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Advanced Shipping Manager

  1. Overview
  2. Setup & Configuration
  3. Product Level Settings
  4. Advanced Shipping Manager Back-end
  5. Importing & Exporting ASM Product Data
  6. Errors & Notes


The Advanced Shipping Manager module (ASM) makes shipping rules easier to manage in your Miva store. It enables real-time shipping rates, hybrid shipping rates, and other complicated shipping rules via the Advanced Shipping Manager web service.

Setup & Configuration


  1. The Advanced Shipping Manager module can be downloaded from the Miva App Store here.
  2. Go to Home > Modules and click the Add Module button [ + ] to upload the module.
  3. Click the UPLOAD button and select advshipmgr.mvc.
  4. Click the [ + Add ] button.
  5. To make it live, the module needs to be installed on the store. Under Shipping Settings > Add/Remove Modules, click [+] Install on the Advanced Shipping Manager module.

Note: There are no Shipping Rules or Global Settings for this module in Miva. The only settings in Miva are at the Product level.


After installing the module, there is a new Advanced Shipping Manager section on the Shipping Settings page and a new Advanced Shipping Manager Methods tab.

Go to Home > Shipping Settings > Settings and scroll to the bottom of the page. The Advanced Shipping Manager section shows the Store Identifier.

The display of delivery estimates can be enabled or disabled in the module settings. In the Advanced Shipping Manager section, under the store identifier, click the box to enable it or disable.

Note: The screenshot above shows the Miva 10 interface.

Important: If your site uses ASM and the estimated delivery dates feature, there is a chance you will encounter a significant issue that can result in numerous shipping methods being created inadvertently. There is a configuration change that needs to be made on the ASM side, as noted in the release notes. The customer will need to reset the ASM methods in Miva by going to Settings>Shipping Settings>Advanced Shipping Manager Methods. Once there, the store owner must delete all of the “extra,” duplicate shipping methods. After that, the store owner should click “Update Methods” to make sure the store has all of the correct ones from ASM. Store owners will need to reach out to ASM support to ask them to remove delivery estimated from their shipping methods, which are now being passed to Miva in special tags.

ASM Methods

Before implementing ASM shipping methods on the Miva side, you have to configure the shipping methods in your ASM account. You can configure as many shipping methods as you require from the Shipping Rates tab in ASM (see ASM Shipping Rates). To see the shipping methods that you configured in ASM, go to Home > Shipping Settings > Advanced Shipping Manager Methods and click the [ Update Methods ] button. All available ASM shipping methods will appear in the list.

Product Level Settings

Go to Catalog > Products > Edit Product: [Product Name] > Advanced Shipping Manager to set the shipping rules for ASM at the product level.

Module Options

Process As: This option allows you to control how product data gets sent to ASM. The default behavior is to treat it as a single product or variant. All other options apply to kits or multi-part variants. The available options are:

  • Single product or variant – Treat it as a single product or variant (default)
  • Kit sending master and part data – Include both the master product kit and all the parts in the kit
  • Kit sending only master data – Include only the master product (kit) data
  • Kit sending only part data – Include only the data for the parts that make up the kit

Product Variables

Dimensions: The three dimensions of the package in the order length, width, height. Each dimension should be separated by a space. Example: 20 10 4

Free Shipping Check this box to enable free shipping. There will be no charge for shipping if the customer selects the free-ship-method. For example, you could offer ground shipping for free and charge for air shipping.

Free Shipping Methods: There is a list of shipping methods in the Advanced Shipping Manager's backend. Enter the number of the shipping method that you want to use when an item has Free Shipping set to Yes.

Ship Alone Check this box if this item must be shipped alone (i.e. you cannot ship other items in the same package). Other items in the same order will be calculated in a separate package.

Flat Ship Rates: Each shipping method is defined on a separate line with a blank line between methods. The number before the equal sign is the method number. The number after the equal sign is the shipping rate. Methods that are not defined will continue to charge by the rule that matches the destination.





Origin Zip: The origin zip code for the item. This zip code will be used to calculate the shipping cost of the item. If other items in the cart have a different origin zip code, the shipping cost for those items will be calculated in a separate package.

Number of Boxes: Specifies the number of packages that the item requires. If a large item requires more than one box to ship, all boxes will be calculated using the Ship Alone rule. Each package will include only one item.

Multi Box Weights: If the item has more than one box, enter the weight of each box here separated by spaces. Example: 50 40 55

Multi Box Dimensions: If the item has more than one box, enter the dimensions of each box here. Each box's dimensions goes on a separate line with a blank line in between each. The length/width/height dimensions for each box should be separated by spaces.


20 20 50

25 30 50

25 35 50

Invalid Ship Methods: In some cases, certain shipping methods cannot be used with certain items. This variable allows you to specify the shipping methods excluded for this item. Enter the shipping method numbers (from the ASM backend) that are invalid for this item. Separate each shippping method number with a space. Example: 2 4 5

Markup: Markup or down shipping rates for a specific item. The value is a flat dollar amount. Example: 1.99

Global Free Ship Exclusion Check this box to exclude the item from a site-wide free shipping promotion. Regardless of how other items are handled, this item will always be charged for shipping, even when the threshold for free shipping has been reached.

Exclude States: Exclude this item from shipping to certain states. Separate each state abbreviation with a space. Example: AK HI NY

Exclude Countries: Exclude this item from shipping to certain countries. Separate each country abbreviation with a space. Example: AF RU TR

Optional Add-Ons

Item Points: ASM offers a point system to indicate box sizes as an alternative to setting dimensions. You can assign points to each product in your store to expedite shipping requirements. For example, five 10 point items can fit into a 50 point box. But a 60 point item or combination of items that add up to 60 points will require a larger box or multiple boxes. For information on ASM's box point system, see Box Size Point System.

Multiple Box Points: This field specifies the point value of each box when shipping in multiple boxes. Enter the point value for each box separated by spaces. For example: 700 650 1320. See Box Size Point System for an explanation of ASM's point system.

Bundled Quantity: ASM offers a bundling feature to set shipping rates for bundled items that are also sold individually. For example, wine glasses might be sold in packs of 12 or sold individually. The bundled rate would apply to the 12-pack. If a customer ordered 14 wine glasses, they would receive the bundled rate for 12 and the individual rate for 2. This field indicates the quantity threshold for bundled items. For more information on ASM's Bundled Item Shipping feature, see Bundled Item Shipping.

Bundled Weight: This field indicates the weight value used when the Bundled Quantity threshold is reached.

Bundled Dimensions: This field indicates the dimensions used when the Bundled Quantity threshold is reached. The dimensions length, width and height should be entered with a space between each. Example: 10 22 30

Bundled Points: This field indicates the point value used when the Bundled Quantity threshold is reached.

Process Time: This field indicates the processing time between when an order is placed and when it is shipped. It can be a flat number or a range (e.g. 4, 3-5).

Hazmat Check this box if the item includes hazardous materials. An additional shipping fee can be added to the shipping rule for hazmat items.

Optional Weight Points: This field allows you to add weight, dimensions or points (if enabled) to product variants. For example, if a product is available in different sizes (small, medium, large) with different weights or dimensions, the Optional Weight Points feature automatically calculates the difference in shipping rates. For more information on this ASM option, see Weights or Points for Items Option.

Custom Data

These variables are reserved for advanced customization. Contact ASM for more information.

Advanced Shipping Manager Back-end

Before you use ASM shipping methods in the Miva admin, you must first create shipping rules on the ASM side. You can also set markup rates and get shipping cost estimates here. For detailed information on these settings, refer to your ASM documentation.

ASM Summary Page

ASM Shipping Rates Page

ASM Markups Page

Importing & Exporting ASM Product Data

The custom fields that the ASM module adds as product variables can be imported and exported via Data Management.

Export Data

From Data Management > Import/Export > Export Products To Flat File, select all the custom fields that begin with "ASM".

Click Export. The resultant .CSV file will contain the ASM fields in the following table. The first column shows the export fields (the column headers in the CSV file). The second column shows the corresponding field names from the Advanced Shipping Manager tab on the Edit Product page. The third column shows the section on the Edit Product page where the field can be found.

Export Product Fields Product Custom Fields Product Page Section
ASM_BUNDLED_DIMENSIONS Bundled Dimensions Optional Add-Ons
ASM_BUNDLED_POINTS Bundled Points Optional Add-Ons
ASM_BUNDLED_QUANTITY Bundled Quantity Optional Add-Ons
ASM_BUNDLED_WEIGHT Bundled Weight Optional Add-Ons
ASM_CUSTOM1 Custom 1 Custom Data
ASM_CUSTOM2 Custom 2 Custom Data
ASM_CUSTOM3 Custom 3 Custom Data
ASM_CUSTOM4 Custom 4 Custom Data
ASM_CUSTOM5 Custom 5 Custom Data
ASM_DIMENSIONS Dimensions Product Variables
ASM_EXCLUDE_COUNTRIES Exclude Countries Product Variables
ASM_EXCLUDE_STATES Exclude States Product Variables
ASM_FLAT_SHIP_RATES Flat Ship Rates Prodcut Variables
ASM_FREE_SHIPPING Free Shipping Product Variables
ASM_FREE_SHIPPING_METHODS Free Shipping Methods Product Variables
ASM_GLOBAL_FREE_SHIP_EXCLUSION Global Free Ship Exclusion Product Variables
ASM_HAZMAT Hazmat Optional Add-Ons
ASM_INVALID_SHIP_METHODS Invalid Ship Methods Optional Add-Ons
ASM_ITEM_POINTS Item Points Optional Add-Ons
ASM_MARKUP Markup Product Variables
ASM_MULTI_BOX_DIMENSIONS Multi Box Dimensions Product Variables
ASM_MULTI_BOX_WEIGHTS Multi Box Weights Product Variables
ASM_MULTIPLE_BOX_POINTS Multiple Box Points Optional Add-Ons
ASM_NUMBER_OF_BOXES Number of Boxes Product Variables
ASM_OPTIONS_WEIGHT_POINTS Option Weight Points Optional Add-Ons
ASM_ORIGIN_ZIP Origin Zip Product Variables
ASM_PROCESS_AS Process As Module Options
ASM_PROCESS_TIME Process Time Optional Add-Ons
ASM_SHIP_ALONE Ship Alone Product Variables

Import Data

A quick way to populate the ASM fields for a lot of products at once is to first export, then fill in the data in the CSV file and import it back into your store.

Go to Data Management > Import/Export > Add/Update Products from CSV to import the new product settings. The updates to ASM settings can be seen in Products > Edit Product: [Product Name] > Advanced Shipping Manager.

Errors & Notes

As of Version 1.0011 (released 3/9/23), shipping methods returned during basket calculation are no longer saved in the stored method list with delivery dates. Delivery dates are only displayed in the basket. Display of delivery estimated can be disabled in the module settings.

Note: This change does require a configuration change on the ASM side to be enabled.

Logged in customers assigned to a business account now have the business account sent in the rate request in the CustomerTag element.

As of Version 1.0009, the integration now supports global errors returned from ASM as well as a function to pull method level notes.

No Shipping Method Returned Errors

In certain cases, based on rules setup in ASM no shipping methods will be returned. For example if a customer has a product in their basket which cannot ship to the state you're trying to ship to. In this case, Miva will display the Error sent back from ASM in its error message loop and now shipping methods will be displayed.

Method Level Notes

The module now supports a item to allow you to retrieve notes on a per method level sent back to Miva from ASM. These note could be additional details about delivery times or other revelant information for the customer.


Make sure you assign the asm_method_note item to the OSEL page. Then in the shippingMethod foreach loop add the item tag

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