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Order Processing

Working with Orders in the Edit Orders Screen

Associating Customers with Orders

Usually when a customer buys something in your Miva Merchant store, the order is associated with a customer account. However, it is possible to have an order in the admin interface that is not associated with a customer account:

Customer Account

Even if an order is not associated with a Miva store account, the customer's name and address information will still show up in the Orders tab and the edit orders screen. We can even search for orders from "Hans Kensen" even though he doesn't have an account in our Miva store.

The main advantage of associating all orders with Miva customer accounts is so that you can edit a customer record and see all of their orders in one screen.

Miva Customer Account

To Associate an Order with an Existing Miva Customer Account

  1. Edit an order. Go to Menu> Order Processing > Orders tab > edit an order.
  2. In the edit order screen, click Assign. If the order is already associated with a Miva customer account, there will be an Edit button.
  3. Orders

  4. In the Customer Lookup dialog box, select a Miva customer account and click Use Selected Customer.
  5. Customer Lookup

  6. A Recalculate Discount message box appears.
  7. "The customer record associated with the order has changed. Recalculate discounts based on the new customer record?"

    The discounts that customers receive, including shipping discounts, can be affected by Price Groups, Availability Groups, and Business Accounts. When you add or remove a customer from an order, it is possible that some of the discounts will change.

    Click Yes to recalculate discounts for the customer that you are adding to this order.

  8. The customer that you selected is now associated with the order.

To Associate an Order with a New Miva Customer Account

In this process we'll create a Miva customer account and associate that account with an order.

  1. Edit an order. Go to Menu> Order Processing > Orders tab > edit an order.
  2. In the edit order screen, click Assign. If the order is already associated with a Miva customer account, there will be an Edit button.
  3. In the Customer Lookup dialog box, click Create Customer From Order.
  4. Create Customer from Order

  5. In the Create Customer From Order dialog box, use the fields at the top of the dialog box to create a Miva customer account, then click Create.
  6. A Recalculate Discount message box appears.
  7. The customer record associated with the order has changed. Recalculate discounts based on the new customer record?"

    The discounts that customers receive, including shipping discounts, can be affected by Price Groups, Availability Groups, and Business Accounts. When you add or remove a customer from an order, it is possible that some of the discounts will change.

    Click Yes to recalculate discounts for the customer that you are adding to this order.

  8. The Miva customer account has been created and is associated with the order.
  9. Order 101


See To Manually Add an Order Note

Order Emails

Pro Order

Use the Order Emails link and dialog box to manually send emails to customers while you are editing an order. For complete details, please see Order Fulfillment > Template Based Emails.


The Payment drop-down list displays a history of all payment related activities for the order, such as authorization, capture, voiding and refunding. Selecting an entry in the Payment drop-down list does not change the order, but it refreshes the information that is displayed in the Authorized, Captured, Refunded, Net Captured, and Payment Type fields.


To Add Items to an Order

  1. Go to Menu> Order Processing > Orders tab.
  2. Edit an order.
  3. In the edit order screen, click Add Item(s).
  4. In the Add Items dialog box, start typing the code of a product and the system will list all of the product codes that match what you have entered.
  5. Add Items

  6. Add an attribute to the item (optional).
  7. The Add Attribute button in the Add Item(s) dialog box is a bit confusing because there is also an Add Attribute button in the Catalog > Edit Product > Attributes Tab. These two buttons, although they have the same name, do completely different things:

    • The Add Attribute button in the Edit Product > Attributes Tab is used to create product Attributes.
    • The Add Attribute button in the Add Item(s) dialog box can be used to add miscellaneous items and charges to the order. For example, you could use the Add Attribute button to add a one-off charge to an order, such as a customer's special request.
    • 5.1. Add text to the descriptive fields. The first two fields on the Add Attribute line are for descriptions. You can enter any text in these fields that you want. In our example we show that this is a custom charge in the first field and give details about the charge in the second field.

      Descriptive Fields

      5.2. Enter a weight and price for the special charges.

      5.3. Click Add Attribute, then click Add.

  8. Back in the edit Order screen, our new item and the custom order charge have been added.

Custom Order

To Delete Items from an Order

  1. Go to Menu> Order Processing > Orders tab.
  2. Edit an order.
  3. In the edit orders screen, click the checkbox next to an item, then click Delete or Cancel.
    • The Delete button removes the item from the order. The item is no longer displayed.
    • The Cancel button removes the item from the order, but the item is still shown in the order so that you can see what was removed. In 9.0004 and later releases, the Cancel dialog box also contains an optional cancellation reason. Note that after you cancel an item you must still use the Refund button.


To Split an Order

The Split button only becomes active when you select an item in the order, and when the customer has ordered quantity 2 or more of that same item. Splitting allows you to break a single item in the order into two separate items. You might want to split an item if it is too large to fit in a single box, or if you wanted to ship some of the items right away and mark others as back ordered.

  1. Go to Menu> Order Processing > Orders tab.
  2. Edit an order.
  3. Select an item that has quantity 2 or more
  4. Click Split.

Split Order

  • In the Split Line Item dialog box, enter the quantity that you want to be in the new item, then click Split. In our example, the customer ordered quantity 5 of the same shirt. We are breaking that item into two items. The first item will have quantity 2 shirts. The second item will contain 3 shirts.
  • Split Order

    To Enter Tracking Number(s)

    After you have used the Create Shipment button to generate at least one pick number, you can use the Enter Tracking Number(s) button to associate a tracking number with all or part of the order.

    To use a single tracking number for the entire order:

    1. Create a single picking number for the entire order. To do this, select the order in the Orders screen and click Create Shipment.
    2. Edit the order and click the Enter Tracking Number(s) button. Since there is only one pick number for the whole order, you can only enter one tracking number.
    3. Tracking Number

      • You can mark each shipment number (pick number) as shipped.
      • Enter a tracking number.
      • Select a carrier for the tracking number (optional)
      • You can optionally enter a shipping cost for each tracking number.
    4. In the Enter Tracking Number(s) dialog box, click Save.

    The tracking number now appears as a clickable link in several places:

    Order History

    To assign different tracking numbers to different items in the order:

    1. Edit an order.
    2. Select one item in the order and click Create Shipment. There is now a pick number for that individual item.
    3. Select the same item again and click Enter Tracking Number(s).
    4. In the Enter Tracking Number(s) dialog box, enter a tracking number. See above for more details.
    5. In the Enter Tracking Number(s) dialog box, click Save.
    6. Repeat these steps for other items in the order.

    To Authorize Payment

    Authorize means that you, or someone else, has approved that the customer's payment method is valid for the purchase amount, and that a hold has been placed on that amount. In the case of a credit card, the approval might come from a credit card gateway. If a customer pays by check, you might manually use the Authorize button after the customer's check has cleared. A payment must be marked as Authorized before the payment can be captured.

    1. Edit an order
    2. In the edit order screen, click Authorize.
    3. In the Authorize dialog box:
    4. 3.1. Select a Payment Method from the Payment Method dropdown list box.

      3.2. Enter an Amount. You can authorize payment for all or part of an order.

      3.3. Click Authorize.


    To Capture Payment

    After payment has been marked as authorized, you can capture the payment. Captured means that payment has been withdrawn from the customer's account and is en-route to you.

    1. Edit an order.
    2. In the edit order screen, click Capture
    3. In the Capture dialog box, enter the amount that you want to capture.
    4. Click Capture


    To Create a Return

    Use the Create Return button to generate an RMA number for all or part of an order. Before you can create a return, at least one item in the order must have payment authorized, captured, and the status set to "shipped". See Enter Tracking Number(s).

    1. Edit an order
    2. Select an item with a status of "shipped" and click the Create Return button.
    3. The status of the item (or the order, if you select all items) will change to RMA Issue .

    Rma Issued

    To Manage Return(s)

    After you have used the Create Return button to generate an RMA number for an item, you can select that item and use the Manage Return(s) button to:

    Manage Returns

    To Refund or Void an Item

    You may see that these buttons are greyed out:

    To Use the Refund/Void Buttons

    1. Edit an order.
    2. Click on the Refund or Void button
    3. In the dialog box, click the Refund (or Void) button.

    Edit Shipping/Tax/Other Charges

    Any time after an order comes in you can use the Edit Shipping/Tax/Other Charges button. When a customer makes a purchase from your on-line store, shipping, taxes, and any other charges that you have configured are calculated automatically. If a customer phones in their order, however, you must use this button to add those charges and calculate the order total. Before you can use this feature, you must have configured at least one shipping carrier. (See Menu> Shipping > Shipping Method Rules Tab.)

    Edit Changes

    To Use the Shipping/Tax/Other Charges Button

    1. Edit an order.
    2. Click Edit Shipping/Tax/Other Charges.
    3. Select a Shipping Method.

      The entries in this list box will vary depending on what carriers you have configured in the Menu> Shipping > Shipping Method Rules screen. The other fields in this dialog box will also change depending on what shipping method that you select.

    4. Click the Recalculate button.
    5. Enter an amount for the sales tax, if any.
    6. If you are finished editing charges, click Save.
    7. If you want to enter an additional charge, for example, special handling, click the Add Charge button.

    Generate Shipping Label

    You can create shipping labels when:

    To Generate a Shipping Label

    1. Edit an order. If you've met all of the criteria listed above, you will see a Generate Shipping Labellink. Click on that link to open the Generate Shipping Label dialog box.
    2. Generate Shipping labels

    3. In the Generate Shipping Label dialog box, select a Shipping Method. In most cases the shipping method will be set to whatever the customer selected during the checkout process, although you can change it here.
    4. After you select a Shipping Method, a number of other fields will appear that are specific to the carrier. Fill out these fields and click the Generate button.
    5. Note that fields in the Generate Shipping Label dialog box can change, depending on what shipping method you select.

      Generate Shipping Label

      Shipping Method: Usually this field will default to the shipping method that the customer selected in your on-line store. However, if you are offering an option that isn't tied to a specific method, such as free shipping, this field will default to "Select one". You can change this field to anything that you want.
      Package 1 of X:

      This fields in this section display the box data that was sent to the carrier for rate information. For example, if you are using Pack by Weight, you might have a box that can hold 10 pounds. If the order weighs 20 pounds, Miva Merchant knows to send weight and dimensions for two boxes to the carrier to get the shipping charges.

      If they are not already correct, you should always set the weight and dimension fields in the Generate Shipping Label dialog box to the weight and dimensions of the box that is actually being used.

      • Remove: Use the Remove command if you aren't sure how to package all or part of the order, or for example, if one item is backordered and you want to ship the rest of the order. You can leave an item out of any box and still create a label. The label will reflect only those items that are in boxes.
      • Move to New Package: Use this command to place selected items in the order into separate boxes.
    6. After you click the Generate button in the Generate Shipping Label dialog box, you'll return to the edit order screen. The "Generate Shipping Label" link now says "View/Print Shipping Label". If you click on this link a browser window will open with instructions on how to print your label and ship your package using the carrier that you selected.

    View Print Label

    Multiple labels

    If you enabled a Zebra printer in the UPS, FedEx, or Endicia modules (see Shipping Settings), please note:

    To Void a Shipping Label

    After you have followed the steps to generate a shipping label you can void that label. Voiding a label has the following effect:

    Multiple Packages

    1. Edit an Order and click on the View/Print Shipping Label link.
    2. In the View/Print Label screen, click the Void All button.
    3. In the confirmation message box, click the OK button.

    Decrypt an Order

    If you have set up your store to use Order Encryption, all orders will be encrypted. If you are editing an order, you will not be able to perform certain tasks unless you decrypt the order.

    To Decrypt an Order
    1. Edit the order. If the order is encrypted, you will see a lock icon next to the Payment drop-down list.
    2. Click on the lock icon. The Passphrase Required dialog box will appear. Enter the Passphrase that you created when you configured Order Encryption and click the Continue button.
    3. When you are back in the edit order screen, you'll see that the lock icon is now open and information from the order is now displayed.

    Innovative Gateway

    Order Emails Tab

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