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Credit Card Payment with Simple Validation

Like a check or COD, this module is an off-line payment method. It allows you to capture the customer's credit card information so that you can process it later. For example, if you have a brickand-mortar store, you might already have a method for manually processing credit cards.

This module performs a very limited set of validations on a credit card number:

To Add a Card

  1. In the Credit Card Payment With Simple Validation tab, click Add Credit Card To Add a Card.
  2. Enter the credit card name.
  3. Enter one or more Allowable Prefixes.
    • The prefix describes how a valid card must begin. For example, if you enter "34" in this field, then all cards of this type must begin with the number "34" or they will be rejected during checkout. You can enter as many prefixes as you want for each card, separated by commas. For example, "34, 35, 36, 37" would allow credit card numbers that begin with the numbers 34, 35, 36, or 37
  4. Enter one or more Allowable Lengths.
    • The allowable lengths determine the number of characters the credit card can have. For example, if you enter "15" in this field, all credit cards of this type must have exactly 15 characters or they will be rejected during checkout. You can enter as many allowable lengths as you want for each card, separated by commas. For example, "15, 16, 17, 18" would allow credit card numbers that have a total of 15, 16, 17 or 18 characters.
  5. Click Save Credit Card Save Credit Card.

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