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Most of these functions must be called with two arguments, here designated time_t and time_zone. time_t is the number of seconds since the beginning of C.U.T. (Coordinated Universal Time) at 00:00:00 January 1, 1970. This value can be obtained from the system variables time_t and dyn_time_t (time_t is set when the script starts executing; dyn_time_t is updated at the moment that it is used; which one you use depends on what your program does).

time_zone is the number of hours before or after GMT; this value can be obtained using the built-in function timezone(). Here is an example of how a time function can be called:


These functions cannot be used to process dates earlier than January 1, 1970, or later than January 19, 2038.


mktime_t( year, month, dayofmonth, hours, minutes, seconds, timezone )
Returns the s.time_t value for the time specified. time_zone can be the keyword local


Returns an integer which is the number of hours behind or ahead of GMT (not accounting for Daylight Time)


time_t_dayofmonth( timet, time_zone )
Returns the current month as a number. time_zone can be the keyword local


time_t_dayofweek( timet, time_zone )
Returns the current day of the week as a number (Sunday=1). time_zone can be the keyword local


time_t_dayofyear( timet, time_zone )
Returns the number of days since the beginning of the year, including today. time_zone can be the keyword local


time_t_hour( timet, time_zone )
Returns current hour (using a 24-hour clock). time_zone can be the keyword local


time_t_min( timet, time_zone )
Returns the current minute in the hour. time_zone can be the keyword local


time_t_month( timet, time_zone )
Returns the current month as a number. time_zone can be the keyword local


time_t_sec( timet, time_zone )
Returns the current second in the minute. time_zone can be the keyword local


time_t_year( timet, time_zone )
Returns the current year, time_zone can be the keyword local

Formatted Date Timestamp#

<mvt:assign name="g.year" value="time_t_year( g.current_time, g.timezone_offset )" />
<mvt:assign name="g.month" value="padl(time_t_month( g.current_time, g.timezone_offset ), 2, 0)" />
<mvt:assign name="" value="padl(time_t_dayofmonth( g.current_time, g.timezone_offset ), 2, 0)" />
<mvt:assign name="g.24hour" value="padl(time_t_hour( g.current_time, g.timezone_offset ), 2, 0)" />
<mvt:assign name="g.min" value="padl(time_t_min( g.current_time, g.timezone_offset ), 2, 0)" />
<mvt:assign name="g.sec" value="padl(time_t_sec( g.current_time, g.timezone_offset ), 2, 0)" />

<mvt:assign name="g.formatted_date" value="g.year $ '-' $ g.month $ '-' $ $ ' ' $ g.24hour $ ':' $ g.min $ ':' $ g.sec" />
&mvt:global:formatted_date; <!-- 2019-03-22 09:02:46 -->