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Quantity Based Shipping

Use this module to generate shipping charges based on the number of items in the customer's basket.

Quantity based shipping has two modes: standard and progressive. In both modes you create a set of ranges for the number of items in the customer's basket, and each range has a shipping charge. For example:

Range 1: 1 - 3 items, charge $3.00 shipping per item.

Range 2: 4 - 6 items, charge $2.00 shipping per item.

Range 3: 7 - 10 items, charge $1.00 shipping per item.

In standard mode, the software looks at the total number of items in the customer's basket, figures out what range it is in, and charges that amount for every item in the basket. For example, using the ranges above, if you had 5 items in your basket, the shipping charge in standard mode would be:

5 items falls into "range 2", so we'll charge $2.00 shipping for every item in the basket.

5 items x $2.00 shipping each = $10.00 total shipping.

In progressive mode, the software looks at the total number of items in the customer's basket and applies the shipping charges from one or more ranges. If you had 5 items in your basket, the shipping charge in progressive mode would be:

The first 3 items fall into "range 1": $3.00 per item x 3 items = $9.00

Items 4 and 5 fall into "range 2": $2.00 per item x 2 items = $4.00

The total shipping is $9.00 + $4.00 = $13.00.

To Enable Quantity Based Shipping

  1. Go to Menu> Shipping > Add / Remove Modules > Available Modules section.
  2. Click Install under Quantity Based Shipping.

To Configure Quantity Based Shipping

  1. In the Quantity Based Shipping tab, click on the Add Shipping Method button.
    • Enter a name for this shipping method. This name will appear in your on-line store.
    • Check the Progressive checkbox to use progressive mode. Leave the box unchecked to use standard mode.
    • Save Shipping Method

  2. Click Save Shipping Method.
    • Enter a Floor. This is the minimum number of items in this range.
    • Enter a Ceiling. This is the maximum number of items in this range. In the example below we created 4 ranges:
      • 1 - 3 Items
      • 4 - 6 Items
      • 7 - 10 Items7 - 10 Items
    • Over 10 Items. To create this last range we put a "+" in the Ceiling field.
    • Enter an Amount/Unit. This the shipping charge per item in this range.
  3. Click Save Shipping Method. You can continue to add as many ranges as you wish.

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