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This function is used to query one or more URIs from Miva. In order to use this function you must add it to the token as a Domain level function.

Request Parameters#

Type Description
count Number Maximum lines of data allowed to be returned in the response. This limit is used to prevent excessive amounts of data return
filter String A string for filtering returned data
offset Number Used with the Count parameter for paginating results of large datasets. Default 0 is no offset.
sort String The order for sorting returned data

On Demand Columns#

uris Includes URI object in response. Canonical URI is the default URL for the product.
screen Includes Screen in response. Canonical URI is the default URL for the product.
descrip Full HTML product description
catcount Number of categories the product is assigned to
productinventorysettings Product specific inventory settings
attributes Includes attribute object in response
productimagedata Product Image including Image Types and non image types
categories Product Category Assignments
productshippingrules Includes product dimensions and restricted shipping methods (if any)
relatedproduct Related product assignments
subscriptionsettings Subscription Settings - Added in 10.06.00
subscriptionterms Subscription Terms - Added in 10.06.00
url Returns the full URL path, including domain name.
CustomField_Values:* See custom field usage here: List Load Query Overview
product_inventory Includes 2 new fields for inventory counts as well as if inventory is active
page_code Includes page_code field associated with product in response. Page_Code is used for alternate Product page templates.
cancat_code Includes cancat_code field associated with product in response. cancat_code is the canonical category code for the product.

Supported Search Filter Columns#

Search Filter Description
type The type of search filter. For example, it could specify whether the filter is for a product, category, or feed.
URI The URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) associated with the item being filtered.
Store The store code or identifier to which the item belongs.
Screen The screen or page within the store where the item is located.
page_code The code or identifier of the specific page within the store where the item is located.
category_code The code or identifier of the category to which the item belongs.
category_name The name of the category to which the item belongs.
product_code The code or identifier of the product being filtered.
product_sku The SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) of the product being filtered.
product_name The name of the product being filtered.
feed_code The code or identifier of the feed associated with the item being filtered.
feed_name The name of the feed associated with the item being filtered.

Supported Sort Columns#

One of these values would be passed in the sort request parameter to have the results sorted by that column. Value may be preceded by “-” for a descending sort.

type The type to sort. For example, it could specify whether the filter is for a product, category, or feed.
URI The URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) associated with the item being filtered.
Store The store code or identifier to which the item belongs.
Screen The screen or page within the store where the item is located.
page_code The code or identifier of the specific page within the store where the item is located.
category_code The code or identifier of the category to which the item belongs.
category_name The name of the category to which the item belongs.
product_code The code or identifier of the product being filtered.
product_sku The SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) of the product being filtered.
product_name The name of the product being filtered.
feed_code The code or identifier of the feed associated with the item being filtered.
feed_name The name of the feed associated with the item being filtered.

Response Parameters#

Type Description
total_count Number Total number of records that match the search criteria. Note: this is not always the total products returned. Based on the Count and Offset parameters passed, the number of records returned could be different than the total_count.
start_offset Number Number of the starting offset products to return. Used in conjunction with the Count parameter for paginating results of large datasets.
id Number Product ID
uri String URI (unique)
store_id Number Store ID
Screen String Screen
The id number of the page
The code of the page
The code of the page
cat_id Number Category ID
ID Number of product
Product code string
Product code string
Product SKU string
feed_id Number Feed ID
canonical Boolean Canonical URI
status Number URI Status
store Object Store Information

store Object#

Type Description
code String Store Code
Name String Store Name

Example Requests#

    "Store_code": "beta",
    "Function": "URIList_Load_Query"

Example Response#

    "success": 1,
    "data": {
        "total_count": 217,
        "start_offset": 0,
        "data": [
                "id": 1,
                "uri": "/",
                "store_id": 0,
                "screen": "SFNT",
                "page_code": "",
                "cat_id": 0,
                "product_id": 0,
                "feed_id": 0,
                "canonical": true,
                "status": 200
                "id": 2,
                "uri": "/about-us.html",
                "store_id": 1,
                "screen": "",
                "page_code": "ABUS",
                "cat_id": 0,
                "product_id": 0,
                "feed_id": 0,
                "canonical": true,
                "status": 200,
                "store": {
                    "code": "MivaLearn",
                    "name": "MivaLearn"