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Videos | User Groups

This video shows you how you can restrict Users from accessing specific parts of the store admin based on the User Group you assign them to.
ver.9.0 and later

Video Transcript

Here we are in the User's Settings area of the Miva Merchant Store Admin. You can create and modify your different users from this screen. If you configure them as Administrators, they will have access to all areas of your Store Admin, but what if you want to create a user that doesn't have access to everything. Let me remove this administrator check, click Update and walk you through configuring a non administrator user. Here we are logged in as the user John. John is not an Administrator and as you can see there isn't much he can actually access. The most he can do is edit his user account, request support from Miva Merchant Support Staff and log out of the Store Admin. You can grant non-administrator users additional access to different portions of your Store Admin by assigning them to a User group that has access to those areas.

Let me show you how to configure a new user group. For that I will have to log back into my store as a Store Administrator. Here we are logged back into the Store Admin as an Administrator with full access to all areas of the Store Admin. To create a new user group, click into Store Settings and then the User Groups tab. As you can see there are currently no user groups. To add one click on the “+” sign here. Give the User Group a name and then pick and choose what kind of access these users will have in the table below. Each row represents a different area of the Store Admin and each column represents what a user will and will not be able to do in that area. Since this group is called “Product Editors” I only intend for these users to be able to access the parts the Store Admin that pertain to managing products. I would like them to be able to see the products area, so I’ll check mark “View.” I also want them to be able to add products, edit products and also delete products from my store. I also think it would be a good idea for them to edit Inventory Settings, as well as manage the categories in my store.

Once you have the User Group configured the way you'd like, go ahead and click this “Add” button on top. You will be taken to a page where you can choose which users you want assigned to this group. Now that John is assigned to this Product Editors Group, let's log back into the Store Admin as John. You can see that John now has access to the Catalog. Clicking into Catalog allows John to see products, as well as Categories, as well as the Inventory Settings. And that's how you add and configure user groups.

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