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JSON API Getting Started#


To use the Miva JSON API you must be using Miva 9.12.00 or greater as well as the 5.32 engine or greater.

API Endpoints#

Every store has its own unique API endpoint associated with the domain name. The format will be as follows:


Some stores use an alternate folder name other than /mm5 such as Merchant2 or /store/. You can see what folder structure is being used under Domain Settings > Site Configuration.

Authentication & Permissions#

Access to the API is determined by an API Access Token. This token is generated in the Miva admin under Users > API Tokens

Within the access token setting, there are 3 additional levels of security:

IP Address Whitelist#

Each access token is restricted to a list of IP addresses you want to have access to make API calls. It accepts a comma separated list of IPs. If you don’t have static IP addresses, you can disable it by using which will allow any IP address. You may also need to whitelist the short hand for ipv6 which is: ::/0.

Security Warning

Its highly recommended the IP restriction be used for added security. Only disable this security feature if you don’t have way to get a single or range of IP addresses.

HMAC Signature#

This is an optional but strongly recommended feature to prevent man in the middle attacks on API requests. Miva will generate a signature which you then use by adding it and the message body to an hmac function, where the encryption algorithm is either SHA256 or SHA1. The response then gets passed in the header of the request with the name of “X-Miva-API-Authorization”.

Header Format#

X-Miva-API-Authorization: type <access token>[:<hmac>]

Header Types & Examples#

MIVA (no hmac present)

API Access Token Header with No HMAC signature

POST /mm5/json.mvc HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Miva-API-Authorization: MIVA 0f90f77b58ca98836eba3d50f526f523
Accept: */*
Content-Length: 629

API Access Token Header with SHA256 signature

POST /mm5/json.mvc HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Miva-API-Authorization: MIVA-HMAC-SHA256 0f90f77b58ca98836eba3d50f526f523:OkRybggj8ukGviuiwB1u2+ZTS7n4gneyuSybkNdstZI=
Accept: */*
Content-Length: 629

API Access Token Header with SHA1 signature

POST /mm5/json.mvc HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Miva-API-Authorization: MIVA-HMAC-SHA1 0f90f77b58ca98836eba3d50f526f523:OkRybggj8ukGviuiwB1u2+ZTS7n4gneyuSybkNdstZI=
Accept: */*
Content-Length: 629

Base64 Encoding

It is very important that once the hmac function is run the value needs to be base64 encoded before being passed in the header. Also the signature needs to be base64 decoded before it gets passed into the hmac function.

Steps to Generate HMAC Header#

  1. base64 decode signature
  2. Pass base64 decoded signature, algorithm type (sha1 or sha256) and JSON request body into your languages HMAC, which function as separate parameters.
  3. base64 encode result of hmac function and pass in header of each request

HMAC Functions#

Here are hmac functions in some popular scripting languages:

Generate HMAC Header in PHP Example#

protected function generateAuthHeader($data)
    $key    = $this->getSigningKey();
    $digest = $this->getOption('signing_key_digest');

    if ( !$key )
        throw ClientException( 'No signing key to sign request' );
    } else if ( !isset($this->digests[$digest]) )
        throw new ClientException( 'Digest %s is invalid. Available digests are %s',
            $digest, implode(',', array_keys( $this->digests ) ) );

    $signature  = hash_hmac($this->digests[ $digest ], $data, base64_decode($key), true);

    return sprintf('%s %s:%s', $digest, $this->getApiToken(), base64_encode($signature));

PHP CURL Example#


define( 'STORE_CODE',           'dev' );
define( 'API_URL',              'https://localhost/mm5/json.mvc' );
define( 'API_TOKEN',            '64d39340a4aaf6e3c752a461f68be2d2' );
define( 'API_SIGNING_KEY',      'NglO1/NYZeYmnID0DrMIjuXqdD3nxBpNLp0FJlfjQbQ' ); // this is a base64 encoded string - copy directly from Miva Admin
define( 'API_SIGNING_DIGEST',   'sha256' ); // sha256, sha1, or null. sha256 is the default setting.

$request = [
    'Store_Code'                => STORE_CODE,
    'Function'                  => 'ProductList_Load_Query',
    'Miva_Request_Timestamp'    => time()

    $content = json_encode( $request );

    $response = sendAPICurlRequest( $content );
catch ( Exception $e )
    die( $e->getMessage() );

 * Sends an api curl request.
function sendAPICurlRequest( $content )
    $handle  = curl_init( API_URL );

    if ( !is_resource( $handle ) ) {
        throw new Exception( 'Curl Error: Unable to initialize' );

    $curlOptions = [
        CURLOPT_POST            => true,
        CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER  => true,
        //CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER  => false,
        CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS      => $content,
        CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER      => [
            'Content-Type: application/json',
            sprintf( 'X-Miva-API-Authorization: %s', generateAuthHeader( API_TOKEN, API_SIGNING_KEY, API_SIGNING_DIGEST, $content ) )

    if ( curl_setopt_array( $handle, $curlOptions ) === false )
        $error   = curl_error( $handle );
        $errorno = curl_errno( $handle );


        throw new Exception( sprintf( 'Error Setting Curl Options', $error, $errorno ) );

    $response = curl_exec( $handle );

    if ( curl_errno( $handle ) !== 0 )
        $error   = curl_error( $handle );
        $errorno = curl_errno( $handle );

        curl_close( $handle );

        throw new Exception( sprintf( 'HTTP Error: %s Code %d', $error, $errorno ) );

    curl_close( $handle );

    return $response;

 * Generate the authentication header value
function generateAuthHeader( $apiToken, $signingKey, $digest, $data )
    if ( !in_array( $digest, ['sha256','sha1'] ) )
        return sprintf( 'MIVA %s', $apiToken );

    $signature = hash_hmac( $digest, $data, base64_decode( $signingKey ), true );

    if ( $signature === false )
        throw new Exception( 'Error generating signature' );

    return sprintf( 'MIVA-HMAC-%s %s:%s', strtoupper( $digest ), $apiToken, base64_encode( $signature ) );


This is an optional, but highly recommended security feature to help prevent a replay attack against an API request. When enabled each API request has a max window of execution of 30 seconds from the timestamp passed in the body of the request. To use this feature pass the following parameter in the JSON body:

"Miva_Request_Timestamp" : "1535646272"

The value passed should be a unix timestamp of the time the request was initiated. Miva will then give a 30 second window for that request to be received.

API Integrations

While the timestamp and HMAC signature are optional, both will be required if you have an integration you want listed in the app store.

SSH Authentication#

Miva 10 introduces user level SSH Authentication as an alternate way to connect to the Miva JSON API.

Benefits of using SSH Authentication

  • No IP Restrictions - Since authentication is tied to the user, additional reporting is available about who made the request.
  • No need to generate a new API token/signature for each store you want to connect.


SSH requests require the Timestamp be passed in each request with a 30 second window. Also, the admin user must not be locked out and the users password must not be expired or set to force to change.

Generate SSH Key#

Miva only supports ssh-rsa format SSH keys. DSA, ed25519, and ECDSA are not supported. Below is an example of how to generate an SSH key:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -m pem

This will generate both a public and private key file on your local computer. The public key file will have a .pub extension and this value should be copied into your Miva user under: Edit Profile -> Manage SSH Authentication

SSH Authentication Header#

Simular to the token/signature authentication outlined above you must also pass a custom authentication header for SSH

X-Miva-API-Authentication: SSH-RSA-SHA2-256 <username>:<signature_bas64>
X-Miva-API-Authentication: SSH-RSA-SHA2-512 <username>:<signature_base64>

Generate SSH Signature#

The SSH Signature required to be passed in the header is generated using the following steps

  1. Pass SSH private key, algorithm type (sha256 or sha512) and JSON request body into your languages hmac function as separate parameters.
  2. base64 encode result of hmac function and pass in header of each request in the Signature Note: All our our JSON API SDKs support SSH authentication. You point the library to your SSH key an our SDK will generate the required header.

Binary Encoding Header#

Miva 10 introduces a new optional header which you can pass in API requests to enable you to pass in binary data as the payload. If omitted, json data is assumed.

X-Miva-API-Binary-Encoding: (json,base64)

Group & Function Permissions#

In addition to being used for authentication, each access token has Group and Function Level permissions. These permissions will determine which API functions they are allowed to run.

Group Permissions#

Group permissions allow an access token to inherit the permissions assigned to each individual group. These are the same group permissions used to give to Miva Administrator users. To assign group permissions to an access token, select the record from the batch list and a Groups button will display.

Group Functions#

You can also explicitly tie an access token to one or more functions. The full list of API available functions can be found in the left menu. Here you provide whether it is a domain level or store level function and then the function name. You can use Groups and Functions in conjunction with each other to get the correct permissions you need.

Module Functions#

For access to module level functions you can add the function in this format:


JSON Request Format#

The Miva JSON API accepts data in JSON format passed in the body of the request. The data sent will be determined by the function you wish to run, and whether you are pushing or pulling data. Please see each function’s specific definition on which json data is needed.

Required JSON Data with Each Request

  1. Miva_Request_Timestamp - (Only required for an integration to be listed on the app store) The unix timestamp from when the request was generated. Miva will only run a request in a 30 second window from this time.
  2. Store_Code - The Miva store code of the store you wish to execute the function against.
  3. Function - The function to execute

Then depending on the function you’re running, it will have its own required json you must pass to get the correct data out or to push the correct data in. See the API Function Reference Guide for details on all available functions.

JSON Response & Error Handling#

All responses to the JSON API, whether it was successful or an error is returned, will be formatted valid JSON.

Success Response

Successful calls return their data as a JSON structure in the following format:

    "success": true,
    "data": call-specific data

Some success responses will contain additional data. For example, with “OrderItem_Update”, the success response looks like this:

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "total": 19.0,
        "formatted_total": "$19.00"

Error Responses#

Errors are returned in the following format:

    "success": false,
    "error_code": "unique error code",
    "error_message": "description of error"

Required Fields Validation Error#

Some errors will include additional fields with further information about input validation errors:


    "success": 0,
    "error_code": "MER-JSN-00018",
    "error_message": "Invalid value for field 'Product_Weight': Please enter a number",
    "validation_error": true,
    "error_field": "Product_Weight",
    "error_field_message": "Please enter a number"

Throttling and Timeouts#

API Throttling#

There is no throttling enforced on API requests. To the server it will appear just like any other http request. Miva will process the request and then return the results back to the client. This does mean that the burden is placed on the developer doing any integration to prevent API requests, inadvertently causing a Denial Of Service attack, because a client made too many API requests.

API Timeouts#

The API uses the same timeouts defined the the Miva’s stores mivavm.conf file. These are the global timeouts used across any Miva page for each site. Default timeout in most Miva stores is 60 seconds. You can also increase this timeout when doing bulk transactions on a per request basis by passing the following header:


For example lets say you need to push up a big block of tracking numbers using our multicall format, you can pass this header to be a value greater than 60 seconds to avoid a timeout.


API requests are not logged separately against regular requests. The server’s access logs can be used to help troubleshoot any API related issues.

Client Side Requests#

The JSON API is not able to be used in untrusted client requests via JavaScript/AJAX. This is because doing so will expose your API credentials in the header of each request. There are special API functions intended to be called clientside without an API key needed. Specifics on these coming soon.

Dates & Times#

All date/time fields in the API will return Unix timestamps. You’ll need convert the unix time to the proper date format depending on your needs.


It is recommended when querying lists of large data sets (products, orders, customers), that you paginate the results to avoid timeout issues and enable more robust data transfer between Miva and your system.
Every List Load Query function in the JSON API supports pagination.

There are two request parameters which enable pagination when querying a list of data:

Count - Count is used to tell Miva how many records you want returned.
Offset - Used in conjunction with the Count parameter for paginating results of large datasets. Default is 0 which is no offset.

Then contained in every response will be two parameters which will tell you how many resources are still left to be downloaded.

total_count - total_count is the total number of records that match your search criteria. Note: this is not always the total records returned. Based on the Count and Offset parameters passed, the number of records returned could be different than the total_count.
start\_offset - The starting offset from the total number of products returned in the results.

Pagination Overview#

To paginate a list of products, you create an initial request to Miva passing in a count of the maximum number of records you want returned. For example let say we want a max of 100 records at a time. The count parameter would be 100. Then for the offset parameter we pass 0 since we want to start at the beginning.

Miva will then return the 100 records along with total_count and start_offset. Say for example the total count is 250. You would process the total count from the response you receive and determine that you need to make two additional calls to get the remaining records. They would look like this:

Second Request Parameters

  • Count = 100
  • Offset = 100

Second Response Parameters

  • total_count = 250
  • start_offset = 100

Third Request Parameters

  • Count = 100
  • Offset = 200

Second Response Parameters

  • total_count = 250
  • start_offset = 200

The results of each call should result in 100 records returned in the 1st call, 100 records returned in the second call and 50 records returned in the 3rd call. You essentially take the start_offset response parameter + count to calculate the your next call’s offset parameter. You only stop querying results once the start_offset + count parameters is greater that the total_count.

Troubleshooting Authentication Issues#

The following error responses revolve around Authentication and Permissions. Its important to note that if you do not pass the Miva X-Miva-API-Authorization header or its name is incorrect, no response will be given.

Access Denied#

    "success": 0,
    "error_code": "access_denied",
    "error_message": "Access denied"

An access denied error could be for any of the following reasons:

  1. Invalid Access Token
  2. Missing Header Type or Type mismatch
  3. Invalid Content Type
  4. IP address is not whitelisted
  5. Access Token does not have sufficient privileges

Access Denied - Invalid Request Signature#

This means that you passed a header type where Miva is expecting a request signature, but you are either not sending one, or the signature is incorrect.

    "success": 0,
    "error_code": "access_denied",
    "error_message": "Invalid request signature"

Access Denied - Missing required timestamp#

This means that your Access Token is configured to require a timestamp in the JSON body, but you are not passing one.

    "success": 0,
    "error_code": "access_denied",
    "error_message": "Missing required timestamp"

Access Denied - Timestamp outside Configured Window#

This means that your timestamp in the JSON body is outside of the configured time set for the Access Token.

    "success": 0,
    "error_code": "access_denied",
    "error_message": "Timestamp outside configured window"

Access Denied - Invalid Content Type#

Your request must pass a content type of “application/json”

    "success": 0,
    "error_code": "access_denied",
    "error_message": "Invalid request content type"

Access Denied - Invalid Request Method#

Your request must use http method type of “POST”. GET and other method types are not supported.

    "success": 0,
    "error_code": "access_denied",
    "error_message": "Invalid request method"