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Stone Edge Order Manager

  1. Overview
  2. Features Supported
  3. Setup & Configuration
  4. Order Data Imported & Mappings
  5. Shipments & Tracking Numbers
  6. Inventory Push To Miva


This new integration uses Miva’s latest JSON api and replaces the previous integration which relied on a module (omxmlexp.mvc) which needed to be installed first. Because the API is being used to push and pull data, the latest functionality and data in Miva is supported and able to be synced with Stone Edge.

Features Supported

Below is a list of features/functionality supported in this integration:
  • Order Queues (and Order Workflows)
  • Payment Encryption / Decryption
  • Choose Product SKU or Product Code as unique identifier
  • Variants + Kits
  • All order data including
    • Custom Order Fields
    • Order Notes
    • Item/Order level discounts
    • Coupons
    • Payments: Customer Credit, ApplePay, AmazonPay, Braintree, Auth.net, Cybersource, PayPal Express Checkout
  • Ability to Split Shipments
  • Push up tracking numbers
  • Push Inventory to Miva

Legacy Features/Modules no longer supported

The old integration supported a few old modules which are no longer supported in the new version:

  • Addendum (Replaced by Order Custom Fields)
  • Additional Checkout Data Pro (Replaced by Order Custom Fields)
  • Viking Coders Order Instructions (Replaced by Order Custom Fields)
  • Viking Coders Order Status Manager (Replaced by Miva’s Default Order Statuses)
  • Viking Coders Inventory Manager (Replaced by Miva’s built in inventory)
  • Sebenza Ultimate Order Status (Replaced by Miva’s Default Order Statuses)

If you are using any of these modules it is first recommended you migrate to Miva’s built in functionality first before updating to the new Stone Edge integration.

Setup & Configuration

The new integration leverages Stone Edge Connect2Cart cloud middleware to do the heavy lifting connecting Stone Edge to Miva. Its sits between the two systems and has all the logic to connect to the Miva JSON API.

Stone Edge < ------- > Connect2Cart< -------- > Miva

Stone Edge Support Team will need to setup your connect2cart account and plug in your Miva API credentials.

To start using the new integration contact Stone Edge support team with the following information about your Miva Store:

Important: API Token must have the following permissions: Customer Service & Sales, Order Processing and Fulfillment, Product Management

They will configure your Connect2Cart account with the information provided and give you access credentials to plug into Stone Edge:

Note: The credentials added to this setup screen will not be your Miva admin credential like the old integration. Instead it will be your connect2cart credentials created by Stone Edge.

If you are having trouble getting the connection to Miva configured correctly please contact Stone Edge Technical support for troubleshooting.

Order Pull Timing

Default: Every 15 Minutes

By default Connect2Cart will automatically pull new orders from Miva every 15 minutes. In Stone Edge when you import orders, you are not importing orders directly from Miva. Instead, you are pulling only the orders which connect2cart has already downloaded into its system, which could be 15 minutes delayed. If you need the 15 min internal shortened, please contact Stone Edge for additional options

Order Data Imported & Mappings

Below is a summary of all the order level data imported from Miva and how it gets translated into Stone Edge

Custom Order Fields

The integration supports mapping Miva’s custom order fields into Stone Edge. To configure this mapping in Order Manager go to Settings -> Data Functions -> Setup Custom Fields

Here you enter in the custom order field code :


This integration supports passing the Signifyd Guarantee Dispostion from Miva into Stone Edge with each order. It is treated as any other order custom field and is mapped just like the process outlined above. Only the guarantee disposition value is imported at this time. It name to use is "SignifydGuaranteeDisposition". Once the mapping is setup in Stone Edge you'll see its value at the time the order was imported.

Order Notes

Order notes in Miva (which exist at the time the order is imported) will pulled into Stone Edge Order Notes Section.

Item Level Discounts/Coupons

Item level discounts are automatically reflected in the item price when it is imported. Any details about item level discounts such as the coupon used to apply the discount will be saved automatically into the customer comments section in Stone Edge.

Order Level Discount/Coupons

Order Level Discounts and Coupons will be reflected as line items in the order:

Kit Products

There are two methods for importing kit products.

1. If you are using Stone Edge "Kit Builder" functionality it will automatically add the kit parts to the order when it is imported based on the SKU which gets imported.

2. If you are not using the automatic kit builder feature and have Kits setup in Miva, you can optionally have stone edge read in the Kit parts from the order when it gets downloaded and they will get added to the order as individual line items but with $0.00 prices. The price of the kit will live at the master product level.

Payment Data

Payment mappings have been tested for the following payment modules:

  • PayPal Express Checkout
  • Amazon Pay
  • Braintree
  • Apple Pay (Braintree + Auth.net)
  • Authorize.net (including accept.js)
  • Customer Credit
  • Chase Paymentech
  • Bolt
  • Square Payments
  • Mod10 (Credit Card with Simple Validation)
  • Cybersource

If you are using a payment gateway not on this list, contact Stone Edge and they can add you custom payment mappings. Payment methods not on this list will be imported as Generic Payment.

Customer Credit

This new integration supports Miva’s native customer credit system. Credits get applied as a payment method applied to the order. When a customer uses credit to pay for part of the order and a credit card to pay for the rest, two payment transactions will get imported into Stone Edge.

Shipments & Tracking Numbers

To enable sending tracking numbers and order status from Stone Edge and Miva you first have to set “Send Status To Web” Flag in the cart setup.

Settings -> System Functions -> Shopping Carts. Here click edit at the top right then check the box to "Send Status To Web".

If you create a shipment or split a shipment in Stone Edge, both actions will cause a new shipment to be created in Miva.

Once a shipment has been marked as shipping in Stone Edge, the order status in Miva will be updated to shipped and the tracking number will be sent to Miva. If you have Miva to automatically send the Shipment notification email, it will be sent at this time. If you want Stone Edge to send this email, it can be turned off in Miva.

Inventory Push To Miva

Stone Edge can be setup to automatically sync Quantity on Hand to Miva. To enable this feature the setting must be set in the Shopping Cart Configuration Screen.

Settings -> System Functions -> Shopping Carts. Here click edit at the top right then check the box to Synchronize Inventory.

With this setting enabled, Stone Edge will automatically send changes in quantity on hand to Miva in real-time. For example, if the user enters a telephone order for a Widget, it will post an update to decrease the inventory in Miva by one unit. If the user receives a Purchase order for 50 units, it will post an update to increase the QOH by 50.

Need Additional Help

Have questions or need additional help? Contact Stone Edge support at: support@stoneedge.com

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