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Marketplace - Amazon Product Listings

Please see:

Catalog > Categories

Use the Categories tab to create categories that organize your products into logical groups, and to add products to specific categories. You can also do both of these activities from the Catalog > Edit Product > Categories Tab.

Technically, you don't have to assign a product to a category. Customers would still be able to find the product by clicking on "All Products" or by searching for a general term, like "hat". However, putting your products in categories makes it easier for customers to browse your store and find the products that they want. Categories in your on-line store are like departments in a brick and mortar store.

Assigned Cats

Sorting Records


Sort the Categories as they appear in the admin interface. See also Sorting Records.

Display Order

Edit the Display Order. Change the way that categories are shown in your on-line store. See also Sorting Records.

Display Order

Show Categories

Show Categories. You can choose to show all of the categories that you've created, or just the active ones. Inactive categories still exist in your store, but are not shown to customers. To set a category as active/inactive use the: Menu> Catalog > Categories tab > Edit a Category > Category tab > Details section > Active checkbox.


Refresh the screen.


Sort. Please see Sorting Records.


Show or hide columns in the admin interface.

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