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Videos | Managing Meta Data in Miva Merchant

In Miva Merchant 9.4 and later you are able to manage your meta data on a page template, category, and product level. This video will cover what you need to know to have full control of meta data in your store.
ver.9.4 and later

Managing Meta Data In Miva Merchant from Miva on Vimeo.

Video Transcript

In this video we’re going to have a look at how you can manage your metadata keywords and descriptions in your Miva Merchant store. This video pertains to Miva Merchant stores version 9.4 and later.

On the store front page of this test store if we view the source code for this page you can see that there's currently no metadata keywords or a metadata description. You can configure a global default for metadata keywords and descriptions in your Miva Merchant store. To do so go into the Store Admin and click on the “Menu” button on the left and select “User Interface.” Here you'll find a tab called “SEO.” Clicking on it you'll find a section called “Metafields.” Here there is a field for keywords and a text area for your meta description. Let's enter some keywords which can be a collection of choice words separated by commas and you should enter a description that has a more natural language feel. So enter in a short paragraph. When you're done, hit “Update” and let's go back to the Storefront page. When we hit refresh, you'll see in the head tag that now there's a line of code for the meta description here and there's a line of code for the meta keywords. Furthermore, you'll find that these meta keywords and descriptions appear across all store pages. So if I go into the shirts category, you'll see the description and keywords are present and if we go into a product page, again you'll find the meta description and the meta keywords. If you want unique metadata for a specific page you can override the global default for your metadata by going into that specific pages template. So let's talk the “About Us” page as an example. Here we are in the About Us page and you can see that the metadata global defaults are being printed in the head tag. Here for the description and here for the keywords. To add metadata specific to this About Us page let's go into the store Admin and here we are in User Interface. We want to click into the “Pages” Batch List and find a page template for the About Us page. From here you want to click into the “SEO” tab and scroll down until you find the “Meta Field” section. If we enter in some keywords and if we enter in a description and hit the update button, when we go back to the About Us page and hit “Refresh,” we’ll find that the metadata description and keywords have been updated to the specific description and keywords on any of your page templates in your store, including the Category Display pages and your Product Display pages. So if we go back in the admin and pull up the Product Display page template we’ll see a tab labeled “SEO.” If we click into it and scroll down to the meta fields, we can add keywords and descriptions specific to this page template. Meta keywords and meta description entered here will display across all product pages in your Miva Merchant store.

Finally I'd like to mention that you can add meta keywords and descriptions unique to specific products and categories by editing that specific product or category. As an example, let's go into the one shirt product. From the Edit Product page, scroll down until you see “metadata settings.” Like before will enter keywords separated by commas and a brief description. When you're done, click the “Update” button to save your work and we can view that work by clicking on the “More” button and selecting “View on Live Store.” Let's go ahead and have a look at the source code and you can see that we have meta description and keywords that are unique to this specific shirt product and to recap you're able to set up Global default metadata keywords and descriptions that span across all pages in your Miva Merchant store. You can override your metadata by editing specific page templates and category page template metadata can be overridden by metadata entered into a specific category and product display metadata can be overridden by metadata entered into a specific product. This is the default behavior for metadata in Miva Merchant stores version 9.4 and higher. If you have an older store that was set up before 9.4 and then you updated it, then it's likely that you're missing some template code logic that powers this metadata behavior in which case you'll want to go to Miva.com/template-changes. Here you will find a breakdown of all of the page template changes between different versions of versions of Miva Merchant. You can sift through the changes and copy and paste it into your Miva page templates to ensure that you have the lines of code required to take advantage of all of the latest functionality. And that's how you can manage metadata in your Miva Merchant store.

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