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User Interface

Commonly Used Items

Affiliate Fields

The Affiliate Fields tab appears in the AFAD (Affiliate Create) page by default.

The template code in this tab controls the fields in the Affiliate Account Registration screen in your online store. To view the Affiliate Account Registration screen in your on-line store:

  1. Go to your on-line store and click on the Affiliate Login Link (see User Interface > Settings Tab > Affiliate Links Section).
  2. In the Affiliate Login screen, click the Create Account button. The Affiliate Account Registration screen (AFAD) will appe

Affiliate Account

Attribute Machine Section

The Attribute Machine section appears in the PROD page by default. It uses JavaScript code to tie a master product to product Variants:

For example, let's say you have a t-shirt product with an attributes for Size.

Variant Price Inventory
Size: XSmall $10.00 20
Size: Small $15.00 4
Size: Medium $20.00 0

When a customer is looking at the product page for the t-shirt, they can select different sizes. The attribute machine makes it possible to update the product page in real time with the price and inventory message that matches the variant they've selected.

Attribute Machine

Pricing Elements and Pricing Displays

The attribute machine can display several real time prices. For example, let's say you have a t-shirt variant, Size = XSmall. The regular price for this particular t-shirt is $10.00. There is a Price Group which gives customers 30% off the regular price. The product page can display three price values:

Price: $10.00 Additional Price Element / Additional Price Display. In our example, we set the Additional Price Display to the sale price.
$7.00Price Element / Displayed Price. In our example, we set the Displayed Price to the sale price.
Savings of: $3.00 Discount Element / Display Predicted Discounts. In our example, we checked the Display Predicted Discounts checkbox.

The "Element" fields are like containers. The "Display" fields give you control over what is displayed in that container.

Displayed Price

NOTE - the words “Savings of” shows on the product page because the Price Group that is triggering this savings has been configured with the text: “Savings of” in its Basket Description field. If the Price Group was not configured this way, the Price Group’s name would be displayed instead.

Super Savings

Attribute Machine Fields

Enabled:Turns the attribute machine on or off. The attribute machine must be enabled if you want to track inventory of product variants.
Initial Attribute State:

This field mostly determines if attribute related data (like a price change when the customer selects an option) is loaded when the product page is loaded. Loading the attribute related data with the page (preloading) means it may take longer for the page to appear in the customer's browser. If you don't preload the attribute related data, the page will load faster, but if the customer selects an attribute that requires a price change (for example) another call has to be made to get that information.

  • Do Not Preload: Choose this option if you want the page to load faster in User Reference Guide 292 Copyright 2005-2016, Miva Inc. All Rights Reserved. Publication Date: 03/31/2016 Miva Merchant Version 9.0005 the customer's browser. Information required by attribute selection will be retrieved in another call.
  • Preload Drop Down Lists Do Not Contain Select One: Choose this option if you want to load page and attribute related data at the same time. If you are using drop-down lists and you've modified the Page tab template code to include a "Select One" option, your "Select One" option will not be displayed.
  • Preload Drop Down Lists Contains Select One: You only need to select this option if:
    • You want to preload page and attribute related data.
    • You are using drop-down lists.
    • You've modified the Page tab template code to include a "Select One" option.
    • You want your "Select One" option to appear as the default choice.
Dependency Resolution:

Dependency Resolution controls how attribute drop-down lists are populated based on the current selection or a preset selection.. To use this field you must be tracking inventory at both the store level and the product level (see Track Inventory).

This field doesn't have much effect unless you are using Drop-down Lists as your option display type. For drop-down lists, Dependency Resolution changes the contents of one list depending on what you selected in another list. For example, if you select medium in the Size list, you might only see "Black" and "White" in the Color list, because those are the only colors available in medium. If you are using radio buttons to display options, the behavior will be the same no matter what you select for Dependency Resolution. Every product option will be displayed, but products that you don't carry or which are out of stock will be greyed out.

Dependency Resolution

Select one of the following values for Dependency Resolution:

  • First selected attribute shows all options: The option you select in the first drop-down list determines the contents of all other drop-down lists. If the first drop-down list is size and you select Medium, and the second drop-down list is color, only the color choices you have for medium shirts will be displayed.
  • Cascade: The contents of a list is modified by selections above, but not below. Let's say you had three attributes: size, color, and fabric. The contents of the second drop-down list would be modified by what you selected in the first drop-down list, but the contents of the second list would not be affected by what was selected in the third list.
  • Most recently selected attribute shows all options: Whatever attribute option you select first changes the contents of all other attributes. For example, if Color is the second attribute and you chose "Blue", the contents of the first attribute Size would only show sizes that are available in blue.
Inventory Element:

The Inventory Element allows the attribute machine to update the product page with real time inventory information.

If you go to: Menu> User Interface > Pages > Edit Page PROD > Product Display Layout section > Advanced Mode

There is a HTML div element in the default template code which controls the display of your inventory information:

The contents of the Inventory Element field must match that div id.

Inventory Message:

Choose whether you want to display short inventory messages or long inventory messages for products that have Attributes. To set the message length for products that do not have attributes, see Inventory Level Message in the Product Display Layout section.

There are three inventory messages that can show up in a product page: "in stock", "low stock", and "out of stock". For each message, you can create a long version and a short version, depending on how much information you want to give the customer.

You can create default versions of these messages:

  • See Catalog > Inventory Tab > Inventory Settings Section. And you can customize the inventory messages at a product level:
  • See Catalog > Edit Product > Inventory Tab.
  • If you set this field to "short", the short version of your inventory message will be displayed, and "long" will display the long version of your inventory messages.

Price Element:

The Price Element field allows the attribute machine to update the product page with real time pricing information.

If you go to: Menu> User Interface > Pages > Edit Page PROD > Product Display Layout section > Advanced Mode

There is an HTML element in the default template:

If you want the attribute machine to update the product price based on the attributes that the customer selects, the Price Element field must match that div.

Additional Price Element:

See Pricing Elements and Pricing Displays. If the product is receiving some kind of discount, the attribute machine can display prices like this: $10.00 $7.00

  • The $10.00 is the Additional Price Element. It's the original price of the product before any discounts are applied. You might want to show this price to customers so that they can see in the product page that they are getting a discount.
  • The $7.00 is the Price Element. It's the price of the product after discounts are applied.

If you go to: Menu> User Interface > Pages > Edit Page PROD > Product Display Layout section > Advanced Mode

There is an HTML element in the default template:

If you want the attribute machine to update the Additional Price Element based on the attributes that the customer selects, the Additional Price Element field must match that element.

Discount Element:

See Pricing Elements and Pricing Displays. If the product is receiving some kind of discount, the attribute machine can display prices like this: $10.00 $7.00 $3.00

  • The $10.00 is the Additional Price Element. It's the original price of the product before any discounts are applied. You might want to show this price to customers so that they can see in the product page that they are getting a discount.
  • The $7.00 is the Price Element. It's the price of the product after discounts are applied.
  • The $3.00 is the Discount Element. It's the dollar value of the savings.

If you go to: Menu> User Interface > Pages > Edit Page PROD > Product Display Layout section > Advanced Mode There is an HTML tag in the default template:

If you want the attribute machine to update the Discount Element based on the attributes that the customer selects, the Discount Element field must match that element.

Displayed Price:

See Pricing Elements and Pricing Displays. The Price Element field as a kind of container. Generally, it is used to show the customer how much a product will cost after discounts have been applied. But you can use the Displayed Price field to have some additional control over what price customers see in a product page.

  • Retail Price: If you select Retail Price, the Price Element field will display whatever you put in the Cost field when you created the product.
  • Base Price If you select Base Price, the Price Element field will reflect discounts from legacy Price Groups, but not discounts from the new "nonlegacy" Price Groups that were introduced in Version 9. (See Price Groups in Version 9.)
  • Sale Price If you select Sale Price, the Price Element field will reflect discounts from any Price Group, legacy or non-legacy.

In general you should use the "Sale Price" option because it will reflect discounts from both legacy and non-legacy Price Groups.

Additional Price Display:

See Pricing Elements and Pricing Displays. The Additional Price Element field as a kind of container. Generally, it is used to show the customer how much the product cost before discounts were applied. But you can use the Additional Price Display field to have greater control over what price is shown.

  • None: No value will be displayed by the Additional Price Element field.
  • Choose None

  • Retail Price: If you select Retail Price, the Additional Price Element field will display whatever you put in the Cost field when you created the product.
  • Choose Retail Price

  • Base Price (includes any legacy Price Group discounts but does not reflect sales, coupons or discounts applied in the basket): If you select Base Price, the Additional Price Element field will reflect discounts from legacy Price Groups, but not discounts from the new "non-legacy" Price Groups that were introduced in Version 9. (See Price Groups in Version 9.)
  • Choose Base Price

Display Predicted Discounts: Let's say you have a t-shirt that normally sells for $10.00. There is a Price Group that gives customers 30% off. If you check this box, the system will show customers the dollar value of what they've saved. But please see Pricing Elements and Pricing Displays.


Swatch Element:

If you go to:

Menu> User Interface > Pages > Edit Page PROD > Product Display Layout section > Advanced Mode

There is a HTML div element in the default template:

If you want Swatch - Drop-down List to change attributes based on the swatch selection, the Swatch Element field must match that div.

Invalid Attribute Combination Message:The customer will see this message if they select an invalid combination of attributes and try to submit the page.
Missing Text Field Value Message:

The customer will see this message if:

  • You configured Attributes to use a Text Field and
  • The attribute is required, and
  • The customer left the attribute text field blank when they submitted the page.
Missing Radio Selection Message:

The customer will see this message if:

  • You configured Attributes to use Radio Buttons, and
  • The attribute is required, and
  • The customer did not select a radio button option when they submitted the page.
Head Template: This field can be used to modify the attribute machine performance and behavior. It should only be changed by advanced users.
Notes / Versions / Recall / Clear History /:Please see Appendix 2: Common Fields in the Admin Interface.

Basket Contents Section

The Basket Contents is a grid-like structure that shows up by default on the following pages: BASK, OCST, OSEL, OPAY, and INVC. The template code in this section controls the display and logic of the Basket Contents grid.


Category Product List Layout Section

Product Links:

Do Not Include Category Code / Include Category Code


  • You set this field to "Include Category Code", and
  • A customer in your on-line store is viewing a category page and then clicks on an individual product.

The URL of the product page will be modified so that it includes the category that the customer clicked on. If you were modifying the template code of your product pages, and you wanted to know what category the customer had clicked on to reach the product page, you would be able to extract the category from the product page URL.

Customer Viewing


Do Not Include Category Code (Short Links not enabled)

Category Page URL:http://mivamerchantdev.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?St ore_Code=001&Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=Shirts
Product Page URL: http://mivamerchantdev.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?St ore_Code=001&Screen=PROD&Product_Code=cybershirt

Include Category Code (Short Links not enabled)


Controls the formatting of products in the category page.

Expanded means that the entire image box is displayed:

Computer Components

Line Item formatting looks like this:

Computer Components

Product Fields:

Select the fields that you want to display on the page.

Product Fields

Custom Fields:

If you have created Custom Fields and you would like to reference a custom field in the template code:

  1. Check the box next to a custom field.
  2. Click the Update button. Click on the Advanced Mode link at the bottom of the page. You can now reference the custom field in the product layout list template code.
Displayed Price:

By default, discounts from Price Groups show up in pages that use the Basket Contents item, but not in product or category pages. The Displayed Price field give you control over what prices are shown in category pages.

  • Retail Price: in any category page, show the price that you entered for the product when you created the product. This option won't show any options from any Price Groups.
  • Base Price (includes any legacy Price Group discounts but does not reflect sales, coupons or discounts applied in the basket): this option will show, in category pages, only those discounts that come from legacy Price Groups. This option is mainly kept around for grandfathering, since this option was added in PR8.)
  • Sale Price (includes legacy Price Groups and predicted discounts): this item will display discounts from any type of Price Group, legacy or otherwise.
Additional Price Display:

In a category page, this page can be used to show the original price and the discounted price.

  • None:
  • Retail Price: see above.
  • Base Price (includes any legacy Price Group discounts but does not reflect sales, coupons or discounts applied in the basket): see above.
  • Display Predicted Discounts
Buttons: Use these checkboxes to display or remove the "Add To Basket" and "Buy Now" buttons from the category display page.

This list box shows all of the Image Types that you've created, and the option "None". For example, if you've created Image Types of Front, Back, and Side, the list box will look like this:

Image Type

If you choose "None", no image is displayed. If you choose one of the Image Types, images that you assigned to that Image Type will be displayed.

Inventory Level Message:

Controls what inventory messages (if any) you want to display on category pages in your on-line store.

You can create default versions of these messages:

  • See Catalog > Inventory Tab > Inventory Settings Section.

  • And you can customize the inventory messages at a product level:

  • See Catalog > Edit Product > Inventory Tab.
Sorting Options:

In some pages of your on-line store you can show a drop-down list that allows your customers to sort the products that are being displayed. The pages where you can enable sorting are:

  • CTGY (Category Display) > Category Product List Layout section > Sorting Options control
  • PLST (Product List) > Product List Layout section > Sorting Options control
  • SRCH (Search) > Search Results Layout section > Sorting Options control

Use the On and Off radio buttons to display or hide the sorting drop-down list. Use the checkboxes to select what options will appear in the sorting dropdown list.

Computer Components

Default Sort Method:

One of the options that appears in the "Sort By" drop-down list is "Default". To see what the default order is for one of your categories:

  1. Go to Menu> Catalog > Categories.
  2. In the Categories screen, edit a Category.
  3. Select the Products tab.
  4. Click the Show Records button and select Show Assigned.
  5. Show Assigned

  6. Click Edit Display OrderEdit Display Order
  7. If you have at least two products in that category, you will see something like this:

    Assigned Categories

    Whatever order the products have in the Products tab is how they will appear in your store, if the sort order is set to default. Note that selecting a sort order other than default can slow the display of pages in your on-line store.

Reverse Default Display Order:

The default sort order for categories is to list products in the order that they were added to the category.

Reverse Order

If you check the "Reverse Default Display Order" checkbox, the products will be listed in the reverse default sort order, so the product that you most recently added will appear at the top of the list, instead of at the bottom.

But see also: Sorting Records.

Product Columns:

Set the number of product columns to display when the customer is viewing a category page. A two column display looks like this:

Computer Components


If you select "Do not paginate products", all products in the category that the customer has selected will appear on the same page. This can be a disadvantage if the category has a lot of products in it and the customer has a slow internet connection.

If you enable pagination, you can select the initial number of products that will appear on the page. If the category has more than one page of products, "Next" and "Previous" buttons will appear at the bottom of the screen so that customers can scroll through the pages.

Note that, if you also enable the "Items Per Page Filter" (see below) a dropdown list will appear at the top of the screen that allows your customer to choose how many products appear on each page. The customer setting If you select "Do not show page count", no page numbers will appear on a category page, just the "Next" and "Previous" buttons. If you enable page numbers, clickable page numbers will appear at the top of the screen.

Page Numbers:

If you select "Do not show page count", no page numbers will appear on a category page, just the "Next" and "Previous" buttons.

If you enable page numbers, clickable page numbers will appear at the top of the screen. In the sample figure below, display of page numbers was set to 2.

Computer Components

Items Per Page Filter:

If you enable the Items Per Page filter, a "View" drop-down list will appear at the top of the category page. Customers can select from this drop-down list the number of products that they want to appear on each page. The setting that customers select in this drop-down list overrides what you select in Pagination.

Computer Components

Notes: Versions: Recall: Clear History:Please see Appendix 2: Common Fields in the Admin Interface.
Advanced Mode:Click on this link to display the product list layout template code. This code controls things like the head tag, global header and footer, html profile, JavaScript, CSS references, leftnav, etc.

Content Section

Content is essentially a region or block that you can place on a page in your on-line store. The Content region can hold anything that you want, text, images, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, etc. You can create multiple Content regions, and you can control where they appear on a particular page.

To Use the Default Content Region

  1. Go to Menu> User Interface > Edit Page SFNT > Page tab, and look at the Details section > Template field.
  2. Storefront

    • Use the Details section template code to control where the content region appears in the page. Wherever you place the line "" is where that region will appear in the store page.
    • The item name must match the collapsible section name. If you have a content section called "Content", the mvt item name must also be "content".
  3. Now go to the Content section. In this tab you can control what will go into the content region.
  4. Edit Storefront

To Create Custom Content Items

  1. Go to Menu> User Interface > Items tab.
  2. In the Items tab, click Add Item Add.
  3. In the Add Item screen:
  4. 3.1. Give the new item any code name that you want.

    3.2. In the Module field, enter: cmp-mv-content

    3.3. Click the +Add button.

    Add Item

  5. Notice that there are now two new tabs: Pages and Extensions. Click on the Pages tab.
  6. In the Pages tab, select the page(s) where you want the custom content to appear, then click Update. In our example, we'll select page ABUS (About Us).
  7. My Content

  8. Now edit the page where you added the item. In our example we added the item to the ABUS page, so we'll go to Menu> User Interface > Pages > Edit Page ABUS > Page tab. (You can also just click on the Edit Page icon.)
  9. Assigned

  10. In the Details collapsible section, we'll add a call to the item, then click Update.
    • Note that where you place the Miva code in the template field will determine where the content ultimately shows up in your on-line store page. In our example, we put the Miva code just under the <h1> tag.
    • About Us

  11. Notice that page ABUS now has a collapsible section called "Content (my_content)". In the Content (my_content) section we'll add some sample text and then click Update.
  12. The text that you added now shows up in your ABUS on-line store page.
  13. About Us

    Content (inline_css) Section

    • Item Code: inline_css
    • This is a local Item. After you add this item to a page, it will show up as a collapsible section when you edit the page. For example, see Menu> User Interface > Edit Page SFNT > Page tab > Content (inline_css) Section.

The inline_css section appears by default in the SHIPMENT_PICKLIST, ORDER_INVOICE, AND SFNT pages. In the ORDER_INVOICE page it is used to control content and formatting of your printable invoice

To see what your printable invoice currently looks like:

  1. Go to Menu> Order Processing > Orders Tab.
  2. Select an order and click the Batch Report button
  3. In the Run Batch Report dialog box, select Printable Invoice and click Run Report.
  4. Order Processing

  5. The printable invoice will open in a new window.
  6. Order Summary

Customer Information Section

Header & Footer Section

Use this section to add content, such as images, html, and JavaScript, to a page's header and footer. Note that this is a "local" header & footer item. Changes that you make to a local header or footer on one page, don't affect the local header or footer on some other page.

For example, hdft is used on pages ABUS (About Us) and ACAD (Customer Create).

  1. Go to Menu> User Interface > Edit Page ABUS > Page tab > Header & Footer Section.
  2. Add your store logo to the header section.
  3. Go to your on-line store. You'll see that your logo shows up on the About Us page, but doesn't show up on the Customer Create screen. If you wanted your store logo to show up on every page in your on-line store, you could use the Menu> User Interface > Settings tab > Global Header & Footer section.

Page Header

HTTP Headers Section

Status Not Found

The HTTP Header tab lets you control the HTTP header and header content that accompanies a web page sent from a web server to a web browser. This feature can be used for many purposes, but a common use is to control the HTTP status code for a page.

Every page that is sent from a web server to a browser also gets a status code for that page (see). For example, if a web page cannot be found the server sends a status code of 404, and the status code is shown in the browser window.

In older Miva Merchant builds, if a customer bookmarked a product page and then that product was deleted, when the customer went back to the page they would see a Miva Merchant database error instead of a web server status code. To correct this problem, later builds of Miva Merchant included a "Not Found" page (NTFD). If a store page cannot be found, the user is automatically redirected to the Not Found page.

However, search engines like Google were indexing the Not Found page. Some Miva Merchant customers didn't want that, because the Not Found page doesn't really contain content that should end up in a search result list. One way that you can use the HTTP Headers tab is to control the HTTP status that is sent with the page from the web server to the web browser. For example, if you wanted search engines to continue indexing the Not Found page:

  1. Go to Menu> User Interface > Edit Page NTFD > Page tab > HTTP Headers tab.
  2. Click on the Add button Add. Enter "Status" as the Header and 200 as the Value. When the webserver sends the Not Found page to the customer's browser, the page will be sent with a status of 200 ("OK"). Search engines like Google will index the Not Found page because they will assume that it is a valid page.

  3. If you set the value of the HTTP Status to "404" (which it is by default), search engines will not index the page.

    By default the HTTP Headers tab only appears in the NTFD (Not Found) page, but you can add the http_headers item to any page.

Order Contents

Order Contents

Order History List Layout Section

The fields and template code in the Order History List Layout section control the logic and content in the Order History screen in your on-line store. To view the Order History screen in your on-line store:

  1. At the top of the screen in your on-line store, click on the Order History link.
  2. Layout Section

  3. In the Lookup Order History screen (ORHL) enter a customer's billing email and zip code, then click the Lookup button.
  4. Order History

  5. The order history screen for that customer will appear.
  6. History List Layout

Product Fields:Works essentially the same way as Product Fields in the Basket Contents tab.
Pagination: Works essentially the same way as Pagination in the Basket Contents tab.
Notes: Versions: Recall: Clear History:See Appendix 2: Common Fields in the Admin Interface.

Product Attribute Template Section

Please see Pages Related to Upsale Products.

Product Display Layout Section

This tab appears in the PROD page by default. It controls everything in the product display page, except for attributes. You can access the template code by clicking on the Advanced Mode link at the bottom.

Product Fields / Custom FieldsCheck the boxes next to the fields that you would like customers to see on product pages.
Displayed Price: See Displayed Price.
Additional Price Display:See Additional Price Display.
Inventory Level Message:

Choose whether you want to display short inventory messages or long inventory messages for products that do not have Attributes.

To set the message length for products that have attributes, see Inventory Message in the Attribute Machine section.

Notes: Versions: Recall: Clear History:See Appendix 2: Common Fields in the Admin Interface.

Product Display Layout Image Machine Section

The Image Machine is JavaScript code that helps to implement features such as Images, and associated features such as automatically generated thumbnails and close-ups (Master image).


In order for the Image Machine to provide the features associated with Additional Images:

This checkbox must be enabled.

The Image Machine must be assigned to a page, for example Edit Page: Product Display > Items tab > product_display_imagemachine checkbox.

Preload Images:

If you select this option then all of the Additional Images associated with a product: thumbnails, scaled images, and master images, are loaded when the page loads. This means the page takes longer to load, but there is a faster response time when the customer clicks on one of the Additional Images.

If you don't enable this option, only the first additional image and the thumbnails will load when the page loads. This makes the page load faster, but the customer will have to wait if they click on one of the other Additional Images.

Available Tokens: The list of tokens you can use in the element fields (Image Element, Thumbnail Container, etc.)
Image Element: This is in the template code for product display layout. It's a placeholder for the main product image on a product page. img id="main_image"
Thumbnail Container: A placeholder for the thumbnail image(s) on the product page: ul id="thumbnails"
Closeup Container: A placeholder for the master image window: div id="closeup_div"
Closeup Image Element:A placeholder for the master image: img id="closeup_image"
Closeup Close Element:A placeholder for the "close" button in the master image window id="closeup_close"
Head Template: Code used by the image machine. It contains JavaScript that displays additional images.
Notes: Versions: Recall: Clear History:See Appendix 2: Common Fields in the Admin Interface.

Product Display Layout Image Dimensions Section

Main Image

No Constraints: The image will be displayed in the main image bounding box at whatever size was uploaded.

Resize to fit within bounding box: An invisible bounding box is drawn in the product Main Image page. Images larger than the bounding box are scaled down. Images smaller than the bounding box are untouched.

Cyber Shirt


Enable click to closeup: If you enable this option, when the user clicks on the product image, a pop-up window will appear on screen containing a larger bounding box (you can set the dimensions of this larger bounding box below). See Master image for an example. Images larger than the bounding box are scaled down. Images smaller than the bounding box are untouched.

No constraints: The image will be displayed in the closeup bounding box at whatever size was uploaded.

Resize to fit within bounding box: An invisible bounding box is drawn in the Closeup page. Images larger than the bounding box are scaled down. Images smaller than the bounding box are untouched.

Thumbnails Enable additional thumbnails: If you are using the Catalog > Edit Product > Images Tab, this option will automatically display thumbnails for the images you have attached to the product. If this option is not checked, the thumbnails for your additional images will not appear, and customers will have no way of viewing the additional images.

Related Product List Layout Section

This tab appears in the PROD page by default. The fields on this tab are identical those in the Category Product List Layout. The basic idea of "related products" is that, when a customer clicks on a product in your store, you show the customer one or more other products that they might be interested in purchasing. You can add related products in the Catalog > Edit Product > Related Products Tab.

Search Results Layout Section

The Search Results Layout tab appears in the SRCH page by default. This tab controls all content and formatting of the search results page in your on-line store, except for image dimensions.

For information about the fields in this section, please see Category Product List Layout Section.

UPS Branding and Disclosures Section

The UPS item only appears if you have Menu > Shipping > UPS Developer Kit installed. By default the UPS logo and trademark text will appear on the Checkout: Shipping/Payment Selection (OSEL) and Invoice (INVC) pages, but you can add the UPS Item to any other page. You can modify or remove the UPS content, although that could violate your contract with UPS. Please contact UPS support for more information.

Note that you can easily change the size of the UPS icon. The file name of the UPS icon is in the third line of the (default) template code: <img style="float: right; margin: 0 31px 0 31px;" src="&mvt:ups:logo_dir;LOGO_L.gif">

You can change the size of the UPS logo by using either the "LOGO_M.gif" or "LOGO_S.gif" files.

Order Contents Section



Item name: view_order

Tab Name: View Order Layout


Item name: view_order

Collapsible Section Name: Order Contents

The Order Contents section appears in the ORDS (Order Status) page by default. This section controls the logic and content of the Order Status screen in your on-line store. To view the Order Status screen in your on-line store:

  1. Go to the Order History screen in your on-line store.
  2. In the Order History screen, click on the View link for an order
  3. Order History

  4. The Order Status screen will appear:

    Order Status

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