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Flex Component#

A flex component can be exported to a series of text files. It gets deployed by compressing the folder as a tar.bz2 file and uploading it to the Miva admin.

flex.json Configuration File#

In the root folder of your component, you’ll have a flex.json file which defines the component name, code, and version as well as paths to scripts, CSS, initialization/instance templates, and properties.

Property Definitions#

code The flex component code
name The flex component name
type The flex component type: component or library
managed True / False will add the component to the Miva managed components
version The flex version number
resourcegroup_code This is the Miva resource group the CSS/JS will get output from.
initialization_template Path to the initialization template. This is a .mvt text file that can contain Miva template logic.
instance_template Path to the instance template. This is a .mvt text file that can contain Miva template logic.
properties Array of JSON objects for the properties
the component will provide in admin for the end user
advanced_properties Array of JSON objects for the properties
that will appear in the advanced tab
defaults Object containing the default values for all properties
category must be one of the following: image, image-slider, image-across, featured-product, product-carousel, category-carousel, text-utility, text-banner, image-text, video, text-editor.
This is used to categorize the component in Page Builder.
images This allows you to include images
#component-images) in your component that will get added to the server/store upon import.

Sample flex.json#

    "code": "ex-basic",
    "name": "Example: Basic",
    "type": "component",
    "managed": false,
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "resourcegroup_code": "ex-basic",
    "initialization_template": "src/templates/init.mvt",
    "instance_template": "src/templates/instance.mvt",
    "scripts": [
            "filepath": "src/js/ex-basic.js",
            "resource_code": "ex-basic",
            "attributes": [
                    "name": "type",
                    "value": "module"
    "styles": [
            "filepath": "src/css/ex-basic.css",
            "resource_code": "ex-basic",
            "attributes": [
                    "name": "type",
                    "value": "text/css"
                    "name": "media",
                    "value": "all"
                    "name": "rel",
                    "value": "stylesheet"
    "properties": [
            "code": "text",
            "prompt": "Display Text",
            "type": "text"
    "defaults": {
        "text": {
            "value": "This is the default text"

Instance Template Example#

<hello-world data-text="&mvte:text;"></hello-world>

Initialization Template Example#

<mvt:item name="head" param="js:flex_helloworld" />

<template id="hello-world">
    <mvt:item name="head" param="css:flex_helloworld" />
    <span class="hello-world-text"></span>

JavaScript Example#

class HelloWorld extends HTMLElement {
    constructor() {
        this.attachShadow({mode: "open"});

    connectedCallback() {
        const template = document.getElementById("hello-world");

        this.shadowRoot.querySelector(".hello-world-text").textContent = this.getAttribute("data-text");

customElements.define("hello-world", HelloWorld);

CSS Example#

.hello-world-text {
    color: red;
    font-size: 32px;

Component Images#

Its possible to package up and include image files in your component. Upon install of the flex component into a store, any images defined will get copied to the destination path specified.

Parameter Definition
source_filepath The path of the image in the flex folder locally.
destination_filepath Destination for image to be copied on the Miva server.

The default location for images on a Miva store is graphics/store_id/image_name. A common use case for this could be including placeholder images for your component into the flex component file that gets imported.

"images": [
        "source_filepath": "src/images/placeholder__1440x580.jpg",
        "destination_filepath": "graphics/%STORE_ID%/image1.jpg"
        "source_filepath": "src/images/placeholder__335x240.jpg",
        "destination_filepath": "graphics/%STORE_ID%/image2.jpg"
        "source_filepath": "src/images/placeholder__728x320.jpg",
        "destination_filepath": "graphics/%STORE_ID%/image3.jpg"