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<mvt:eval> Executes the expression contained within expr attribute and outputs the expression’s value directly to the page. It opperates just like <mvt:assign exept that instead of saving the value/expression to a variable, it will output it directly to the page.

Requires 5.18 Engine or Higher

Pseudo Syntax#

<mvt:eval expr="expression, string or number" />

Basic Example#

The sum is: <mvt:eval expr="1 + 2" />
The sum is: 3


Attribute Description
expr This can either be an expression a string, a number, or a combination of all three.


Using Strings#

Strings are always defined by single quotes

<mvt:eval expr="'bar'" />

Using Numbers#

Numbers do not need to be enclosed by single quotes

<mvt:eval expr="(10+10) * 5" />

Using Expressions#

Any value contained in the value attribute will automatically be treated as an expression. This means text will be treated as variables and any function available with the Miva Empresa engine (link) will be evaluated.

<mvt:eval expr="substring(l.myvariable, 2, len(l.myvariable) " />

Finds the substring of l.myvariable starting at the second character until the end of the string and outputs that value to the page.

Using Concatenation#

The $ is the concatenation operator in the Miva Template Language can everything is evaluated, it can be used in the value attribute within the mvt:assign tag.

<mvt:eval expr=" 'The length of this string is: ' $ len('hello world') " />
The length of this string is: 11