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Availability Groups

Availability Groups allow you to control what categories and products your customers see in your store, based on their membership in a group. For example, you could use Availability Groups to offer different products or packaging to retail and wholesale customers.

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The general process is:

  1. Create an Availability Group.
  2. Add customers, categories, and products to the group.

When customers in that group visit your on-line store and sign in, they will see the categories and products that you selected.


Create a store category called "Bulk Produce" and two Availability Groups: "Retail", and "Wholesale". We'll add one customer to each group, but no categories or products yet. When a customer reaches your store they will be either:

Example 1

If the category "Bulk Produce" is not assigned to any Availability Group it will be visible to everyone: members of any group, and customers who visit your store and are not signed in.

Example 2

Now we'll add the Bulk Produce category to the Wholesale Availability Group.

Example 3

Add the Bulk Produce category to both the Wholesale Availability Group and the Retail Availability Group.

To Use Availability Groups

  1. Create a new Availability Group.
  2. 1.1. Go to Menu> Customers > Availability Groups tab.

    1.2. In the Availability Groups screen, click Add Group Add.

    1.3. Enter a name for the new group, such as "Wholesale"


    1.4. Click Save Save.

After you create an Availability Group you can select it and add:

Sample Availability Group

Sample Availability Group

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