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User Interface

Search Settings

1. Search Settings

2. Search Preview Settings

3. Search Preview Settings Image Dimensions

Search Settings

Search capabilities have been much improved in Miva Merchant version 9.0007. You can now select product fields to be searchable, make custom fields searchable, and implement full-text search on supported database servers. There is also a new search preview option.

There is a new Search Settings tab in the User Interface.

Search Settings

Searchable Fields: Check the fields that you want to be searchable in your store. Product Code, Product Name, Product SKU and Product Description are searchable by default. Searching on Attribute and Option codes and prompts can enabled by checking the appropriate boxes. For example, if you make Attribute Prompt searchable, shoppers can search on ‘Extra Large’ to find all extra large products in your store. If you make the Attribute Code searchable, shoppers can search on ‘XL’ as well.
Searchable Custom Fields: If you have custom fields, you can make them searchable as well. Highlight the field in the left box and click on the Select > button to move it into the right box. To make a searchable custom field unsearchable, highlight it in the right box and click on < Deselect.

Searchable Custom Settings

Use Database Full-Text Searching Full-text searching uses MySQL FULLTEXT. This allows shoppers to search on any text string that appears on a product page. For example, a shopper might search on ‘twill’. If full-text search is enabled, all products with ‘twill’ in the description would appear in the search results.

Search Preview Settings

Search Preview Settings

Search Page: The search page is SRCH by default. Click on the LOOK UP button to change to a different page.
JavaScript Template: This code controls search preview functionality and content. You can customize search preview by editing the JavaScript Template code.



Please see: Common Fields in the Admin Interface

Search Preview Settings

Sort By:

Select the sort parameter from the drop-down list.

  • Display Order – Products are listed in the order in which they are displayed
  • Name Ascending – Products are listed in alphabetical order by name
  • Name Descending – Products are listed in reverse alphabetical order by name
  • Code Ascending – Products are listed in alphabetical order by code
  • Code Descending – Products are listed in reverse alphabetical order by code
  • Best Selling – Best selling items are listed first
  • Lowest Price – Items are listed from lowest to highest price
  • Highest Price – Items are listed from highest to lowest price
  • Newest – Newest items are listed first
Product Fields:

Select the fields to display in the search preview.

  • Product Code
  • Product Name
  • Product SKU
  • Product Price
  • Product Weight
  • Product Description
Custom Fields: Select custom fields to be displayed in search preview. Highlight a custom field in the left box and click on the Select > button to move it into the right box. To remove a custom field from display, highlight it in the right box and click on < Deselect.
Displayed Price:

Select which price field you want to display in a search preview.

  • Retail Price
  • Base Price (includes any legacy price group discounts but does not reflect sales, coupons or discounts applied in the basket)
  • Sale Price (includes legacy price groups and predicted discounts)
Additional Price Display:

If you want to display an additional price field, select it here.

  • None
  • Retail Price
  • Base Price (includes any legacy price group discounts but does not reflect sales, coupons or discounts applied in the basket)
  • Display Predicted Discounts – check this box to display the discount

To display images in search preview, select the image source from the drop-down list.

  • None
  • Main
  • Legacy Thumbnail
  • Legacy Full-Sized



Please see: Common Fields in the Admin Interface

Search Preview Settings Image Dimensions

Search Preview Settings Image Dimensions

By default, images in search preview are resized to 50x50 pixels. You can change the size by entering new dimensions or select No constraints to display images at their original size.

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