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This function inserts a new price group.

Request Parameters#

Type Description
basket_max_quantity Number The maximum basket quantity for the price group
basket_max_subtotal Number The maximum basket subtotal for the price group
basket_max_weight Number The maximum basket weight for the price group
basket_min_quantity Number The minimum basket quantity for the price group
basket_min_subtotal Number The minimum basket subtotal for the price group
basket_min_weight Number The minimum basket weight for the price group
customerscope String The customer scope description for the price group
datetime_end Number The end date for the price group
datetime_start Number The start date for the price group
description String The description for the price group
discount Number The discount for the price group
display Boolean Boolean value indicating if the price group should be displayed
exclusion Boolean Boolean value indicating if the price group should have exclusions
markup Number The markup for the price group
module_id Number The module id number for the price group
name String The name of the price group
priority String The priority of the price group
qualifying_max_quantity Number The qualifying maximum quantity for the price group
qualifying_max_subtotal Number The qualifying maximum subtotal for the price group
qualifying_max_weight Number The qualifying maximum weight for the price group
qualifying_min_quantity Number The qualifying minimum quantity for the price group
qualifying_min_subtotal Number The qualifying minimum subtotal for the price group
qualifying_min_weight Number The qualifying minimum weight for the price group
rate String The rate for the price group

Response Parameters#

Type Description
success Boolean Boolean value indicating if the API request was successful
id Number The id number of the price group that was inserted

Example Request#

    "Store_Code": "{{Store_Code}}",
    "Function": "PriceGroup_Insert",
    "Basket_Max_Quantity": 0,
    "Basket_Max_Subtotal": 0,
    "Basket_Max_Weight": 0,
    "Basket_Min_Quantity": 0,
    "Basket_Min_Subtotal": 0,
    "Basket_Min_Weight": 0,
    "CustomerScope": "X",
    "DateTime_End": 0,
    "DateTime_Start": 0,
    "Description": "",
    "Discount": 0,
    "Display": true,
    "Exclusion": false,
    "Markup": 0,
    "Module_ID": 83,
    "Name": "Gold",
    "Priority": "0",
    "Qualifying_Max_Quantity": 0,
    "Qualifying_Max_Subtotal": 0,
    "Qualifying_Max_Weight": 0,
    "Qualifying_Min_Quantity": 0,
    "Qualifying_Min_Subtotal": 0,
    "Qualifying_Min_Weight": 0,
    "Rate": "R"

Example Response#

    "success": 1,
    "data": {
        "id": 5

Error Responses#

Error Code Error Message Error Description
MER-JSN-00018 Invalid value for field ‘Name’: A price group with the name ‘Gold’ already exists A new price group name is required