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Reference Guide

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Store Settings


Use this screen to select the list of states that are available in your on-line store. The list of states affects any screen in your store where you are displaying an address: account creation, checkout, etc. Note that, unlike countries, there is no "master" list of states under Menu> Domain Settings > Countries tab that affects all of your stores. The list of states that you present to customers must be configured on a store-by-store basis

New in Version 9.6, the display order of states and countries can be configured. If, for example, most of your customers are in California, you can make California appear first in the drop-down list for customers checking out. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. Menu> Store Settings > States tab
  2. Click on the Display Order Menu button Display Order
  3. Select “Enable Sorting” from the drop-down list.
  4. If a “List reload is required to change the display order” message appears, click OK. Note that any unsaved changes will be lost.
  5. To put California at the top of the list, click on it, then select “Move To Top” from the Display Order Menu. Other options include “Move To Bottom” or “Move To Position” (to place California after another state).
  6. Store Settings

  7. If you want to list states in a particular order, select “Edit Display Order” from the Display Order Menu and enter each state’s position in the “Order” column.
  8. Edit Display Order

  9. You can also sort ascending or descending by the state names or codes.
  10. Sort Order

    See Sorting Records for a more detailed discussion of sort options.

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