calculation must be performed.

Allow Modules Used by Store Morph Items to be Uninstalled (Not Recommended)

When you install a module, the module may add references to itself in template code. You can also manually edit template code to reference installed modules. When you uninstall a module, some modules can remove both types of references: the references that were added when the module was installed, and other references to the module that were added manually.

If you enable this feature and then uninstall a module, you are giving the module "permission" to automatically remove all references to itself in template code. There are two problems with this:

  • Not all modules have the ability to perform this "automated reference removal". All Miva Merchant modules can do this, and some, but not all, third party modules can.
  • When the module deletes references that were added manually, there may be unintended consequences for your page layout code.

For these reasons this feature is not enabled by default. If you remove a module, it is recommended that you manually inspect any template code that might have referenced that module and manually remove the references.

Maintenance Mode

Take your store off-line to perform maintenance.

To Take Your Store Offline

  1. Click the Offline At radio button and enter a time when you want your store to go off-line. If a customer has some items in their basket when your store goes off-line:
    • If the customer has submitted payment for the order before your store goes off-line, the order will be processed.
    • If the customer has not submitted payment for the order before your store goes off-line, the order will be cancelled and the customer's basket will be emptied.
  2. Enter a time value in the "No New Customers" text box. For example, if you enter 30 minutes in this text box, a "trigger" will go off 30 minutes before your store goes offline.
    • Customers who had a session cookie before the trigger went off can still browse your store, add products to their baskets and complete their orders.
    • Customers who visit your store after this trigger goes off cannot browse your store or add products to their basket until your store goes back online.
  3. If your store uses PR8 Update 4 or later, you can enter one or more IP addresses in the "Allowed IP address(es)" field. Normally, once your store goes off-line, no one, including administrators, can browse the store. If you enter your IP address in this field, when the store goes off-line you will still be able to browse and access your on-line store for testing purposes.
  4. Separate multiple IP addresses with commas. You can also use "/XX" to enter a range of IP addresses using CIDR notation. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIDR_notation.

  5. Enter some text in the Warning Message text box. The Warning Message will be displayed at the top of your store pages as soon as you click the Update button in the Store Details tab, and continues to be displayed until your store goes off-line. For this reason, you may not want to set the "Offline At" time to more than one hour in advance. For example, if it's currently 11:00 pm, and you set the "Offline At" time to midnight tonight, the warning message will be displayed in your store from 11:00 pm to Midnight.
  6. Store Warning

    The store warning message.
  7. Enter some text in the Maintenance Message text box. When your store goes offline, the Warning Message is removed and the Maintenance Message is displayed. This message is displayed (and your store remains off-line) until you manually go back to the Maintenance Mode screen and click the Store Online radio button and then click Update.
  8. Store Closed

    The store maintenance message.

  9. The Available Tokens show the list of tokens that you can add to your Warning Message or Maintenance Message.
  10. Click the Update button to apply your changes.

To Bring Your Store Back Online

  1. Go to Menu > Store Settings > Store Details tab > Maintenance Mode section.
  2. In the Maintenance Mode section, click the Store Online radio button, then click Update.

Order Minimums

It is sometimes not worthwhile to sell small quantities or items, or to process low-value orders. You can set a minimum on orders in your store. If a shopper attempts to check out when their order has not met the minimum, they will see a message that you've created.

You might want to mention your policy in your store, especially if the minimums are relatively high, so shoppers can plan their purchases accordingly, rather than being surprised when they are ready to checkout.

Specifying Required Minimums

Specify the Minimum Quantity and/or Minimum Price that will be accepted as an order. You can use only one, either one, or both.

Minimum Quantity Only

If you specify only a Minimum Quantity of 3 items, then any order with 3 or more items will be accepted.

Minimum Price Only

If you specify only a Minimum Price of $5.00, then any order where the items total $5.00 or more, before shipping and tax, will be accepted.

Minimum Quantity or Price

If you specify a Minimum Quantity of 3 items, and a Minimum Price of $5.00, but do not select Must Meet Both Minimums, then any order with 3 or more items, or where the items total $5.00 or more, before shipping and tax, will be accepted.

Minimum Quantity and Price

If you specify:

then any order having 3 or more items, where the items total $5,00 or more, before shipping and tax, will be accepted. If the order total was $100,00, but only included 2 items, it would not be accepted.

Minimum Not Met Message

Enter a message here, either in plain text, or with HTML formatting, that explains your store policy on order minimums, and advises the shopper on how to proceed. They will see the message when they click Checkout. You may want to reassure them that they can return to shopping, and can continue to add items to their existing basket.

State Tax Options

Use this tab to automatically add sales tax to orders based on the customer's state. Please note that, by default, Miva Merchant can only apply a sales tax rate to an entire state. If you need to apply sales tax in a more sophisticated way, you can purchase a third party module.

To Add State Sales Tax to Orders

  1. In the Tax Based On drop down list, you can choose to apply the sales tax for the customer's shipping state or the customer's billing state. In many cases, the customer's shipping and billing state will be the same.
  2. Click the Add Rate button.
  3. In the State drop down list, select a state, such as California.
  4. Enter the sales tax you want to charge for that state.
  5. Check the Tax Shipping checkbox if you want sales tax to be calculated based on (Order Total + Shipping Costs). If you only want to apply sales tax to the order total, leave the Tax Shipping checkbox unchecked.
  6. Click the Update button.

When a customer places an order from California, the sales tax you created for that state will automatically be applied to the order and will appear in the Payment Information screen and on the invoice.

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