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An Overview of Marketplaces - Etsy

Etsy Overview

  1. Review your Etsy account shipping policies (optional but recommended). You must have at least one shipping profile in your Etsy store. See: Etsy > Your Shop > Listings > Shipping Settings
  2. Install the Marketplaces Module. See To Install the Marketplaces Module
  3. Link your Miva Merchant store to your Etsy Seller Account. See "To Link Your Miva Merchant Store to Your Etsy Seller Account" below.
  4. Edit a product's Etsy Listing Settings.
  5. The listing settings doesn't create the listing, but it contains the information that is used in the listing, like the product title and description.

    See "To Edit a Product's Etsy Listing Settings" below.

  6. Create the Etsy listing. See:
    • To Create an Etsy Listing for a Product with No Variants below.
    • To Create an Etsy Listing for a Product with Variants below.

      These will be found in the document below.

  7. Download your Etsy orders to the admin interface (optional, but useful). See "Get Orders" below.

To Link Your Miva Merchant Store to Your Etsy Seller Account

  1. Go to Menu> Marketplaces - Etsy > Accounts tab.
  2. In the Accounts tab, click Add Account.Add Account
  3. In the Add Account dialog box, click Retrieve Account.
  4. Add Account

  5. Your browser will open a new window and prompt you to log into your Etsy account. Enter your Etsy seller account credentials and click Sign In.
  6. Sign In

  7. You'll then be prompted to give your Miva Merchant store access to your Etsy store. Click Allow Access.
  8. Allow Access

  9. In the next screen you'll get an Etsy verification code. Write this code down somewhere.
  10. Etsy Success

  11. In the admin interface, enter the Etsy verification code and click Add.
  12. Add

  13. The link to your Etsy account now shows up in the Accounts tab.
  14. Etsy Accounts

To Edit, Delete or Update an Account Link

  1. Go to Menu> Marketplaces - Etsy > Accounts tab.
  2. Double-click on an account link.
  3. When you are done making changes, click Save.

To Edit a Product's Etsy Listing Settings

The listing settings tab doesn't create a listing, but it does contain all of the information for the listing.

  1. Go to Menu> edit product > Marketplace - Etsy Listing Settings. You won't see this tab unless you've followed the instructions in: To Link Your Miva Merchant Store to Your Etsy Seller Account in the section above.
  2. In the Marketplace - Etsy Listing Settings tab, fill out the fields, then click Update.
  3. Shop: This drop-down list box shows all of the links that you've created between your Miva Merchant store and your Etsy seller account(s). See: To Link Your Miva Merchant Store to Your Etsy Seller Account in the section above.
    Title: The product title that will appear in the Etsy listing. Miva automatically populates this field with whatever you entered in: edit product > Product tab > Details section > Product Name field You can change the Title field to anything that you want. The change will appear in the Etsy listing. Your Miva Merchant store won't be affected.
    Price: The product price that will appear in the Etsy listing. Miva automatically populates this field with whatever you entered in: edit product > Product tab > Details section > Price field You can change the Price field to anything that you want. The change will appear in the Etsy listing. Your Miva Merchant store won't be affected.

    See Taxable. Miva automatically populates this field with whatever you entered in:

    edit product > Product tab > Details section > Taxable checkbox

    Checking or unchecking this box only affects the Etsy listing. Your Miva Merchant store won't be affected.

    Packaging Weight:

    The product weight that will appear in the Etsy listing. Miva automatically

    edit product > Product tab > Details section > Weight field

    You can change the Weight field to anything that you want. The change will appear in the Etsy listing. Your Miva Merchant store won't be affected.


    The product description that will appear in the Etsy listing. Miva automatically populates this field with whatever you entered in:

    edit product > Product tab > Details section > Description field

    You can change the Description field to anything that you want. The change will appear in the Etsy listing. Your Miva Merchant store won't be affected.


    Enter the quantity that you want to make available in the Etsy listing.

    • Use this field to enter the Etsy quantity for products that don't have Variants.
    • If you are going to create an Etsy listing for a product that has variants, you set the quantity in the Add Variation listing dialog box.
    • See "To Create an Etsy Listing for a Product with Variants" in the section below.

      If you are tracking inventory at the store and product level in your Miva Merchant store, a purchase in your Etsy store will auto decrement the inventory in your Miva Merchant store.

      To track inventory at the store level:

    • Catalog > Inventory Tab > Track Inventory
    • To track inventory at the product level:

    • Catalog > Edit Product > Inventory Tab > Track Product checkbox.
    • But see also: Inventory Management.

    Shipping Template: This list box shows the shipping profiles that you have in your Etsy store: Etsy > Your Shop > Listings > Shipping Settings See also: https://www.etsy.com/help/article/190
    Section: An Etsy Section is what Miva Merchant calls a Category. If you have sections in your Etsy store, you can select one here. When you create the listing, it will appear in that section of your Etsy store.

    The Etsy Category is similar to the eBay Primary Category. Like eBay, Etsy has a huge list of categories that essentially classify your product. In our example, we'll create an Etsy listing for a vase, so our Etsy Category selection looks like this:

    Etsy Category

    What is it:

    Who Made It:

    When was it Made:

    Etsy required fields.
    Recipient: An optional Etsy field. The recipient lets customers know who the product is intended for, for example, a men's shirt.
    Occasion: An optional Etsy field similar to Recipient.
    Item Tags:

    Use this field (and the Materials field) to create Etsy tags from the admin interface. The tags that you add here will be used in all listings for this product.

    See: https://www.etsy.com/help/article/69

    Etsy tags are basically keywords that get embedded in the product listing. Search engines, like Google, index these pages, so when customers use Google to search for products they will see links to your on-line store Miva Merchant does the same thing with Meta Tags. See: Menu> User Interface > META Tag Settings.

    Item Materials: Materials are Etsy tags specifically for keywords that describe what your product is made out of. See Item Tags above. See also: https://www.etsy.com/help/article/70
    Variation Image Types: See Variation Image Types.
    Images: See Images. You must have at least one image attached to your Miva store product before you can create an Etsy listing, and you have to select at least one of those images using the checkboxes in this field.

    To Create an Etsy Listing for a Product with No Variants

    1. Configure the product's Etsy listing Settings.

      See To Edit a Product's Etsy Listing Settings in a section above.

    2. Create the Etsy listing.
    3. 2.1. Go to Menu> edit product > Marketplace - Etsy Product Listing.

      2.2. In the Etsy Product Listing tab, click Create Listing. After the listing is created, you can view the listing by clicking on the Title.

      Etsy Listing

    4. If you want purchases in your Etsy store to affect your Miva store inventory:
    5. It's pretty easy to configure your Miva store so that, if a customer buys something in your Etsy store, your Miva inventory will automatically drop. (You must already be using inventory management.)

      3.1. Enable inventory tracking for your Miva store product.

      See To Enable Inventory Tracking for Products with No Attributes.

      3.2. Link your Miva store inventory to your Etsy store:

      See Marketplaces - Etsy > Settings Tab > Inventory Setting

    To Create an Etsy Listing for a Product with Variants

    1. Edit the Etsy Listing Settings for the master product
    2. In our example, we'll create an Etsy listing for a t-shirt with two attributes: size and color. In the admin interface, we've already created the t-shirt product, added attributes for size and color, and generated our variants.

      1.1. Go to Menu> edit product > Marketplace - Etsy Listing Settings. See To Edit a Product's Etsy Listing Settings.

    3. Create the Etsy listing.
    4. 2.1. Go to Menu> edit product > Marketplace - Etsy Product Listings tab.

      2.2. In the Etsy Product Listings tab, click Create Variation Listing.

      2.3. In the Add Variation Listing dialog box:

      Edit Variation Listing

      • The text circled in red is just trying to explain the two main options in this dialog box: "Ignore Inventory and Pricing" and "Combined Attributes". Both options are explained in detail below.
      • If you've set inventory for the variants in your Miva store (see Edit Inventory Button) your Miva inventory shows up on the right. In our Miva store, we have qty 25 for the small white and small blue shirts, and 50 each in medium white and medium blue.

      2.4. Ignore inventory and pricing. If you choose this option:

      • All of the Variants will have the same price. You set the price in: edit product > Etsy - Marketplaces Etsy Listing Settings tab > Price field. In our t-shirt example, small blue, medium blue, large blue, XL blue, etc, will have the same price. You set one price for the t-shirt, and no matter what size or color the customer orders, that's the price they'll be charged.
      • You can't track inventory at the variant level.
      • When your listing shows up in Etsy, customers will be able to select each attribute independently. For example, there will be a size list box and a color list box in the listing.
      • Etsy Size Box

        2.4.1. Attribute / Second Attribute: Use these list boxes to control which attribute shows up first in the Etsy listing. In our example, we set Attribute to "Size" and Second Attribute to "Color". In our Etsy listing, the Size list box shows up first.

      2.5. Combined Attributes. If you choose this option:

      • You can set different prices for the Variants . We've got a t-shirt that's available in different sizes and colors. If we use the Combined Attributes option, we can give the small blue, medium blue, and large blue t-shirts different prices.
      • You can track inventory at the variant level. For example, in our Miva Merchant store we set inventory for our t-shirt variants. We've got quantity 100 in small blue, 100 in medium blue, etc. If our Etsy customer buys a small blue t-shirt, our Miva inventory for small blue t-shirts will automatically drop by 1. But see also: Inventory Management and Menu> Marketplaces - Etsy > Settings tab > Inventory Setting
      • When your listing shows up in Etsy, customers essentially select a variant. There is only one list box. In our example, customers can select a small blue shirt, small medium shirt, etc.
      • Etsy Variant

      2.5.1. Attribute Prompt: Set the title for the list box in the Etsy listing. In our example above we set the Attribute Prompt to be "Size and Color".

      2.5.2. Quantity: Enter the quantity that you want to make available in the Etsy listing. Note Note that you won't see the Quantity field unless you set the Inventory Setting field to "Allocate Inventory When a Listing is Posted". Percentage: The Miva Merchant software calculates a percent for each variant in your Miva store, adds it all up and that's the quantity that will be available for each variant in the Etsy listing.

      For example: in our Miva store we have a t-shirt that is available in 2 sizes and 2 colors. We have 4 variants (variations) of the same basic t-shirt. We've also set the inventory on each variant (see Edit Inventory Button).

      small white: qty 25

      small blue: qty 25

      medium white: qty 50

      medium blue: qty 50

      If you set the Percentage field to 10,

      Quantity Percentage

      Miva calculates the Etsy available quantity as:

      25 small white x .1 = 2.5 (round up to 3 shirts)

      25 small blue x .1 = 2.5 (round up to 3 shirts)

      50 medium white x .1 = 5

      50 medium blue x .1 = 5

      When a customer views the Etsy listing, they'll see that there are quantity 16 available, no matter what size and color they select.

      Tshirt Fixed Total: If you set this to 5 then the listing shows that there are 5 shirts available. Fixed Per Variation: Miva subtracts this number from each variant and adds it all together. That's the quantity that will be available in the Etsy listing.

      For example: In our Miva store we have the following inventory for our tshirt:

      small white: qty 25

      small blue: qty 25

      medium white: qty 50

      medium blue: qty 50

      We'll set the Etsy quantity to Fixed Per Variation = 10:

      Fixed Per Variation

      Our Miva inventory drops by 10 for each variant:

      small white: qty 15

      small blue: qty 15

      medium white: qty 40

      medium blue: qty 40

      When a customer views the Etsy listing, they'll see that there are quantity 40 available, no matter what size and color they select.


      2.5.3. Name: the name of each variant as you want it to appear in the Etsy listing. For example, if you enter "small blue" as a name, that's what customers will see in the Etsy list box.

      2.5.4. Price: When you use the Combined Attributes option, you can set a different price for each variant. In our example above, we set the small t-shirts (blue and white) to be $10, and the medium t-shirts to be $12.

      2.5.5. Available: Click the checkbox next to each variant that you want customers to see in the Etsy listing. For example, if you only want to make small t-shirts available in the Etsy listing:

      Combined Attributes

      2.6. When you have finished setting fields in the Add Variation Listing dialog box, click Add.

    5. If you want purchases in your Etsy store to affect your Miva store inventory: It's pretty easy to configure your Miva store so that, if a customer buys something in your Etsy store, your Miva inventory will automatically drop. (You must already be using inventory management.)
    6. 3.1. Make sure you use the Combined Attributes option when you create the variation listing.

      3.2. Enable inventory tracking on your Miva store product. See To Enable Inventory Tracking for Products with Attributes.

      3.3. Link your Miva store inventory to your Etsy store: See Marketplaces - Etsy > Settings Tab > Inventory Setting.

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