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Videos | Customer Address Book

New to Miva Merchant 9.5 customers can now manage an address book which allows them to save multiple shipping and billing addresses in their customer account.
ver.9.5 and later

Video Transcript

New to Miva Merchant 9.5, customers can now manage an Address book which allows them to save multiple shipping and billing addresses in their customer account. From the customer's perspective they can access their address book by logging into their customer account and clicking on the “Manage Address Book” link.

On the left they can see their currently selected Default Shipping Address. They are able to Edit it, Delete it or flag it to also be their Default Billing Address. On the right hand side, they can see their current Default Billing Address, which they can also Edit, Delete or set to be their Default Shipping Address as well. If they have any additional addresses in their account, they will be listed down below. If they want to add any more addresses to their account, they can do so by clicking on this button labeled “Add New Address.” Any of the additional addresses down here can be set to be the default shipping and/or billing addresses as well.

In the Store Admin you can see the contents of a customer's address book by editing the Customer’s Account Record. In the “Edit Customer’s” screen you will see a tab called, “Addresses.” Clicking into it will show you a Batch List of all of the Addresses in their Address Book. If you need to edit an existing address, you can do so by double clicking on it and you can even add a new address by clicking on this “+” sign here. You can give addresses a description to help keep track of which address is what. I’ll just give it a description of “Summer Home” and fill out the necessary information and then click “Add” to save our work.

If we click on the Shipping/Billing Information tab, we can see which addresses are currently selected to be the Default Ship To Address and the Default Bill To Address. Currently they are both set to the Texas Office. But, if you click on this drop down menu, you can choose from any of the other addresses already in the Customer Address Book. Just select the one you need, and then click “Update” to save your work. And that’s a look at the Customer Address Book feature in Miva Merchant.

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