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Image Management

Image Management

Click on the cascade arrow next to Utilities, then select Image Management.

The Image Management screen gives you some control over your product images.

When you upload a product image, you actually end up with three versions of that image:

Note: The supported image upload types are .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .xbm, .png & .pdf

The original image that you uploaded is the "master image" and the smaller versions that Miva Merchant generates are the resized or child images.

What Miva Merchant is actually doing is checking to see if your master image is:

If your master image is small enough to fit in the bounding box of a thumbnail, the system would not generate any resized versions. It would use the same image for the master image (full-sized), main image (product page, etc.), and thumbnail images.

These buttons are only visible after you select at least one image.

Image Management

Delete Image: Permanently deletes all versions of this image from your store server: master image, main image, and thumbnail.
Delete Resized:

Deletes the main image and thumbnail image, but leaves the master image. The resized images will be regenerated the next time that a customer reaches that product page.

You can also delete resized images of a master image in the Details window (double-click on a master image name).

Delete Unreferenced: IMPORTANT: BECAUSE OF A KNOWN, BUT UNRESOLVED ISSUE, WITH THIS FUNCTION AND PAGEBUILDER, MIVA IS WARNING THAT THIS FUNCTION SHOULD NOT BE USED. BECAUSE OF THE ISSUE, IMAGES USED BY PAGEBUILDER AND OTHER PAGES MAY BE REMOVED ACCIDENTALLY.Delete all master additional images, and their generated resized images, that are not associated with a product. See also Reference Count Column.
Check for Updated Images: Delete all generated resized images where the date of the master image is newer than the date of the resized image. This feature might be useful if you initially upload master images using Miva Merchant, but you later updated the master images using FTP. If you use The Image Picker Dialog Box to upload a master image, resized versions of that image are generated the first time a customer reaches the product page. At a later time, if you used some other method, such as FTP, to update the master image, the master image timestamp would be newer than the timestamps of the generated images. If you click the "Check for Updated Images", Miva Merchant deletes the generated images if the master image is newer. New resized images will be generated the first time a customer reaches the product page with a master image.
Image Column: Click on a master image name to open a details window for that image.
Reference Count Column:

"Reference Count" refers to the number of products that are associated with an image.

Example: Use The Image Picker Dialog Box to upload an image of a coffee mug "coffee_mug_generic" and associate it with a coffee mug product. The ref count for the image is now 1. If we associate that same image to another coffee mug product, the ref count for the image is now 2.

The Image Detail Dialog Box

The Image Detail dialog box gives you more information about master images and a little more granular control than you get in the Image Management tab.

Image Detail

Double-click on a master image name to see details for that image, including any generated, resized images.

Image Detail

In the Image Detail dialog box, you can:

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