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This function allows you to insert a new customer.

Request Parameters#

Type Description
Customer_Login String Login to assign to a customer
Customer_PasswordEmail String Forgot Password Email. This is also used as the email address to log into the account
Customer_Password String Customer Password. This password will get encrypted when the record is created.
Customer_ShipResidential Boolean Boolean flag used to determine if commercial or residential rates are returned.
Customer_ShipFirstName String Shipping First Name to assign to a customer
Customer_ShipLastName String Shipping Last Name to assign to a customer
Customer_ShipEmail String Shipping Email address to assign to a customer
Customer_ShipCompany String Shipping Company name to assign to a customer
Customer_ShipPhone String Shipping Phone Number to assign to a customer
Customer_ShipFax String Shipping Fax Number to assign to a customer
Customer_ShipAddress1 String Shipping Address 1 to assign to a customer
Customer_ShipAddress2 String Shipping Address 2 to assign to a customer
Customer_ShipCity String Shipping City to assign to a customer
Customer_ShipState String Shipping State to assign to a customer. 2 digit state code
Customer_ShipZip String Shipping Zip Code to assign to a customer
Customer_ShipCountry String Shipping Country to assign to a customer. 2 digit country code
Customer_BillFirstName String Billing First Name to assign to a customer
Customer_BillLastName String Billing Last Name to assign to a customer
Customer_BillEmail String Billing Email Address to assign to a customer
Customer_BillCompany String Billing Company to assign to a customer
Customer_BillPhone String Billing Phone Number to assign to a customer
Customer_BillFax String Billing Fax Number to assign to a customer
Customer_BillAddress1 String Billing Address 1 to assign to a customer
Customer_BillAddress2 String Billing Address 2 to assign to a customer
Customer_BillCity String Billing City to assign to a customer
Customer_BillState String Billing State to assign to a customer. 2 digit state code
Customer_BillZip String Billing Zip Code to assign to a customer
Customer_BillCountry String Billing Country to assign to a customer. 2 digit country code
Customer_Tax_Exempt Boolean Flag to determine if customer is tax exempt
Customer_BusinessAccount String Name of the business account the customer will be assigned
CustomField_Values Object Object containing custom field modules

Response Parameters#

Type Description
id Number Customer Id
account_id Number Business Account Id
login String Customer Login
pw_email String Forgot Password Email
ship_id Number Address Book Shipping Address ID
ship_res Boolean Customer Ship Residential Flag
ship_fname String Shipping First Name
ship_lname String Shipping Last Name
ship_email String Shipping Email Address
ship_comp String Shipping Company
ship_phone String Shipping Phone Number
ship_fax String Shipping Fax Number
ship_addr1 String Shipping Address 1
ship_addr2 String Shipping Address 2
ship_city String Shipping City
ship_state String Shipping State. 2 digit state code
ship_zip String Shipping Zip Code
ship_cntry String Shipping Country. 2 digit country code
bill_id Number Billing Address ID
bill_fname String Billing First Name
bill_lname String Billing Last Name
bill_email String Billing Email Address
bill_comp String Billing Company
bill_phone String Billing Phone Number
bill_fax String Billing Fax Number
bill_addr1 String Billing Address 1
bill_addr2 String Billing Address 2
bill_city String Billing City
bill_state String Billing State. 2 digit state code
bill_zip String Billing Zip Code
bill_cntry String Billing Country. 2 digit country code
note_count Number Number of Notes assigned to customer record
dt_created Unix TS Unix timestamp of the date account was created
dt_login Unix TS Date Time of Last Login
credit Number Customer Account Credit
formatted_credit String Formatted Customer Account Credit

Example Request#

    "Store_Code": "{{Store_Code}}",
    "Function": "Customer_Insert",
    "Customer_Login": "test1234",
    "Customer_PasswordEmail": "",
    "Customer_Password": "miva@123",
    "Customer_ShipResidential": 1,
    "Customer_ShipFirstName": "Brennan",
    "Customer_ShipLastName": "Heyde",
    "Customer_ShipEmail": "",
    "Customer_ShipCompany": "Miva, Inc",
    "Customer_ShipPhone": "555-555-5555",
    "Customer_ShipFax": "555-555-5555",
    "Customer_ShipAddress1": "123 abc",
    "Customer_ShipAddress2": "apt 123",
    "Customer_ShipCity": "San Diego",
    "Customer_ShipState": "CA",
    "Customer_ShipZip": "92101",
    "Customer_ShipCountry": "US",
    "Customer_BillFirstName": "Brennan",
    "Customer_BillLastName": "Heyde",
    "Customer_BillEmail": "",
    "Customer_BillCompany": "Miva, Inc",
    "Customer_BillPhone": "555-555-5555",
    "Customer_BillFax": "555-555-5555",
    "Customer_BillAddress1": "123 abc",
    "Customer_BillAddress2": "apt 123",
    "Customer_BillCity": "San Diego",
    "Customer_BillState": "CA",
    "Customer_BillZip": "92101",
    "Customer_BillCountry": "US",
    "Customer_Tax_Exempt": 0,
    "Customer_BusinessAccount": "",
    "CustomField_Values": {}

Example Response#

    "id": 24993,
    "account_id": 1431,
    "login": "test1234",
    "pw_email": "",
    "ship_id": 13046,
    "ship_res": true,
    "ship_fname": "Brennan",
    "ship_lname": "Heyde",
    "ship_email": "",
    "ship_comp": "Miva, Inc",
    "ship_phone": "555-555-5555",
    "ship_fax": "555-555-5555",
    "ship_addr1": "123 abc",
    "ship_addr2": "apt 123",
    "ship_city": "San Diego",
    "ship_state": "CA",
    "ship_zip": "92101",
    "ship_cntry": "US",
    "bill_id": 13047,
    "bill_fname": "Brennan",
    "bill_lname": "Heyde",
    "bill_email": "",
    "bill_comp": "Miva, Inc",
    "bill_phone": "555-555-5555",
    "bill_fax": "555-555-5555",
    "bill_addr1": "123 abc",
    "bill_addr2": "apt 123",
    "bill_city": "San Diego",
    "bill_state": "CA",
    "bill_zip": "92101",
    "bill_cntry": "US",
    "note_count": 0,
    "dt_created": 1645482414,
    "dt_login": 0,
    "credit": 0,
    "formatted_credit": "$0.00"