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Miva Points & Loyalty

  1. Overview
  2. Setup & Configuration
  3. Product & Category Overrides
  4. Running Point Promotions
  5. Customer Settings
  6. Using Points During Checkout
  7. Managing Points in Admin
  8. Cancelling Orders & Refunding Points
  9. Excluding Customers from Points Program
  10. Importing & Exporting Points via CSV
  11. Scheduled Task – Point Expiration
  12. Points Item
  13. Points Functions
  14. XML Provisioning
  15. API functions


The Points & Loyalty Program module enables you to reward high value, frequent customers by allowing them to accrue points for actions they take (for example, creating an account) and everything they purchase. They can then redeem these points for a discount on future orders.

Setup & Configuration


  1. The Points/Loyalty Program module can be downloaded from the Miva App Store here.
  2. Go to Home > Modules and click the Add Module button [ + ] to upload the module.
  3. Click the UPLOAD button and select points.mvc.
  4. Click the [ + Add ] button.
  5. To make it live, the module needs to be installed on the store. Under Payment Settings > Add/Remove Modules, click [+] Install on the Points/Loyalty Program module.

Assigning Points & Point Precedence

There are three levels for assigning point values to products:

  • Product Level – Each product can be assigned a point value. Variant point rules override their master product. Kits made up of multiple parts will have a point total equal to the point sum of those parts.
  • Category Level – Category point assignments apply to all products assigned to that category.
  • Global Level – Global settings apply to all products. Certain products (for example, gift cards) can be excluded.

Note: When there are different point rewards for different levels, the highest point count is awarded to the customer.


  • A product has 10 points assigned to it. It also belongs to a category that has a point assignment of 5. The product level setting overrides the category level setting and the customer gets 10 points.

  • A product has no direct point assignment. It is assigned to two active categories. Category A gives all products 5 points and Category B gives all products 10 points. When two categories conflict, the highest point value wins. In this case, Category B overrides Category A and the customer gets 10 points.
  • Point Redemption Values

    Global settings exist to establish the relationship between points and dollars when redeemed. Point Redemption Values allow you to offer tiered redemption values to customers so that frequent shoppers can earn points more quickly.


    The redemption values for points are as follows:

    Point Threshold Value Per Point
    300-599 $0.01
    600-999 $0.02
    1000+ $0.05

    Customers cannot redeem points until they reach the lowest threshold of 300 points. A customer with 400 points would get $0.01 per point for a total cash value of $4. A customer with 700 points would receive a redemption value of $0.02 per point (cash value: $14). A customer who has accrued 1000 points receives the highest redemption value of $0.05 per point. The total dollar value of their points is $50.


    The global rules for point accrual and redemption are set from Payment Settings > Points/Loyalty Program Configuration.

    Point Accrual Settings

    Base Accrual Mode:

    • By Price – Points are awarded based on the price paid for the item (For example if the product price was $10, and the customer applied 50% off discount, the price eligible for points would be $5.00 ) Taxes, shipping & handling charges are excluded from this calculation.
    • By Item – Points are awarded by item quantity. Price is ignored. If a customer orders 10 items and you have 5 points per item, the customer would get 50 points.

    Base Accrual Rate: The base rate applied to all products in the absence of product level or category level accrual rates.

    Accrue Points:

    • When Order Placed – Points are applied to the customer account immediately after the order is placed.
    • As Items Ship – Points are applied in a "pending" status and cannot be used until the order ships.

    Points Expire After: Enter the number of days until the points expire. Enter 0 if points never expire.

    Points will be accrued when using points as a payment option for the order: Checked by default upon installation.

    Point Redemption Settings

    Redemption Mode:

    • Fixed – These are fixed point redemption tiers on points can only be redeemed once a customers has enough points to quality for a tier. Redemption amounts can only be the fixed point tiers configured. If you have a tier set to 100 points, a customer can only redeem 100 points, even if they have 150 points.
    • Per Point – This can be any point amount. Here you may set points to dollars and redemption can be any amount as long as the customer qualifies for the minimum point amount. If a customer has 228 points and your redempton rules give them $0.10/point, they can redeem $22.80

    Redemption Tiers:

    Redemption Tiers allow you to reward frequent customers with a higher rate of return on point redemption. The Point Threshold field indicates the lower boundary for each redemption value. The Dollar Amount indicates the redemption value. If 5 tiers are not enough, you can add more by clicking the More Entries link.

    Product & Category Overrides

    The global settings defined on the Payment Settings screen can be overridden at the product or category level.

    Category Level

    To set the point accrual rate at the category level, go to Catalog > Categories > Edit Category: [Category Name] > Category. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen. The Minimum Points Per Product in This Category will override the global settings defined under Payment Settings.

    Product Level

    To set the point accrual rate at the product level, go to Catalog > Products > Edit Product: [Product Name] > Product. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen. The Minimum Points will override the global settings defined under Payment Settings and the category level settings defined under Categories. You can also specify that the product accrue no points or that orders containing the product be barred from redeeming points via the checkboxes.

    Running Point Promotions

    When the Points module is installed, a new discount module also gets installed which allows for “discounts” to be setup that are promotions for point redemption values. You can edit the Price Group settings from Marketing > Price Groups.

    Common examples:

    1. For this weekend only, get 2x the points across all products (Point Multiplier);
    2. Special promotion on T-Shirts Category: get 100 points for each product purchased from this category (Absolute Override);
    3. Black Friday promotion: Get 500 extra points for orders completed by midnight on November 29 (Additional Points).

    Point Multiplier

    This promotion offers a configurable box for the multiplier:

    Each product receives [ X ] times the current point value

    Absolute Override

    Each product receives exactly [ X ] point(s)

    Additional Points

    Each product receives [ X ] additional point(s)

    These discounts will leverage the standard price groups for product inclusion/exclusion and category inclusion/exclusion as well as price group exclusions (priority).

    When a promotion is running, template level variables should be available to show the original point value and the promotional point value of products/categories so that page templates can do something like:

    • Special: get 3x points on all kid safe oils;
    • This product normally earns 100 points. Earn 300 points through this weekend.

    Point Promotions can be run at the product or category level.

    Customer Settings

    Customer point transactions are stored in the customer's account. You can view a list of all transactions and the customer's current point balance on the Customer > Edit Customer: [Customer Name] > Points page.

    Point History Layout

    Upon installation a new page will be added to your store, Customer Points History (CPHS). This is a customer facing page which allows a customer, once logged into their account, to see a list of their point transaction history:

    In order for a customer to access this page, you will need to manually add a link to this page from their ACLN page. This may be different on each site but a generic link to this page looks like this:

    Shadows and Colossus

    We’ve provided layouts for the CPHS page template for both Shadows and Colossus. These page templates can be found here:


    Using Points During Checkout

    When a customer is ready to checkout, they can pay by points from the checkout page. They have the option of paying for the entire order (if they have the necessary points) or making a partial payment by points.

    The order email that the customer receives will specify that they paid by points.

    Managing Points in Admin

    Store owners have the ability to add or subtract points from a customer's account via the admin. From Customers > Edit Customer: [Customer Name] > Points click the Add Adjustment button [ + ]. A positive value increases the customer's point balance, a negative value decreases the customer's point balance.

    Cancelling Orders & Refunding Points

    • Refunding an order paid for with points automatically returns the points back to the customer account.
    • Cancelling an item from an order automatically removes the points that were accrued for that item from the customer's account.
    • Returning an item from an order automatically removes the points that were accrued for that item from the customer's account.

    For example, a customer makes a purchase using 820 points. They call to cancel the order. From Order Processing select the order in question and click on the "Refund" button.

    The Refund dialog appears. You can refund any amount up to the order total.

    Once you have submitted the refund, the Order screen adds the specified points back into the customer account.

    Excluding Customers from Points Program

    Currently the points program applies to all customers. If you need customer level restrictions, you can do this by using the template level functions to remove the points from customers that you don't want to receive them.

    Important: You must first assign the points item to any page you wish to use these template level functions. This is done under User Interface -> Pages -> Items


    Alternatively, you could hide the points payment method from customers you wish to exclude. They would still accrue points but would never be able to use them as a payment method as that payment method would not appear on the checkout screen.

    Importing & Exporting Points via CSV

    Point data can be imported from or exported to a .CSV file. When you install the Points module, several custom fields are automatically added.

    Export Data

    There are three point export options in Data Management:

    • Categories
    • Customers
    • Products

    From Data Management > Import/Export > Export Products To Flat File, select the custom fields Disable Point Accrual, Disable Point Redemption, and Minimum Points.

    Click Export. The resultant .CSV file will contain the selected fields including the 3 points custom fields.

    Note: DISABLE_POINT_ACCRUAL and DISABLE_POINT_REDEMPTION are Boolean fields. If point accrual or point redemption are disabled for a given product, the corresponding field will have a value of '1'.

    From Data Management > Import/Export > Export Customers To Flat File, select the custom field Points.

    Click Export. The resultant .CSV file will contain the total points each customer has accrued.

    From Data Management > Import/Export > Export Categories To Flat File, select the custom field Minimum Points Per Product.

    Click Export. The resultant .CSV file will contain the minimum points assigned to each category.

    Import Data

    Point accrual rates can be imported via .CSV file.

    Note: You cannot import customer points via .CSV. Customer points can be assigned via the Admin, accrued automatically through purchases, or imported via XML Provisioning (see XML Provisioning section below).

    To import product point settings, the .CSV file must have the correct column headings. The easiest way to insure this is to first export products to a flat file (see the preceding section). You can then edit the .CSV export file and enter the values for DISABLE_POINT_ACCRUAL, DISABLE_POINT_REDEMPTION and MINIMUM_POINTS for each product.

    Go to Data Management > Import/Export > Add/Update Products from CSV to import the new product settings. The updates to product points settings can be seen in Products > Edit Product: [Product Name] > Product.

    Importing category points settings works exactly the same way as importing product points settings. Go to Data Management > Import/Export > Add/Update Categories from CSV to import the new category settings. The updates to category points settings can be seen in Categories > Edit Category: [Category Name] > Category.

    Scheduled Task – Point Expiration

    You can create a Scheduled Task to automatically expire points after a specified amount of time. Go to Edit Store: [Store Name] > Scheduled Tasks.

    Points Item

    Upon installation of the points module a new item will be created. This item will be an extension to the customer item. This means that any page that has the “customer” item assigned will automatically have access to the points data.

    Note: If you have the Sebenza Points module installed, the points item will not be created correctly and you will need to manually create it. To do so, go to Home > User Interface > Items and click the Add Item button [ + ].

    Points Functions

    The other feature of the points item is that it makes available a series of template level functions. This allows you to display things such as:

    1. How many points a customer will be earning for each product in their basket
    2. Show how many points a customer has available to use in their account
    3. Give a customer points programmatically (e.g. Sign up for our newsletter and get X points)

    Important: You must first assign the points item to any page you wish to use these template level functions. This is done under User Interface -> Pages -> Items


    XML Provisioning

    API Functions

    The following functions are available to use with the JSON api once the module is installed in a store.

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