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Videos | Percentage Discount

In this video we'll be looking at the Percentage Discount, which is setup via the Price Group functionality inside the Marketing area in Miva Merchant.
ver.9.0 and later

Video Transcript

In this video, we'll be looking at the Percentage Discount Price Group type. Price Groups are a mechanism in your store that allows customers to make discounted purchases. The Percentage Discount Price Group can be used to target specific products you sell online. The savings will be applied to an order on a percentage basis rather than a set dollar value or a set dollar discount. Let's get started by logging into your Miva Merchant Admin and clicking into Marketing. Here we are in the Price Groups tab. We'll create a new price group by clicking on this "+" button here. We'll make this price group available for all shoppers. Here, we have a field called "Type." This refers to the type of price group you'll be setting up. In the type drop down, let's select Percentage Discount. Doing so will load in some additional settings that pertain to Percentage Discount Price Groups. Let's set the discount amount to 20, which means we should go up here and name this price group something like 20% off. Now, that's all we really need to configure the Percentage Discount Price Group, but before we save our settings I'd like to draw some attention on this field here.This field is also called "Type." Unlike the type field above, this doesn't refer to the type of price group you're setting up. This field is asking if you want to display the discount on a line item level or on a basket level. Let's leave it as it is for now and have a look at what Percentage Discount looks like when configured as "Line Item." Then, we'll go back and do the same for "Basket." 

We now have a Price Group which we can assign products to. I want to assign both qualifying products and discounted products. So what are Qualifying Products? These are products that if added to a customers shopping basket, makes the customer eligible to take advantage of Price Group Pricing. Discounted Products on the other hand are the products that get their prices modified when a customer gains access to the price group. It's important to understand that qualifying products and discounted products may and may not be one in the same. Adding product A to your basket may reduce product A's pricing, or it may reduce product B's pricing. It all depends on what products you assign as a qualifying product and a discounted product. 

In this example, we'll add two products to both. First, I will want to select the price group I will be working with and then I'll want to click on Qualifying Products. We'll add Book2 as a qualifying product and then we'll add Book10. Let's do the same for Discounted Products. Now, if I add either Book2 or Book10 to my basket, they'll receive a 20% discount thanks to this Price Group. Let's have a look at this in action. Because this discount was configured in Line Item, you can see the savings displayed on the Category Screen as well as the Product Screen. If we add Book2 to our basket and then add Book10 to our basket and checkout, we can see that the discounts are being displayed on a per product level. On the other hand, if we go back into the Admin and change type so that it's Basket instead of Line Item, you'll notice that the savings do not display on the Category or Product pages. Furthermore, if we add Book2 to our basket and then add Book10 to our basket, you'll find that the discount is applied to the Basket total and not each individual product. 

That's a look at Percentage Discount Price Groups.

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