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Videos | Fixed Discount

In this video we'll be looking at the Fixed Discount price group type, which lets you set price discounts on either a product or basket level.
ver.9.0 and later

Video Transcript

In this video we’ll be looking at the Fixed Discount Price Group types. Price Groups are mechanisms in your store that allow customers to make discounted purchases. The fixed discount price group can be used to target specific products you sell online. The savings would be applied to an order by deducting a fixed dollar value. To create a fixed discount, login to your Miva Merchant Store Admin and then click into “Marketing.” Here we are in the Price Groups tab. We’ll create a new price group by clicking on this “+” button here. We’ll make this Price Group eligible for all shoppers and we'll call this price group we're making “$3 off.” For the type drop-down-menu, we’ll want to select a fixed discount. Once we choose a price group type, additional settings will load into this model so that we can further configure that type of price group. Let’s set the discount to $3. Notice that there’s another Type field that appears down here. Unlike the type field above, this doesn’t refer to the type of price group you’re setting up. This field is asking if you want to display the fixed discount on a per line item level or a basket level. I’m going to leave this on the default setting for now so that we can see what a price group looks like when configured with a line item for its type. Let’s scroll down and click on the “Save” button and we’ll have a new price group called “$3 off.”

The next step is to assign qualifying products and discounted products to this price group. In this example we’ll add two products to both. First let’s select the price groups we want to add products to in this batch list and then we'll want to click on “Qualifying Products.” We’ll add two products, let's say Book 8 and then Book 10. Now, let’s scroll down and click close and we can go into discounted products and repeat the process. We’ll add Book 8 and then Book 10. Now let's go into the store and have a look. Because the fixed discount price group was configured on a line item level, you can see the savings displayed on the category and product screens of the store. Furthermore, if we add both Book 8 and Book 10 to our basket, we’ll see that the discounts are being applied on a per line item level here. Let me clear out this basket and let's go back into the admin and change the type from line item to basket. Now we’ll resave this price group and go back into the store. This time you'll notice that the savings do not display on the category or product pages and if you add these discounted products to your basket, you'll find that the discount is applied to the basket total and not each individual discounted product.  And that’s a look at the Fixed Discount Price Groups.

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