Settings Tab
Order Import: |
See Order Import. |
Inventory Setting: |
- Ignore Inventory:
Purchases in Etsy will not affect the inventory in
your Miva Merchant store.
- Share Inventory with Etsy Listings:
Your Miva store inventory will drop when a customer buys something
in your Etsy store. This option won't do anything unless you are also tracking inventory in your Miva store.
See Inventory Management.
- Allocate Inventory when a Listing is Posted:
Your Miva store inventory will drop when you create the listing. This
option won't do anything unless you are also tracking inventory in your
Miva store. See Inventory Management.
The inventory that you allocate to an Etsy listing can "return" to your
Miva store for several reasons:
- You end the Etsy listing from the admin interface.
- You delete the Etsy listing from the admin interface.
Accounts Tab
Use this tab to create a link between your Miva Merchant store and your Etsy seller account.
See To Link Your Miva Merchant Store to Your Etsy Seller Account.
To Disconnect Your Miva Merchant Store from Your Etsy Seller Account
There are two ways to "break" the link between your Miva Merchant store and your Etsy seller account.
In both cases you will no longer be able to create Etsy listings in the admin interface, or download and
view Etsy orders in the admin interface.
- Delete the Etsy account link in the admin interface.
This will sever all connection between your Miva store and your Etsy seller account. However, you
could also lose data with this method. For example, let's say you've created a link to your Etsy seller
account. In the admin interface, you edit a product and add information to the edit product >
Marketplaces - Etsy Listing Settings tab. If you delete the Etsy account link in the admin interface,
the edit product > Marketplaces - Etsy Listing Settings tab is also removed from every product in the
admin interface. Any data that you entered in these tabs is lost.
- Delete the Miva Merchant app from your Etsy store. When you create a link between your Miva
store and your Etsy seller account, Miva Merchant installs an app in your Etsy store. You can delete
this app in your Etsy store and break the connection between the two stores. One advantage of this
method is that the Etsy account link will still exist in the admin interface. Any information that you
entered in the edit product > Marketplaces - Etsy Listing Settings tab will still be there.
See To Delete the Miva Merchant App from Your Etsy Store.
To Delete the Miva Merchant App from Your Etsy Store
- Sign into your Etsy store.
- In your Etsy store, go to: You > Account Settings > Apps.
- In the Apps tab, click the X next to the Miva Merchant Marketplaces app.
View/Update Shops vs Update Account
When you add an account in the Marketplaces - Etsy > Accounts tab, you are creating a link between your Miva Merchant store and your Etsy seller account. The Etsy account in the admin interface contains certain information about your Etsy seller account, and there are two "updates" you can make
to that account.
- View/Update Shops button:
In Etsy, you can have multiple shops attached to your Etsy seller account. If you've made any
changes to your Etsy shops, the View/Update Shops button goes to Etsy, gathers that information,
and updates the Etsy account in the admin interface.
- Update Account button:
You can "disconnect" your Miva Merchant store by deleting the Miva Merchant App in your Etsy
store. See To Delete the Miva Merchant App from Your Etsy Store. You might want to do this to
temporarily disconnect your Miva store from your Etsy store, but still leave the Etsy account in the
admin interface. If you've done this, and you want to re-connect your Miva store to your Etsy seller
account, clicking the Update Account button will replace the Miva Merchant app in your Etsy store.
To Use the View/Update Shops Button
- Go to
> Marketplaces - Etsy > Accounts tab.
- In the Accounts tab, select an account, then click View/Update Shops.
To Use the Update Account Button
The process of updating an Etsy account is basically the same as creating a new Etsy account. For
screen shots and more detail, please see: To Link Your Miva Merchant Store to Your Etsy Seller
- Go to
> Marketplaces - Etsy > Accounts tab.
- In the Accounts tab, double-click on an account.
- In the Edit Account dialog box, click Update Account.
- A new browser window will open and you'll be prompted to sign into your Etsy account.
- You will see a prompt: "An application would like to connect to your account."
5.1. Click Allow Access.
- In the next screen you'll see a verification code. Copy this code and paste it into the Edit Account
dialog box > Verification Code field, then click Save. Note that you won't see this field in the Edit
Account dialog box until after you've created the verification code.