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Reference Guide

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General Information

Sorting Records

Behind the scenes, everything in your store is kept in database records. There are records for products, categories, customers, orders, reports, etc. Many of these records are visible in the admin interface and some of them are visible in your on-line store.

Sorting Catalog

Sorting Catalog

Whenever you have a list of records, for example, a list of products, you can change the sort order. You can sort products by Name, Code, SKU, etc. You can also select individual records and move them to specific locations in the list.

To Change the Sort Order in the Admin Interface Only

To Change the Sort Order in Both the Admin Interface and Your On-line Store

Edit Display Order

  1. Select one or more records in the list.
  2. Click the Display Order Menu Order and select Enable Sorting. If you've already selected Enable Sorting, the text will be greyed out.
  3. In the Display Order Menu, select one of the sorting options:
    1. Move to Top: Move the selected records to the top of the list.
    2. Move to Bottom: Move the selected records to the bottom of the list.
    3. Move to Position:
      • After you select Move to Position, all of the grey boxes will change to pushpin icons.
      • Move to Position

      • Click on one of the pushpin icons. If you are moving the record up in the list, the record will be moved above the pushpin that you selected. If you are moving the record down in the list, the record will be moved below the pushpin that you selected.
    4. Sort Ascending / Sort Descending: Sorts only the selected records.
    5. Edit Display Order: This command is a bit of an exception, because you can use it without selecting any records.
      1. After you click Edit Display Order, every record will show a box containing a number. The number is the order position of the record in the admin interface and in your on-line store.
      2. Save Display Order

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